My cat has a painfu...
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My cat has a painful back leg ....

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I don't know if anyone can offer me some advice? I have a 14 year old cat who over the last year has been getting very stiff in one of her back legs, it seems to be causing her some discomfort now and she's getting a bit miserable. She also has a very sensitive stomach so I have to be careful what I give her. I took her to the vet who gave her an injection which eased the discomfort and stiffness but I don't really want to be taking her back to the vet each time the injection loses effect (which it has done now) plus the vet did say it has nasty side effects like problems with the kidneys. Can anyone recommend anything she could take naturally?

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Dear Clare

Welcome to HP!

Poor moggy, sounds like she's getting some problems from wear and tear doesn't it?

I've no experience at all of treating animals with complementary therapies but I found a very interesting link and there's a part about finding vets or therapists in your area who would treat with natural means. I have heard good things about homeopathy and animals...

Good luck. She might like some Reiki if you know anyone who could offer it.


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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Just had a thought Clare, why don't you post a healing request in Healing and Prayers?

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Thanks for replying, I will take up both of your suggestions!

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

HI Clare,
I have a cat who is nearly 19 yrs old now and she is also getting stiffer in her back legs. I am a Reiki healer and have found that she likes having reiki 'cuddles' where she will curl up on my lap and I place my hands over her hip joints and send her the energy. She soon lets me know when she has had enough by jumping up from my lap!!
How about you have a go with your cat and place your hands on the affected joint then imagine all the love you have for her and the intent that you wish to help her and feel the warmth of all that pass through your hands to your cat. If she doesn't want it she will let you know! If she stays put then she can feel it and will stay with you until she's had enough. Reiki energy may be more 'focussed' but if you are not a healer then your love and intent could be just as helpful.

Good luck and let us know how you both get on,

Love and light,

reikiangel xxx

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Thanks again everyone and Reikiangel I will have a go at what you suggest although I have never done anything like that before - I will let you know how I get on.

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Hi ClareH, I would recommend you purchase a piece of Amber, it is very good for arthiritis and rheumatism in animals. I would place it near to where your cat sleeps, she will take a liking to it if it resonates with her.

P.S Amber is also good for digestive problems in animals.

Love and light
Rosi X

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RE: My cat has a painful back leg ....

Hi ClareH,

Sorry to hear about your cat but she is old and I do agree with others that have replied to your post, healing through Reiki is a wonderful thing. Each of us has within us the ability to channel energy where it is needed most. Indeed we do this almost without thinking about it when our body repairs itself. It is a power that unfortunately alot of people ignore but that all have. I use Reiki on my own animals when they ask for it. An animal will always tell you if it is in need of healing by a number of things, its mood can change, its dietry requirements can change and its whole personality can change. Do not be afraid to try what others have suggested and go for healing.[sm=cat.gif]
