Don't if you'll like this or not but how about
having two words to start with and you have to change one of the words for another which will still go with the other.
Hope that makes sense. Example
street corner
you could then have
street lamp
corner shop
So to start,
remember the
'nuts, whole hazelnuts hoa'............:011:
'Cadburys take 'em and they cover them with chocolate':dft011:
monkey nuts
nut roast
roast potato
roast potato
potato pie mmmm
potato pie
potato men !!! another blast from the past!
potato crisps
crispy bacon
crispy bacon
bacon sandwich
bacon sandwich
sandwich spread
sandwich spread
spread eagle
spread eagle
eagle eye
eagle eye
eye catching
eye catching
fly catching
fly catching
fly fishing
fly fishing
fishing rod
fishing reel
fishing reel
can I have reel ale?!! No - okay
fishing boat
lets hope we can leave the fish in the water now and
fishing boat
Boat house
boat house
house wine
theres no prising you from the alcohol tonight is there treaks 😉
house wine
house wife
Ha - and the reality is that I'm sat here with a glass of pure water!!!
house wife
dog house
dog house
dog lead
dog lead
lead role
lead role
role play
role play
play house
play house
house party
house party
party animal
party animal
power animal
p.s. serendipity you just posted your 1111 post!!!
Oh! yeah, isn't that something to do with angels when you notice 11s???????
power animal
animal magic
Yes think it is! any one know what 1111 means?
animal magic
white magic
snow white