hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Isildur - The Lord of the Rings
Kaito Nakamura (Heroes)
Mask Man
Porkins, Lieutenant Jek (or Red Six) - Star Wars:Episode IV
The Stepford Wives
The Tomorrow People (TV Series 1973 to 1979)
Ungoliant - giant spider monster, Tolkien
V - Vanilla Sky - 2001 film with Tom Cruise
Westworld - film (1973)
X: The Unknown - Film (1956)
Class Y planet - Planetary classification in Star Trek.
Class Y planets are characterized by a toxic atmosphere, thermionic radiation discharges and extremely high surface temperatures. They are sometimes nicknamed 'Demon' class planets due to their extreme inhospitability to most humanoid life.
Zimrathon - 20th king of Numenor - Tolkien
Alien Nation (TV Series 1989-1990) Having a ball Barafundle?
Babel fish - Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
I think this is bringing out the obsessive compulsive in me, Swordfish.
Colonel White (Captain Scarlet)
(I'm with you all the way Barafundle! Let me be the first, if somewhat ahead of myself, to say congratulations on your imminent upgrade to the status of "Super" member).
Demolition Man - film (1993) with Sylvestor Stallone
Let me be the first, if somewhat ahead of myself, to say congratulations on your imminent upgrade to the status of "Super" member).
Hurray! I didn't even notice that coming. A few more posts on here and I'll be there.
Has anyone else noticed that quite a few of the top Hollywood action stars have names that, in Britain at least, aren't at all associated with macho bottom kickers?
Sylvester, Bruce, Dwayne, Arnold, Kevin, and Russel.
Stallone, Willis, (The Rock) Johnson, Schwarzenegger, Costner and Crowe respectively.
Earth - Final Conflict (TV Series 1997 - 2002) Have we had this?
Fendahl - as in "The Image of the Fendahl" a Doctor Who outing for Tom Baker
G - Galaxy Quest - 1999 film with Sigourney Weaver
Hellboy - film (2004)
I - Ironman
The Jetsons
Lex Luthor (another double!)