Flies around my rab...
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Flies around my rabbit hutch

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My rabbits Rosie and Brian's hutch is in the garden at the side of our house. I clean them out every two days but they always have loads of flies flying around that get inside the hutch. 😮 Doesn't matter where we move the hutch to, they still get the flies!!! I hate them (flies that is !!) 🙁 and don't know what to do about it. Anyone got any suggestions??

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It's a nightmare

I fully sympathise with your situation. I have been told that lavender is fantastic at deterring flies, so we have it planted all round the hutch, and I use a lavender disinfectant spray, and use it inside and around the hutch, especially on hot days, even when not clearing them out - I just spray it on the ground. Someone also suggested hanging fly papers (you know those awful sticky things that hang in shops sometimes) on the hutch, out of the rabbit's reach obviously, but I can't say I'm too keen on that idea. Conventionally, if you have a bunny that might be susceptible to flystrike, then speak to the vet about rearguard - chemicals, but might just do the job. Hope this helps, and if anyone has any other ideas then I will gladly listen.:o And best of luck!

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I'm interested to read the replies to this problem because, although I don't have rabbits, I do have a lot of neighbours with cats, who poo in my garden so I get a lot of flies - bluebottles yeuk! - too. I have just bought some pepper powder to spread around. From what I read it's just pepper, no chemicals, to deter the cats - but I would be happy to plant lavender too. (Come to think of it, I already have!)

Sunanda xxx

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Before our two bunnies 'went Bush' (escaped from their hutch, but continued to return for food twice a day for the following three years!) I cleaned their hutch everyday during the summer, and used a few drops of lavender oil in the finishing rinse. I also put a roll of window netting (the black sort, used to make window screens) over the open wire front, and this did wonders for keeping the flies out. Having seen a friends neglected pet with awful flystrike, I never wanted it to happen to ours.

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Many thanks for your replies guys, you have given me some great ideas!!! Having just moved into this present house and garden I had been thinking about getting some Lavender plants as I absolutely love them and their scent. Will also try a bit of lavender oil when cleaning the hutch and will be putting in some netting to put over their chicken wire! Brills, will let you know the results in due time.

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Have followed the wonderful advice given, put black net over wire bits have got lavender in pots around base of hutch as it's on legs, and put lavender oil on the ceiling bit of hutch too and hey presto no flies (well none seen so far anyway). So I'm going to invest even more in lavender - this time to stop flies from coming in the house!!

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good idea re the netting, but you would have to watch out for any trapped flies as they wouldnt be able to get out and would bother bunny. poor bunnies, they r the uk's most neglected pet apparently 🙁

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The flies can also be a potential problem for the rabbit's health in that they can cause fly strike. This is when they lay their eggs on the rabbits(often round their bottom) which then hatch into maggots which eat away at the flesh and cause blood poisoning. This process can be very quick and dangerous.

Because you keep the hutches so clean you have already reduced the risk of this happening but the flies are a problem. I used to have rabbits and found citronella useful in detering flies. I used to make a solution a bit like that which I make for the horses from citronella oil, t-tree oil and water.

For the rabbits I did not put it on their fur because I don't think it would be a good idea but I did spray it on the outside of their hutches everyday and i found that really worked.

As said lavender is also good.

Another thing I would recomend though it is probably too late in the year is to get scented geraniums and put around the hutches. Again these deter flies wonderfully and smell lovely as well.

The only thing with those geraniuams is that they need to come indoors or in a green house in colder weather so tend to be in pots but they are used a lot in warmer countries for the flies.


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A tip i heard for deterring flies is to fill clear plastic bags with water, then hang them as apparently the water magnifies the flies reflection and scares them away. Perhaps this may be impractical , one way round is to put some metal 'question mark' shaped hooks on either side of the hutch .:D

Warmest wishes- calla lily x

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My bunnies have a pet spidar who sorts out any rogue flies that invade their home. He does a fantastic job!
Take care
Donna x
