Hi there, my cat is currently at the vets. I have been told he has chronic - then something or other :confused: - gingivitis (spelling?) - there is no cure only a course of treatment to 'manage' it...today he is having the remainder of his molars removed 🙁 then he will have a course of cortizone (?) injections followed by tablets (which I am assured he will take (as he usually wont 'do' tablets - no matter what I do)).
Am just wondering whether there is anything by way of complementary med that I can use (alongside vet treatment) and/or whether anyone has ever had the same issue with a cat?
Thanks for reading x
Hi CrystalCat
Poor cat how old is he'she?
My vet recommended giving the cats raw meat (but not pork or chicken) as this is better for their teeth, after descaling the teeth. I am not aware of anything else that would help gingivitis in cats though. Are the cortozone injections to reduce inflammation?
I can't lay my hands on my complementary therapy books for pets at the moment but will do a search for it later on. However, I am sure arnica would help healing, but do not know the quantity.
You could use some rescue remedy for the shock of it all.
Hi Binah, thanks - I just replied and will reply again v. soon - but somehow I just managed to delete the whole darn thing...
Hello and thanks Binah. He is approx 9 years old - not too sure as he came to me as a rescue cat really - I've had him for just over 6 six years now.
Will have to be fed soft food for a time until his gums heal - poor thing - but he does really rather like the jelly on the food - but will defo feed him raw beef/lamb if thats recommended. Raw liver would probably do him the world of good too?
Yes, the cortozone is to reduce the inflammation and the tablets after are to help 'manage' the condition.
As for Arnica - will have to google this as havent a clue what that is. I will ask vet too about anything complementary to run alongside this course of treatment.
Oh and Binah, only look at your pet therapy books if you are minded to do so, please don't go to any trouble on my behalf, but if you do, thank you so much.
I pretty much had an idea of the cost, as this year so far I've spent £500 between two cats - two different problems - but this problem is covered by insurance. What actually had me going for a bit was when my vet looked at his mouth/throat and immediately put him back in his basket and said, right we need to talk about this - I thought oh no he's got something incurable (which it is) but I was thinking the worst!!!
Anyway, once again, many, many thanks x
re: Arnica - my, my, I knew I'd led a sheltered life - but just found out how sheltered - oh dear... that sounds good stuff - will do more research too...:)
Hi Crystal Cat
If you are interested in feeding a partial or raw food diet have a look at a number of sites. Try
We feed our three a partial raw food diet and they are thriving. We made the choice because one of them was really poorly on standard cat food so they have hypoallergenic biscuits and a mixture of raw chicken/fish/heart and liver.
Don't feed too much liver in a week - about 100g in total is all a cat needs but they do need fresh heart for the taurine. We occasionally also feed chicken wing tips, feet and neck/spine. Binah I note what your vet says but ours turn their noses up at beef and lamb. We work on the basis of what would they eat if "wild". We also buy frozen one day old chicks for them as a treat and "toy".
AMP do frozen free flow meat and fish and you can buy 50-70% fish in tins with jelly - Try Hilife Classic or Asda Tiger Premium select. They also stock Simply Fish in tins and sachets. It is important to read the label regarding contents.
You could also try some rescue remedy or similar to ease the shock and soothe. Pale blue crystals would be soothing and hopefully reduce swelling so you could energise some water with blue lace agate or rose quartz for healing. The mouth relates to the throat chakra.
Hope your cat is back to his normal self soon.
Hi Earthbabe & Binah -well he's back - three fangs remaining 😮 - wobbling all over the place 🙂 - poor sausage - he wants to eat but am holding back on that for a couple of hours at the mo just so he can settle a bit - back for a check up in two weeks and the cortozone starts. Thanks for the websites will have a gander (it wasn't Binah who suggested beef/lamb that was just me as an alternative). The diet of hypo-wotsit biscuits and raw meat/fish sounds very good too...thanks for your responses it is most welcome and is 'food for thought' x