hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Nirrti, a rogue Goa'uld System Lord in Stargate SG-1, based on the Hindu Vedic goddess of death.
Phones (Stingray)
Quatermass Experiment, The (1953)
Robinson Crusoe On Mars - film 1964
Took, Peregrin - hobbit of the Shire
Unduli, Luminara - Jedi (Star Wars:Episode I, II, III)
Vance, Jack - fantasy/science fiction author
Wendy - (from Peter Pan)
Xizor, Prince (Shee-Zor) (fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is a major villain in the novel, comic book and video game Shadows of the Empire) (thought you would like to know in case it looks like it was made up!)
Y-wing - Star Wars, rebel starfighter.
Zotz! - 1947 novel by [url]Walter Karig[/url] and a [url]1962 movie[/url], about a man obtaining magical powers from a god of an ancient civilization.
(I had to do a search on Google to come up another Z, it's getting harder...)
Alexander Rozhenko, Worf's son (Star Trek:TNG) (I'm starting it again folks!)
Buck Rogers
Candy man
Eomer, King Theoden's nephew and successor (LOTR)
Flubber - 1997 film wih Robin Williams
Glorfindel of Gondolin (two!) - elf in The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Independence Day (1996)
Jumper (2008) (this is an entertaining film)
(I knew I'd be the last one on this subject!)
Kurn, Worf's brother (Star Trek:TNG) (I believe it is finally just me here!)
Logan's Run
Moonbase Alpha - Space 1999
Neverending Story
Paycheck - film with Ben Affleck, based on a Philip K. Duck (real name rhymes with stick) short story.
(You're not alone yet Swordfish.)
Quenya - High Elven language, J.R.R. Tolkien