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How about daily animal stories?

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We all have our pets but sometimes we meet with other animals on a daily basis. I will start with a story.
I met a spider in the office hallway. He seemed to be lost. I took it up and brought it to a plant and placed the spider there. Later on i saw that he had climbed up the stem and was hiding under the leaves.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?


YUCK, how can you pick a spider up? and how did you know he was lost? He might have been an old spider, taking its time getting to where it wanted to go, and now he is so scared of you, he is hiding under the leaves of the plant!



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RE: How about daily animal stories?

The spider is celebrating his first exotic vacation under the leaves of a palmtree......

In front of my house (i live in the country) are about 20 sheep. Very curious animals that follow exactly what i am doing while munching on grass. At night you can hear them breath in the dark. Sometimes they come to the hedge to be stroked. The skin feels a bit oily, oily wool. The crows are becoming hungry in the freezing weather and they flock around the sheep to pick up some goodies and get their protein. I will go to the shop and buy some catcookies to feed to the crows, they love that!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

On my way to a geology excursion in the south of norway - driving - I had an encounter with a female elk. Of course i had my camera beside me but i had to break hard to avoid a close encounter. When i finaly had the camera ready to shoot only the rear of the elkcow disappearing into the forest was visible on my viewer.........

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Hi Mum great idea daily animal stories!

Today i was introduced to the bigest cat i have ever seen she is called Bessie and was picked up at the assylum by my neighbour. She was hanging over the sitplace of the chair and I could almost see nothing of the chair.
Bessie is an old female cat who has been pregnant a lot of times and now without being pregnant her belly almost touches the floor while she walks. But no matter the size Bessie has a great personalty and a very shiny black fur, she likes catcandy with cheesflavour and imediatly also walked into our house to inspect the neighbours.
When our neighbour goes on holiday we will look afther her just like the other black cat Moortje downstairs with our other neigbour but that is another story.


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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Ok animal stories...
one of our dogs Merlin is a rescue dog...before we owned him he was very much a 'street' dog his previous owners obviously prefered him out of their he ended up being picked up...umpteen times by the police and taken to the dog pound...eventually he was handed over to what was then...Border Collie Rescue. It was obvious from the beginning he liked helping himself to food, no matter where or how he got it and many a time we would find our 'rubbish' bin had been 'turned over' by him looking from scraps, he would also help himself to cornflakes etc; at every opportunity he could get and will happily drink my husbands cup of tea...when he is not looking.
But this morning he excelled himself...I had bought some apples and had left them in the bag on the side near the fruit dish as this already had fruit in it and no room for these apples...and whilst I was out of the room he decided to help himself to a nice 'fruity' breakfast because on my return I was greated by a rather flat eared guilty looking took me a while before I realized he had happily helped himself to half a bag of cox's [&:]... the thing is the bag and remaining apples were still where I had left them he had not disturbed the bag at all...but had managed to help thats one clever dog[sm=dogrun.gif]

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Here's another story about Merlin...borrowed from another thread

I also think, infact believe that dogs are very tuned into their owners. I will tell you why. Over the last few years I have been very ill, infact in a wheel chair at one point for several months, and my dogs have been a great source of comfort. Merlin especially does not like me to be out of his site, where as Cody is happy if she knows where I am. Well one day an incident happened whilst my wife was out. I have a condition which when I have an occurence drastically affects my ability to walk and move about. My wife had been gone quite a while and I had been out back with the dogs. I had just walked through to living room when I could feel my back going and indeed my legs began to give way as I reached the window. I do not know how Merlin knew to come into the room at that precise moment but he did and he immediately placed himself underneath me, so that I would not hit the floor. He then held me for some 10 minutes with his legs locked, holding 14stone up, until my wife came in. Once she had got hold of me, he very gently eased me down to the floor. Both of them then placed themself to either side and stayed there until I came round some time later.

So he may be a little bit naughty...but one things for certain my husband would not be without him:)

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Amazing story, Stormdeva! That proves the fidelity of a canine! Then the naughty streaks are taken lightly,no?
Indra, thank you for the cat story, maybe Bessie needs a corset?

Our late dog Prince - the doberman- managed once to eat an entire french baguette that i had placed on the table for breakfast. I went out of the room for a second, when i came back the dog was licking his chops and acting as if he did not know where the bread had disappeared to.....

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Hoereee for Merlin what a great dog!

I also find it interesting that dogs seem to know when their owner is having an epileptic fit, that means that they better know what is happening within humans then we do!

