hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Voltes V
War of the Worlds (the 2005 one)
Yahoos - creatures in Gulliver's Travels
Zardoz (1974)
Armageddon (1998)
(I'm starting the ball rolling again folks!
don't think we've had this one yet?)
Children of the Stones - Anyone remember that series from the 70s? Fantastic (at least that's how I remember it.)
Dungeons and Dragons - game
Evolution - film (2001)
(I think we have had Zardoz, Swordfish, but that's probably allowed with Zs :), and who's counting anyway.)
The Grinch
The Hulk
Invisible man
Jabberwocky - Monty Python
Kili, one of Thorin's companions in The Hobbit
Lilliput - by Jonathan Swift
Mork and Mindy - a double again
Nosferatu (1922)
The Outer Limits - TV series and film (have we had that?)
Predator 2
Quadinaros, Ben (Star Wars:Episode I) (He was the rookie Podracer from the Tund system who competed in the Boonta Eve Podrace which saw the young Anakin Skywalker freed from slavery - amazing what you can find on a google!)
The Rocky Horror Show
Shadowfax, Gandalf's Horse (LOTR)
Umpass-stay, drummer in the Max Rebo Band (Star Wars:Episode VI) (phew!)
The Ventriloquist
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Xuaeved Enomis - Heroes (OK, it's Simone Deveaux backwards,
and the X is at the end! You know they're getting harder to find now!)
Young Again - TV film (1986) with Keanu Reeves and Lindsey Bionic Woman Wagner.