Please can you send healing to baby Taylan who was born in July 13 weeks premature. He has been fighting chronic lung disease due to his premature birth and is currently still in a special care baby unit.
His Mother has given me permission to post on here and appreciates anything that you do that will help him improve enough to be discharged from hospital so that they can finally get on with life at home.
Thank you in advance,
blessings to all, may health be restored
Love, Light and Healing to baby Taylan and family. I used to work on a Prem baby unit and know how fragile life is at this stage, but also what fighters they are. Hope all goes well for them.
I shall pray for baby Taylan and family.
Desi Girl
Thank you all, he is starting to make progress, but still has a long way to go before he can go home. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for your support & also thank you on behalf of his Mum too.
May the fullest healing come to precious Taylan and :hug: loving support and courage to his family :grouphug:
Love and Reiki healing being sent to baby Tylan and his family
Thank you.
Taylan now has a lung infection which has resulted in him having to be on a life support machine today, please continue to keep him and his family in your thoughts.
Many thanks :hug:
lighting a candle and sending prayers for all involved xxxxxxxxxx
Love, Light and Healing to all concerned
Thank you. I have just heard from his Mum that he is making a very, very slow recovery, so please keep him in your thoughts. Many thanks :hug:
Unfortunately baby Taylan died on Saturday night peacefully in his parents arms. Please keep his family and all who mourn his loss in your thoughts and prayers. Taylan was a beautiful little soul who is now being looked after by the angels.
Thank you for helping me send healing to him, his family and situation over these last couple of months.
So sorry to hear this news. It always leavs such a 'hole', but as you say he is now with tha angels.
My condolences to the family with Love, Light and Healing.
Oh Jo,
This is really sad news.
Please tell his parents my thoughts are with them.
I shall pray for them all.
Desi Girl
Thank you both, I shall pass your messages on xx
So sorry to hear this sad news Jo. Sending love and healing to all.
Linda xx