Hugs to your dogs Storm Deva, thank you for the story.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Hi all,
I have a lovely dog called Ollie. I am sure she thinks she is a human. She sits and watches TV with us, she sits at the PC with me when I am working, and loves going for rides in my partners van as long as she can sit in the front seat. Her favourate place is to sit at the dinner table (she is not allowed there when we eat!). The other day I bought some grapes for my children and put them in a bowl on the dinner table. All day the dog sat at the table and cried. In the end I gave her a hand full of grapes the she wolfed down in no time. Now she jusy helps herself as we put a seperate bowl out for her with grapes in. She also has a big liking for pistachio nuts and she can crack them open, get the nut out and spits the shell on the floor. All we have to do now is to teach her to put the shells in the bin.

[sm=dogrun.gif] [sm=dogrun.gif]

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

I have 2 cats ski and jasper, jasper is a bit dozy and not really all that bright but he is wonderful. ski on the other hand is a sharp as a needle. i can play peepo with him and he loves it! he always comes to find me, he also loves playing with ear plugs (i know its a bit horrible) i flick them and he returns them (sometimes!) he also knows which hand its in even if i switch them around! he is very very cheeky and steels your dinner if you dont watch him. he even stole a friends bounty bar out of her hand once! [sm=nono.gif] in fact he behaves more like a dog than a cat.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Years ago when I lived in London...I lived in a converted the downstairs flat and became friendly with the girl that lived in the upstairs flat...she had a cat 'Pepper' which would often come downstairs through the hallway and ask me to let her out into the back garden...which I of course did:)
Well one morning she fled down the stairs as if something was chasing her and indeed there was...she had managed to get hold of the sausages that had been left out to defrost and had pulled them off the dish and in her haste run down the stairs with the sausages flying behind was so funny to watch...but it had frighted the cat[sm=cat.gif]

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

The crows were gathering this morning in the field. I went out and placed a handful of catcookies on the path to my house and there they came to feast. After having picked the cookies with utmost care they walked a bit around and before all flew up into the air i got this warm feeling in my heart. Was it me or was it a thank you communicated by the birds? I think the latter because it came suddenly and short.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

It sounds like a thank you to me Marijke, what a lovely story.

We have a cat, Ferdie, who isn't particularly big. However, he has this way of sitting with you on the sofa and gradually moving more and more into your space. If you make the terrible mistake of getting up to make a cup of tea or whatever, when you get back the whole of the 3 person sofa is occupied by Ferdie. I think he has super flexible muscles and joints which mean he can grow to twice his normal length. He is a very clever cat.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

I have a story which is quite sad, but because of the immense feeling of ........ I can't explain it ....... I thought i'd share it with you all.

One evening, late, I was driving home with a friend from a keep fit training session and travelling along a quiet country road.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a badger run out into the path of the car and despite my emergency stop, I hit him. I was absolutely heart broken, and with the tears streaming I got out of the car and went back to see if he was still alive.

He wasn't. He was completely still and I plucked up courage to touch him to feel for a heartbeat or for breath from his nose. Nothing.

Well, there's no way I could leave him in the road - that was undignified for him and such a magnificent creature deserved better. I picked him up (do any of you know how heavy a full grown badger is??) and carried him to the grass verge. It had recently been mown for people to walk easily and I crossed the mown section to where there were long grasses on the edge of the field and placed him there.

Looking down on him I had a strong desire to apologise to him and I bent down to stroke him and give my apologies and best wishes for a safer journey. I stroked his side, then his chest between his front legs - I was really sobbing by now.

Suddenly - he jumped up, looked me straight in the eye for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, turned on his heel and walked away - into the field.

My heart soared and my chest felt like it was about to explode. My friend was absolutely dumbstruck (but not so much so that she couldn't tell me off for risking a nasty bite - like I cared about that in my remorse filled state of mind)

That was 6 years ago and to this day I still feel all the emotion when I think about it. What was he trying to say to me? I'd like to think it was thankyou for helping him come back to life. I'll never know but it has left a lasting impression in my heart.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

Awwhhhh Lorraine
That is such a touching story...I'd like to think he was thanking you...
it dosn't bare thinking about what could have happend if you had left him in that, that was definately a thank you:) at the end of the day, you did save his life...someone else may well have left him.[&:]

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

My cat that I lost a few weeks ago, Felix, was a funny old sole. He was the kind of cat that would HAVE to be vocal when he was doing anything.

We were struggling at the time because our other two cats were bringing us presents in the form of mice from Romeo and fish (???) from Tweets. Both had left their gifts underneath the Christmas tree and were sat chatting about the days events. Not one to be outdone Fe came in, shouted loudly, saw the poor lost animals, ran outside and disappeared for about half an hour. He returned in full voice, to put the biggest leaf he could possible of ever found underneath the tree and sat next to it looking very proud of himself. He was such a character.

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RE: How about daily animal stories?

The 20 sheep in front of my house are gone! This morning only i saw them munching grass, lying content and satisfied in the sun. Whilst i was at work the owner came to get them - transported to the slaughterhouse, I feel very sad about it - those unique animals ending up on a plate........
