hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Johnny Mnemonic - film
Kes (Star Trek:Voyager)
Legend - 80's film starring Tom Cruise.
Mermaid - creature of fantasy....
OLAG Gan from Blakes 7
peter petrelli - heroes (nice!)
Quasar - Marvel comics super hero
RIDDICK, Richard B as played by Vin Diesel
Seifer - final fantasy
Ursula K. LeGuin
'V' sci-fi series in the 70's
The Wombles - of Wimbledon Common...
Xenia Warrior Princess
Yankee - Bing Crosby was 'A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur' (1949)
Zelasny, Roger - science fiction and fantasy writer.
Asimov, Isaac (have we had him?)
BERNARD Quatermass, Professor
** Happy Easter Everyone **
C3-PO (Star Wars), Yep, a couple of repeats again this round.
Dark helmet - Spaceballs (very funny starwars spoof :D)
Fantastic Voyage - 1966 film with Raquel Welch
Haunted Mansion
Imrahil in Tolkien's Middle Earth, he was the twenty-second Prince of Dol Amroth. Doesn't appear in the films.
Jackson, Dr Daniel (Stargate SG1)
King Koopa
Lore, Data 's Brother (Star Trek:TNG)
Mohinder Suresh (Heroes) - definitely looks like it's only me now!