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Help - cat urinating indoors

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Hi everyone,

I wondered if anyone could offer some advice - a friend of mine rang last night as he's at the end of his tether with his cat (Chloe) and on the verge of giving her away. I'm going to do a bit of digging around and see if I can find anything on the net, but if anyone here has any advise - it would be much appreciated.

So, the current situation is that my friend (Trev)moved house a year ago after splitting up with his wife, they had two cats and each had one, the cats weren't related and just tolerated each other. Following the split and house move Trev (understandably)did suffer from depression, but is now coming through that, Chloe has always showed him a lot of affection, but urinates on the same bit of carpet, sometimes in front of him. She has a catflap, (was kept in forseveral months at first) buthas only used it twice in the last 9 monthsand on both occasions has got lost and been brought back by neighbours. Trev only moved about 5 streets away from his old house, so my guess is that Chloeis getting confused about her surroundings, but she now totally refuses to go out.

Again - any advise would be much appreciated, Chloe is a lovely cat, Trev has had her 8 years and it would break his heart to give her away, but he really is at the end of his tether, I think he's starting to blame himself, saying that Chloe's not happy, it's his fault and thinks someone else would give her a better home.

11 Replies
Amelia Jane
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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hi, it could be that his cat is a bit un-nerved byher new surroundings & the unfamilure neighborhood. But I would also get chloe checked over by a vet just to make sure she hasn't got kidney trouble...just to be on the safe side.

If everythings OK with her health & it's looking like it's the move that unsettled her he can by spray from the pet shop that he can put in her 'toilet' spot which will deture her from doing her business there....but I'd be inclined to get a litter tray for her to use until she feels comfortable & gets used to going out again...also...considering the time of year has there been a lot of fire works going off in the area...which would also explain why she's reluctant to go outside


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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Totally agree with everything ameliajane has said and recommended. It may be worth removing the carpet and any underlay that the cat has 'marked' over the year - bit expensive, but it may break the habit. Put the 'cut out' piece of carpet in the garden, so that the cat can follow the scent.
My old cat started similar behaviour aged 11 - when we took her to the vet it was found that she had a kidney stone, and also was having 'mini-strokes'. The stone was removed, and we just kept her warm and cozy and confined to two rooms for the rest of her 3 remaining years. She was perfectly happy so long as she could sit on the windowsill and watch life going by, or, in the summer, join us in the garden if we were doing something interesting. She had a litter tray in both rooms and was usually very good, unless she had one of her 'moments' - something like a petit mal. It may be that your friends cat is picking up the 'vibes' from him - they are more sensitive than we really know!

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

We've also had the same trouble with my cat, Nipper. Having been to the Vets and getting the all-clear we decided it just had to be down to her nervoous disposition and also territorial behaviour as she has never got on with the other (older) cat.

Nipper peed (quite a lot actually) down the back of our sofa and after the initial clean-up we put citronella oil down there as a deterant, and also used to put a large strip of foil on the sofa before we went to bed or went outso we wouldn't get any weeing in the night or when we weren't in the house. (Cats hate the loud cracklyness of the foil)

You might like to try tea-tree or citronella oil and aluminium foil to see if it works for you...

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Some good advice been given already.

I agree that first of all get your cat checked out by a vet, next time she pees in that spot, get a clean white tissue and dab the area, if the tissue has traces of blood, it will indicate a urine infection but best to get the vet to check her out.

I have quite a lot of experience with cats urinating - it could be a number of things, she can be 'pissed off' about something, unhappy about something, concerned for the owner.

Cats have very well developed emotional bodies and they can inadvertantly take on board whatever we are dealing with.

Is your friend 'pissed off' about something?

My cat will pee around the house if they have fleas or worms, if I haven't emptied the litter tray - they are always trying to communicate with us, and it is the only way they know how.

It would be a shame for your friend to give the cat away, but instead needs to understand what is going on.

I am picking up that she is picking up a lot of emotional stuff and is drawing his attention to this.

Rosi x

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Thanks – you guys are fab!! Loads of good ideas.
Sorry, should’ve said that he took her to the vet, who gave Chloe a clean bill of health and just advised to put down more litter trays. Trev hadalready put down several trays around the house, he keeps them clean and she does use them – but she keeps going to the same spot for a pee about once a day.
It’s a good idea about cutting out the affected bit of carpet, he really needs a new one, but can’t/won’t buy one until this problem is sorted, so he can afford to get rid of the piece she keeps using. Plus, I forgot that we’ve recently had bonfire night, that could’ve well unnerved her, last time she went missing was about a month ago. I think she’s getting confused/frightened and then trying to find her way back to the old house.
The foil sounds like a good idea, plus I’ve always got tea tree in, so will get him to try both.
Rosi – I was also picking up a lot of emotional stuff, but wasn’t sure if it was from her orbecause Trev is a good friend and I was just reacting to things he was telling me. He’s been through a heck of a lot in the last year, break up of an 8 year relationship (he didn’t finish it), having to sell the house he loved and then down size - he is starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,he is happy with the new place, but moving house is stressful enough. Plus, he’s beating himself up, because deep down he knows that Chloe isn’t happy.
Thanks again for responding so quickly, I’m going to see him and Chloe tomorrow, so will try out some of your ideas. Plus, I’ve completed my Reiki 1, so will see if I can help them both. I know one of my cats wasn’t happy when we went through a house move and it really helped him.
Jo xx

