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What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

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Amelia Jane
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...if anything, I've just found my cat playing with a little mouse, the mouse is alive but really shaking, theres no blood but I think his back leg is broken, is there anything I can do? what do wild mice eat? or will he just die from shock & am I prolonging his agony keeping him? (he's in a little box now...:()


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Take him to your nearest vet or animal shelter. He will need professional attention if he is to make it. Best to let someone like the vet handle it for the mouses sake! He is probably in shock anyway. Quicker the better to the vets!

Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Thanks caveman, he seems to of calmed down now, I was going to leave the box somewhere safe so he can crawl out...I'm not too sure if his leg is broken now, he's moving about ok


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

That's good news. I think you're right in that he should calm down again if you leave him for a while. Then if he looks ok let him out later. Good luck!

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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

If you've got some Rescue Remedy, I would apply 3-4 drops on the back of his neck, a few times a day.


Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Thanks Rosi, I do have resue remedy so I'll try that, I called a few vets & they said all they'd do is put him down, one vet did give me number for a place that takes in wild animals but there was no answer when I phoned so I'll try again tomorrow


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Hi Amy, How is your little mouse friend today, hope the rescue remedy helped. Very good for shock, and he would be in shock bless him.

Rosi x

Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Hi Rosi,
he seems alot better today, he's scampering about & has eaten some apple & cherry. I'm still not too sure about his back leg though but I'm sure it's a good sign that he's moving, I'm getting quite attached to the little fella now to be honest;), he's only tiny, I'm not sure if he's a baby or if it's just the breed of mouse. I'm trying to decide if I should set him free tonight, I don't really want to keep him too long as it must be a bit of a trauma for him being here & it's raining here at the moment so they'll be fewer cats out & about...but on the other hand I don't want to set him free if he's still lame incase he gets caught by something else..


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Did you let the little mouse go Amy?

Our rather wild cat - likes to live out of doors most of the time, very kindly brought us a pressie this morning, one little dead field mouse, but the other day she brought us two and they were alive, so I got her indoors until they had run for cover 😀

Many blessings

Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

No, I'm taking him today, I moved him into a bigger box last night so I could see him run better just to make sure he's ok, I'm 99% sure now that his legs alright so I feel better setting him free today


Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

I've now set him free, he seems so much better today, I'm such an old women though, I keep hoping he's ok & made some new friends, I released him in some near by woods, here's a picture of him

A big huge thanks for everyones advice


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Awww so glad the little fella made it. I would have used Rescue Remedy too.;)

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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

What lovely news. Well done!!

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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Aaah he looks a little sweety! What sort of mouse is he? He doesn't look like a field mouse. Well done, Amelia Jane, I've been following this thread since you posted it and have sent distant Reiki to the little fella.And, I've noted some of the advice on here for when I need to deal with a cat-casualty.

My cat is rather fond of birds, unfortunately as soon as she sees us, she runs off with them, so we can't rescue them. It is too late by the time she leaves them for us.:( We've tried everything, a collar with a bell and a beeping device (recommended by the RSPB) but she still manages to catch them. On theplus side, the mice that used to plague us must have packed their bags and gone elsewhere, we've seen hide nor hair of them since we got our little Missy.


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

It is a shame when animals kill other animals - and bring them to us as gifts! Our lurchers are expert hunters and often take down birds in the garden. Then they just look at it with a "what do we do now?" look on their faces [8D]

It's all part of nature though, whether we like it or not. Animals still have the hunting instinct in them. If we didn't luxuriate <such a word?> them so much with pet food they would be even better hunters. At least most animals hunt for food, whereas some humans hunt for sport [:@]

Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Thanks again everyone, I'm not sure what typeof mouse he is calmer, he was very small but could of been a baby
This is the first time that Salems ever brought something home alive, I think he was showing off to another cat & to give Sa his due he came to me as soon as I called him & let the mouse be

At least most animals hunt for food, whereas some humans hunt for sport

So true cavey, I find myself in a dilema if I see a fly caught in a spiders web...do I set the fly free & deprive the spider of it's lunch or do I leave the fly struggling & in for a gruesome death.....hhhuuummm...k so I'm nuts[sm=speechless-smiley-008.gif]but nature is nature, we've just forgetton because our meat it wrapped in plastic & looks clean[:-]


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

ORIGINAL: Amelia Jane
I find myself in a dilema if I see a fly caught in a spiders web...do I set the fly free & deprive the spider of it's lunch or do I leave the fly struggling & in for a gruesome death.....hhhuuummm...k so I'm nuts

Been there, done that!

but nature is nature, we've just forgetton because our meat it wrapped in plastic & looks clean[:-]

Exactly. You hit the nail on the head there.

