hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Babylon 5
Candy Man
Durin - Dwarf in the Hobbit
Eowyn, the Lady of Rohan and King Theoden’s niece (LOTR)
Fahrenheit 451
Gollum (The Hobbit & LOTR)
H. G. Wells
Invisible Man, The (1933)
Judge Dredd
Logan's Run
Moonbase Alpha - Space 1999
Nemo - as in Captain..., not the fish
Odo (Star Trek:DS9)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Quatermass & The Pit (1967)
Ronin? as in Echo aka Maya Lopez of comic fame (and not the Robert De Nero Film- although it was a good film) - I'm not sure of the rules actually, so ignore it if it dont count... doh!:o
Survivors - old TV series (does anyone remember that?)
Troy Tempest - Stringray (yep, I remember. Remember this?)
V - 80's TV series. I recently mentioned this on another thread and was waiting for v to come along.
I do remember Stingray - the first British television programme to be filmed entirely in colour apparently.
Wild wild west
X wing fighter - Star Wars
Yeti - does this count as a creature of fantasy?
Yes, talking of which . . . Abominable Snowmen - Dr Who
Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) - oops! sorry wrong way round.
B'Elanna Torres - Chief Engineer (Star Trek:Voyager)
Catwoman (Batman and Robin)
Donovan, Mike in I, Robot.