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hi Jo, I would recommend that your friend buy some Bach Rescue remedy and place 4 drops in the cats drinking water every day for about a month - this will help with the emotions.

Also, may be a good idea to get her a decent size chunk of rose quartz to place it near to where she likes to sleep, this will give her a lot of comfort.

How about giving your friend some reiki sessions, it will help him to release some of the emotions he's carrying around with him, and the cat will feel happier that he is helping himself.

Animals often will let us know that it is us that require healing.

Do keep us updated.

Tell your friend not to feel bad or down, his cat loves him very much and is trying to help him and once your friend is aware of this, he will feel more empowered, so the cat helps the owner, and the owner in turn helps the cat.

Rosi x

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hiya Pyewacket,

my partner have 4 companion cats, three of which are rescued.

Two feral kittens welive withhave been used to using the bathroom sink/bath as a litter tray in a previous foster home... we are getting them out of that habit by keeping a little water in the sink/bath and ensuring that they are clean, fresh litter trays for them to use.

We also have an older cat that came from a very turbulent house where she was reportedly urinating a lot, due to her fragile nerves in the abusive atmosphere I think. She has urinated once behind the television here, but, after cleaning,we used peppermint oil to mask the scent she would have picked up to prevent her going back there. She hasn't urinated since. As well as peppermint oil, you could try orange oil, pepper, tea-tree oil or citronella as Azalia suggested. Anything strong that will put the cat off the patch.

Blessings! Lisa x

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hiya, I'd try putting a litter tray on the spot that the cat likes to pee on.

I'd also try Bach Flower Remedies - Walnut is for change and will help the cat deal with all the changes in life - would help Trev too! 3 or 4 drops 3 or 4 times daily on a treat if possible, or in the water, but you'd also have to have a bowl of plain water available in case the cat won't drink from the tereated water. Star of Bethlehem is for trauma and could also be good, again for both of them?
Often rescue Remedy fails to hit the spot, and Star can do the trick when RR doesn't do a thing, I think it just depends on the person/animal.

The cat is just trying to tell Trev something/make him notice her to take him out of himself/ whatever, she doesn't need rehoming, just hearing. He could try an animal communicator too.

Loads of reiki on the way

And of course, loads of Reiki.

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hi, I have a lot of sympathy for your friend, I too left my husband last year, it was a violent relationship and I suffered depression. I had 4 cats and 2 dogs and justy took off in the middle of the night to my mums about 200 miles away. The journey and my depression led to my cats being very unsettled and I blamed myself, they wouldnt go out and urinated where ever they wanted, I couldnt cope till my vet came round to try and help me. I started coaxing them into the back garden , i had to stay out all day but when i came in i had to bring them in with me, now after months they are really happy being out on their own, and come back when ever they are called as long they get hugs and loves for doing it. They are fantastic now and Im so glad I didnt give them up. He has my respect for coming through his depression if he doesnt mind getting cold outside try it

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hi guys,

Thanks soooo much for all your responses, they've really helped. Apologies for not replying earlier, but I've had a few problems with internet access since my house move - all ok now!

Chloe had been given a clear bill of health by the vet, no fleas or worms and Trev had always ensured her litter tray was clean and had tried changing the type of litter used, but she was still having problems peeing. So,I wasinclined to think it wasmore of an emotional problem.

I worked with bothTrev and Chloe, not sure Trev was 100% convinced about Reiki, but itreally seemed to help Chloe - she loved it! I also used Star of Bethlehem with them both and put down some tin foil in the spot Chloekept going to.

Good news .........Chloe has been much better, originally she was peeing in the same spot several times a week, but apart from one incident,it's been going great.

So, I just want to say a huge thank you for all your advice - it's been a great help. Trev is also feeling more uplifted and he's really pleased with the difference in Chloe in such a short space of time - this problem had been going on for nearly a year! I'm going to continue working with them both and Trev has agreed there's no need for Chloe to be re-homed.

Thanks again

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RE: Help - cat urinating indoors

Hi Jo,

I'm glad to hear things have resolved themselves. Great news about the Reiki too!!!
