hi thought start new game( hope hasnt been done) alphabetically choose a word connected to sci fi/fanstasy
the first word is anamoly( primeval!)
the second word would begin with B
Dr. Gillian Taylor, Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home
Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
I, Robot (2004)
Jurassic Park
Krells of Altair 4, Forbidden Planet.
Luke Skywalker
Marina (Stingray)
O'Brien, Miles (Star Trek:TNG & Star Trek:DS9) (Just me again then?)
Peeves - Poltergeist in Happy Potter
Quantum leap ( loved the episode where he is a chimpanzee!!)
Roger Rabbit
Silverthorn (baddie from girl from tomorrow!)
The Ultimates
Van Helsing (2004)
Wesley Crusher/Wil Wheaton - Dr Crusher's son (Star Trek:TNG)
(is it only me now again?)
X files ( david duchnovy!) probabaly had this but too bad!cant think of sumat else!
Zebedee - Magic Roundabout
Alannah ( the girl from tomorrow was that her name?)
Bombadil - Tom's last name in The Lord of the Rings (the book, not the film).
Crimson Dynamo
Dementors - from Harry Potter
Enemy Mine - an excellent novella by Barry B. Longyear, later made into a film.
(You beat me to it Healthoption! I'll still leave mine though because it really is an excellent story. :))
Enemy Mine - an excellent novella by Barry B. Longyear, later made into a film.
(You beat me to it Healthoption! I'll still leave mine though because it really is an excellent story. :))
I am sure it is, I'll be checking that one out for sure 😉
Firefly - Excellent sci-fi series
Guardians of Time (a trilogy by Marianne Curley)
Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)
The Ice Age - cartoon .... can't think of any other "I"