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Anyone in Kent?

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Hi All,

Was just looking at the other threads and noticed the 'anyone from devon' thread, so I thought I'd ask if theres anyone out there from Kent? I'm in Bexley!

Love Scrivo

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I am in Whitstable.


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Hi there in Whitstable!

I'm new to the area just moved from Surrey, well greater london really. Just getting used to it!

Love Scrivo x

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Hello Scrivo,

I think you'll find the Devon thread you referred to is actually in the Devon regional forum.

So I've moved your thread from General Discussions to the Kent regional forum.


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Hello Scrivo,
I am quite near you, Blackfen

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Hi there, I am in Chatham!!

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Hello, I'm in Sittingbourne!

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Hiya..I'm in Dartford 🙂

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I was thinking of organising a coffee morning if anyone is interested? PM me!


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lots of us out there! As I said just moved here, settling down now and liking it so far.

I'm starting to get to know where places are, it will be good to keep in touch with the kent group!

love Scrivo xx

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Hello Holisticheaven, are you DFL (down from London) all the people I know in Whitstabe are!!

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Hiya, I'm from Kent..... Tunbridge Wells to be precise, you know, that gentile town in the South that has one of the dirtiest hospitals in the UK:o


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Hello Holisticheaven, are you DFL (down from London) all the people I know in Whitstabe are!!

:DI most certainly am not!!!!:):):p

Well actually I am a DFL just ~ i am a down from lincolnshire!!!


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Ha ha, I have not yet met anybody who is actually born and bred in Whitstable, there must be some, surely?! lovely place BTW unless you are trying to park on a summers weekend, last time I tried I ended up in Tankerton, not good!

Hello Lotusflower, it is such a shame what happened at your hospitals, my hart goes out to the relatives and the hard working ordinary staff, not their fault. I see the CE resigned, so should the rest of the board, especially the Medical Director, they are the one who made the choices

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Hello everyone!
I'm in Sandgate, at the beautiful south east coast.

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Hi, I am in Biggin Hill, Kent

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Hi Scrivo!
Kent born & bred me!
Special hello to 5star as I'm from Chatham too.
Why not get in touch?

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Hi I am new to the hp forum and I am from kent - Ramsgate to be exact. I notice that there is someone from whitstable.

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Raphael, if you mean sparkly stars, she has now moved out of Kent. There are quite a few of us Kent 'uns on here, maybe a meet is in order???

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Hi Ged.
Where are you in kent?

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Just scrolled back and see that you come from Sittingbourne.
I used to live in Chatham and sometimes go and see my friend in gillingham.

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Scrolled back and seen you come from sittingbourne. I used to live in Chatham.
What are you into Ged? Do you do reflexology for a living?

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All sorts!!!

Reflexology, IHM etc

No, not full time, unfortunately, I'd love to, but am building up gradually 😉

Got chickens, and now bees!!!

Thinking about Reiki, but not sure if theres much call for it, and the cost is quite pricey, bit out of my reach at the moment.

I used to live in Cliftonville because I worked in a home there, and also Ramsgate for a short time, whilst at college.

You Raphael, what you into??

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Hi Ged!

I'm a Reiki Master but not really putting myself out there as much as i should - I don't drive and our house is pretty noisy without anywhere to do my healing.
I am moving this year and will have a room for my healing so i shall advertise my services then.

I'm also into crystals, angels, feng shui, numerology, all things spiritual, astrology and metaphyshics, but are open to learning something new all the time.

I am a part time carer although i am off work with a torn ligament at the moment.

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Are you staying in Thanet?
Its great fun setting up a room, I really enjoyed doing mine - although, sometimes I think, hmm, if id of done that differently, blah blah blah, but tis too late now!!!

My folks are in Birchington, so I pop there every couple of weeks or so.

Yep, never stop learning in this game, thats what I really like about it! My pet hate, is clients who dont turn up - dont mind if they cancel, but just to not turn up, well, its rude!!

Did a spiritual healing course in Ramsgate, in 1999/2000, with a lady called Linda (cant remember her surname!). Really enjoyed it!

Love crystals too!!!


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Yes we are staying in Thanet. Only moving 10 minutes down the road. We are buying a house with my mother in law as her husband died in Feb and she is lonely and not in great health. We are in the process of buying a house just across the road from where she lives now - just stick her in a wheelbarrow and wheel her across lol! The house has got a granny annex so she has her own space and we have ours.
She has sold her house and we are tying to sell ours, but the housing market is a nightmare and my bug bear is people who don't turn up to view the house when they say they will!!! It is most annoying, especially when i have tidied up specially - i'm not the tidest of people!
If we can't sell them we will rent, but i have been told by two mediums that i have outgrown this house spiritually and it's time to go!
The house we are buying isn't much bigger than this one but having looked at lots of places and perusing house details this one ticks most the boxes.
Birchington isn't far away. perhaps we could meet up sometime when u r down if you are up for it.

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All sounds rather exciting then!! Hope you're able to sell soon, fingers crossed, eh?

Yeah, a meet up would be good! Shall I PM you next time im in the area?

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Hi Ged,

I am sure that it will all happen when it does.

A meet uo would b good. I've got a torn ligament so having to rest it at the moment which makes it hard to get out of house, but we could do it once i am more mobile.

what star sign are u? I'm a libran - well balanced not!!!

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Leo!! (..although I dont know too much about astrology!)

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I have a leo friend and my son and nieces are leos, as well as my brother, so i have a few around me.
I have found that there are two differant types of leo - the ones who love the attention and the quieter ones. I find them to be generous and kind. Not all leos are the same you have to look at people's astrological profile to see the bigger picture as such. I am a libra but my rising sign is in gemini, my moon sign is cancer, my mercury is in liba, venus in scorpio and mars in leo and that;swithout mentioning the smaller planets lol!
Some leos can be bossy and like their own way. The other signs can water down some characteristics or magnify them as such. i'e if you have a lot of fire signs in your line up then you may be quite quick tempered and passionate whilst water signs will probably water down that fireyness.
Astrology is a fascinating subject once you get into it more.

I went to see that 'Kung Fu Panda' yesterday - very funny and some lovely spiritual messages in it as well. I'm going to see 'Prince Caspien' today with my friend.

I hope that you are having a good weekend.

take care

love and light

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