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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Hi Amelia Jane,

Your mouse friend looks really cute......i hope he's doing ok back in the big wide world! I have never kept cats, but my next door neighbours cat keeps leaving mice on my doorstep every morning! However, they are always dead, which makes me sad. My husband gets sick of disposing of them! When i lived at home with my parents we used to have a huge garden, with hedgehogs, wood pigeons, frogs and mice. I used to love looking out of the window at dusk in the summer time when all of the little creatures would come out. I do find it sad when cats kill these animals, but, it is nature and the way of the world. (felt really guilty this morning as i accidently drowned a spider in the kitchen sink!)

Be sure to post more pics if you rescue any more mice!!!!


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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Same situation - mouse broken leg, actually dragging leg. Otherwise unhurt. Ideas?

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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Vet, or RSPCA Wildlife Centre (you may have to take, they don't collect mice). If it is a proper 'break' then it may not survive, due to shock.

Amelia Jane
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RE: What can I do for a mouse with a broken leg...

Hi Karen & welcome to HP
'My' mouse was dragging his back leg too but the next day he seemed a lot better, I don't know if mice heal bones quicker or not but he certainly seemed to!

I tried calling the vets & RSPCA too and they said they just put them to sleep, so if it's possible try & keep him over night allowing him to get better health, give him some small chopped fruit, my mouse enjoyed cherry:D..I'm not an expert but it seemed to work when I was in your situation

Good luck & keep us posted

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My sister left the top to her mouse cage open and the cat got it. The mouse now has two back legs that he is not using, i think they are broken, and his tail is not moving, otherwise he is fine, but it is so sad :(to see him crawling around on his two front legs with his back legs dragging behind, :confused:what do i do? he is also quite shaken:eek:

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Hi Maddison

Poor little thing sounds badly hurt - can you get it to a PDSA clinic or the vet? Keep it contained so it can rest - I'd put it in a small box with some nesting material in it - it may need water within reach, and see how it goes.

Good luck!

DancesWith Ferrets
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I know this post is old, but I have the same situation. My boyfriend lives on a piece of land right by the woods and actually has field mice in his house that I won't let him kill. Well anyway, I saw one small mouse having trouble walking and I thought "Oh he's just a baby mouse learning how to walk". Until the next morning when I found him half-alive at the foot of our bed. He let me pick him up and I put him in a box, he let me feed him and he seems to more lively. However I noticed that the reason he couldn't walk was a broken back leg that he is dragging straight out behind him and that paw is purple. I don't want to let him go because I don't think he can survive by himself because he can't even walk. So what I want to know is, can I buy a cage and keep him alive that way? As a pet? I cannot stand the thought of him trying to make it on his own, but I also don't want him to die from me?? I know he is a bit older than a baby because his eyes are open but he's a little bigger than a reg soda bottle cap.....any guidance would be much appreciated..

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Sadly there is unlikely to be a happy outcome to this. I think it may die of shock and/or infection soon.

You cannot keep wild mice as pets, and if they are in the house, they should be classed as an infestation. They carry all sorts of diseases. You may see their droppings and think its easily dealt with, but it's the urine which is the main problem.

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Take it to a vet.

DancesWith Ferrets
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Sadly there is unlikely to be a happy outcome to this. I think it may die of shock and/or infection soon.

You cannot keep wild mice as pets, and if they are in the house, they should be classed as an infestation. They carry all sorts of diseases. You may see their droppings and think its easily dealt with, but it's the urine which is the main problem.

You shouldn't class anything unless you know the situation personally. We don't have an "infestation" of field mice, they just pop up from time to time since we live very close to the woods. Personally I've never seen droppings anywhere in our house except by the baby, who is doing very well not that you asked. Thank you for your negative point of view, but my research shows that rescued mice (of any kind) survive if taken care of properly. Optimism rules.

DancesWith Ferrets
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Take it to a vet.

I called our vet that we take our dogs to and they said they would just euthanize him. They literally used the word euthanize. I'd rather take my chances keeping him alive than make the decision to take his life. He's actually doing much better, seems happy every time I locate him in his little nest.

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I hope the little chap survives, and you are able to release him back to the wild. My comment was not meant to be negative, just realistic.

Hopefully someone on this forum from your side of The Pond will be in touch. There are quite a few international contributors amongst us.

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I called our vet that we take our dogs to and they said they would just euthanize him. They literally used the word euthanize. I'd rather take my chances keeping him alive than make the decision to take his life. He's actually doing much better, seems happy every time I locate him in his little nest.

Okay. I'm in the UK.
Good luck with the whole project.
