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The Spark

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amy green
Posts: 2258
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Noble Member
Joined: 18 years ago

Here is a free verse poem I wrote about a decade ago.
The Spark
A child's spirit
open and pure
authentic being
reigned in
to school years;
finding release
again, in teens.
All around
those succumbed...
too many -
wrong turnings
lessons unlearnt,
clipped wings
dead eyes wise.
Will your
need to please,
stifle your voice?
Will you
follow the herd
- afraid of colour?
beige mind?
Avoid the hype
- choose well.
Dare to be
your self
to life;
as, when in love,
regaining wonder
and feeling,
being alive.

1 Reply
Posts: 112
Estimable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

This is awesome Amy! 😉

Wow! I love poems, when i'm not in a mood, i'll just sit all day long and read some poems. That will sure spark my day! Thank you again for this post! i enjoyed reading it! 🙂
