Tesco burgers: low in fat but high in Shergar
My lidl pony
Shergar’s bum is an anagram of hamburgers
They'll need to find a Newmarket for their burgers now!
Don't eat them. They'll give you the trots
last night I ate Tesco burger and a fetlock of good it did me
Zebra found in the bar code
They're all part of a stable diet
I was wondering whose burgers are best, Tesco or Sainsburys? Turns out that Tesco burgers win by a nose!
Horse meat found in Tesco burgers, camel toe found in Tesco leggings
People aren't mincing their words are they? Perhaps we should rein this in a little- it's all very unbridled.
Tesco, tracing your meat from stable to table...#
I had a Tesco burger last week and got the runs. 2-30 at Aintree
I don't know what all the fuss is about - it's not as though it was the mane ingredient
Typical of Tesco to flog dead horse.
This ascot to be wrong
I know an old lady who swallowed a horse, she bought it in Tescos, of course
Health Officials have said that the Tesco burgers pose no health risk, except for the high sugar lump content.
Tesco - an equine opportunities company ...
Every little 'bit' helps!
This cold weather has brought widespread respiratory infections. Tesco burger packers are feeling a little horse.
Haha this is brilliant! Thank you for sharing 😛
Personally I don't have too much of a problem with the fact that there's a bit of horse in the burgers, I'd still eat them 😀
Personally I don't have too much of a problem with the fact that there's a bit of horse in the burgers, I'd still eat them 😀
Really? Interesting. How about this, Nick? Would you have a problem with eating this?? Hmnnnn (?):
My husband quoted that in the local town just after the war there was a butcher that specialised in horsemeat. it had been there very many years. As horses are vegetarian it has been common to consume the culled animals, and still is on the continent. Many culled New Forest and Exmore ponies are sent across the Channel.
Dogs on the other hand are carnivores (not normally considered suitable for human consumption) and I believe it is only in Eastern Asia that they are eaten.
Neither are my choice, however!
Tesco want to sponsor the Scottish Premier League. They reckon it will be a one horse race for the next two years (without Rangers).
Haven't seen the original of this, but a friend was telling me she saw a cartoon of some horses galloping, and one's calling to the others: "Hurry up lads, before they Findus!" 😀