Don't if you'll like this or not but how about
having two words to start with and you have to change one of the words for another which will still go with the other.
Hope that makes sense. Example
street corner
you could then have
street lamp
corner shop
So to start,
walking stick
dog walking
Lisa x
power walking
power walking
power steering
power steering
power nap
Power nap
Brain Power
Brain Power
Power Down
Power Down
Break Down
break dancing
break dancing
tea break
tea break
tea time
tea time
me time
me time
time machine
time machine
sewing machine
sewing machine
sewing thread
sewing thread
thread bare
bare feet
tea time
tea bag
bare feet
bare naked
bare naked
naked truth
naked truth
truth serum
truth serum
hair serum
hair serum
hair extension(s)
hair brush
hair brush
hair band
elastic band
elastic band
band aid
band aid
hair band
are we having the same things twice *serendipity*?
hair band was in an earlier post 🙂
brass band
Brass Band
Brass Monkey
Monkey Nuts