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Hi there i live in northern ireland

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Hi i live in northern ireland. I am english married to a northern irish man. i the last four years i have studied aromatherapy, swedish massage and finally reflexology. I am also half through doin a beauty therapy course. It would be great to hear from anyone else.

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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

Hi Beccie,

I'm also English, have studiedAromatherapyand married to a Nothern Irish man - it's something about the accent, dont' you think? My adventurous man currently has us (self and two small offspring) living in the Northern Netherlands, and moving to Malaysia in four weeks' time. What made you decide to move towards studying beauty therapy? Are you working at the mo?


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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

my husband is a farmer!! so i am here for life!! i currently working in a nursery looking after children. What about yourself? what part of northern lreland do you live.

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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

Sorry Beccie - I'm cheating really. I'm only a regular visitor, to my husband's family in Belfast, and Bangor. Are you looking to give up the nursery work?


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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

Hi Beccie
I live in Northern Ireland and happened to be checking out the website when I saw your note. I'm at present doing a reflexology diploma which is hard going at times but we have a great bunch of gals in the class which helps immensely.
Best Wishes for the New year

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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

Hi Beccie and Nellx

I'm also in NI but i'm 'born and bred' here!

I came to aromatherapy and reflexology via trying to cope with stress and since experimenting on myself I have now gained VTCT quals in A+P, reflexology, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy and Non-medical Nutrition, and trying to practice in the evenings but it is hard to get clients

I live in Ballymena


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RE: Hi there i live in northern ireland

Hello fellow Norn Iron-ers! And those honorary-thorugh-marriage Norn Iron-ers!

Great to see there are a few people on this wee island in the same boat as me!

I have only just joined the world of holitics as i am near completion on my VTCT Reflexology Diploma. But it's great to know there are like-minded people who are in a similar situation as me near by.

I did read some mighty bad news from Anxious that has confirmed some fears though.

I too live in Ballymena and was hoping to build up a client base and treat on evenings and weekends but from what you say and as i suspected i may have my work cut out for me. is this true?

It would be interesting to hear what fellow-muckers (hope everyone knows what that means) interests, studies are and where studied.


P.S. Just as a by-the-way does anyone know if a smoothie is a substantial enough brekkie in the morning...bit of a debate going in the office!

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Just spotted your entry despite regular checks. Alas, I find it extremely difficult to make contacts and I do believe i've expended a lot of effort in trying. Just this evening i've contacted a friend, who I met on the aromatherapy course, to ask if she is interested in coming along for a treatment. We have done a lot of this as a means of 'keeping up good practice' and it has meant a lot to me. Being male I still cannot get away from feeling that this is what is causing me problems in establishing clients, though I also have VTCT in reflexology.

Would be interested in hearing if you have had any success. If you wish to share treatments as a way of maintaining skills i'd be happy to assist.

Best wishes and hope you are getting on better than I am at present

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where studied


forgot to answer your question! Studies aromatherapy and reflexology at North East Institute Ballymena. Did the A+P on my own bat, as I work full time in University of Ulster (IT, not therapies or anything similar!). Did non-medical nutrition in East Antrim Institute, Newtownabbey.


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RE: where studied

Hi all! Nice to know I'm not alone!

I'm in Carrick. Same bad news here too.. Personal circumstances have meant I am having to work full time at my fledging business as I am not available hours employers want for admin.

But no matter how many hours a week I put in advertising through door drops, talking to groups, flyers and posters, talking some more, offering influential (or so I think) people taster and free treatments I am lucky to get one client a week.

Very soul destroying! I am qualified in Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Swedish Body Massage.

I am also interested in learning Facials but not through a beauty course (not into the waxing and make up etc). Does anyone know of any relatively inexpensive intensive courses locally?

Thanks and good luck to you all


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making contacts

Angelstar28 - just browsing tonight having sent a Case Study to an enquirer on the Forum. Last week I had another 'turn down', having tried to get an opportunity to do a talk in a Community Group! I do keep trying but it is really so difficult. Wonder if you have been any more fortunate! I dont know what to try next

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RE: making contacts

Hi Noel et al

Same old I'm afraid. I'm giving the business til September (can't afford any longer!) as a full time venture then probably drop to part time if I can get an admin job during school hours. Mind you full time hours at te minute is mostly trying to advertise and PC work and this forum!

Did you try contacting any schools? I wrote to all the local schools last month asking about summer fairs in May and June. I'm attending three so far - just for Indian Head tasters. Might end up losing money on one cause they want £20-25 for stand, and that means charging clients but the other 2 I agreed to do for free if there was no charge - then it looks like the school is providing and I'm really in it for the exposure. Fingers crossed it generates a couple of leads.

Also thinking of specialising in particular areas of reflexology - have had a couple of enquiries re IVF - maybe you could look into helping the guys in your area? I guess it is more difficult for a guy in this line of work, but that said its just finding your niche - what about sports teams, or lecturing?

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hi everyone im based in belfast, im trained in reflexology and hopi candles, im doing accupressure and swedish massage at minute. hoping to go it alone soon.

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hi all i live in belfast, im qualified in reflexology and hopi ear, im doing swedish massage and acupressure at moment.

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Hi mecca_3ie,
It's great to meet you. I'm from Northern Ireland too :045: but am now living in Birmingham.

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Hi all just flicking through the forum and rereading your posts. Was wondering how you all are doing.
Im starting a business start up course next week, its very basic only four days.
Any good tips on sourcing business cards etc?

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im new here and was jus readin all ur posts but no one's been on in ages so ill prob jus be talkin 2 myself here lol.

im half way thru reflex course, have qualified in beauty therapy level 2 and half of level 3. its my last yr so ill be in the big bad world in june lol.

im from lisburn direction in northern ireland if anyone no's where that is. so it'd b nice 2 here from u's.

jh x

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welcome to HP - i'm also a NI forum member - Ballymena - studying VTCT Level III Dip in Body Massage p/t at present and have done several other VTCT courses

best wishes with studies and practices

