hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Arthur C Clarke
Hi Barafundle, you've read the Rama trilogy.
I AM impressed.
Hidden depths, eh!
Have you read the 'Trigger' by Arthur C Clarke?
Of course Child's End was the classic.
But I think Garden of Rama beat it!
And then of course,
The Gods themselves by Isaac Asimov.
You should like it; all about love.
Yar, Tasha - Star Trek TNG
Ziggy (parallel hybrid computer) - Quantum Leap
Andromeda Strain (1971)
Calavicci, Rear Admiral Albert (Quantum Leap)
Data (Star Trek:TNG)
e.t. (extraterrestrial)
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Galaxy Quest - great Star Trek spoof
Hi Barafundle, you've read the Rama trilogy.
I AM impressed.
Hidden depths, eh!
Have you read the 'Trigger' by Arthur C Clarke?
Of course Child's End was the classic.
But I think Garden of Rama beat it!
And then of course,
The Gods themselves by Isaac Asimov.
You should like it; all about love.
I've read them all, Prashna. Wasn't it Childhood's End? Great stuff.
heroes( violent( according to me!) series)
ION (Green lantern)
James T Kirk (Star Trek)
Kathryn Janeway, Captain (Star Trek:Voyager)
Lúthien (Silmarillion) - Elrond Half-elven's great grand mother.
Middle-earth - (Tolkien)
Niggle - hero of 'Leaf By Niggle', Tolkien
Owen (Torchwood)
Quantum Leap
Resident Evil
The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks
Time warp
Undiscovered Country (Star Trek VI)(1991)
Will Riker (Star Trek:TNG)
Xenocide - book by Orson Scott Card
Y - The Last Man
Zino - 'Boo, Zino and the Snurks' (film)
Archer, Jonathon - Captain (Star Trek:Enterprise)
Assume we're going around again guys!)