Thought I'd start a new ABC game ....
Quiraing (Isle of Skye)
Come on, MM.
You've no more been to Skye than I've been to the Shetland Islands. :dft002: 😉
Come to think of it, my wife and I regard a stroll on our back garden as our mini-holiday
and a trip to the nearest crossroads and mini shopping precinct as our BIG holiday!
How pathetic is that?
Still, for those more adventurous than me, [url]here's the boat song to Skye, [/url]
Quiraing >>
Rackwick, Orkney Islands
You've no more been to Skye than I've been to the Shetland Islands. :dft002: 😉
Ha, ha. Well, that's where you are WRONG dear Prashna and I have the piccies to prove it. The day we went there was rather grey and rainy but I'll see if I have a good enough piccie to post here.
We went up as far as Portree and I bought some necklaces there made out of the heather you find in the area.
St Agnes - been there a few times as well. It's in CORNWALL, and I also have some piccies in my 'vault'.
Isle of Skye pics:
Ha, ha. Well, that's where you are WRONG dear Prashna and I have the piccies to prove it. The day we went there was rather grey and rainy but I'll see if I have a good enough piccie to post here.
We went up as far as Portree and I bought some necklaces there made out of the heather you find in the area.
St Agnes - been there a few times as well. It's in CORNWALL, and I also have some piccies in my 'vault'.
Now then MM
Since when has your word not been enough?
Since never I can assure you....
Still, you must admit admit it was worth it to get your reaction. It has brightened up this dull day no end.
Thank you.
Now, back to the grind....
St. Agnes >>
Rackwick, Orkney Islands.
BTW, please see my piccies of Isle of Skye. The mountains are very pink there and pretty.:)
😮 Prashna you're going backwards now. S to R???? Ha, ha, ha. I've put you right off now.:)
St Agnes>>
The Lizard - I've been there several times as well.;)
That's it. I have had it!
You're just too beautiful.
I give up.
:016:Oh Prashna, I'm devastated that you are 'abandoning me' like this.
I do hope it wasn't anything I've said.:o
The Lizard>>
Ullapool - bonnie Scotland
No, No, It's nothing you've said.
As I said before, you're just too beautiful.
I suppose you can't help it...
Ullapool >>
Vigo, Kent
No, I've never been there.
Oh, fine. That's Ok then.
X marks the spot ( its a place on a pirates map)
Yielden, Beds.
No more new ''Z's' so I'll start a new one:
Back Garden, ours, of course...
Oh, OK
Devil's Bridge, Dyfed
Gronant, Clwyd.
near the magnificent Humber Bridge
Knock, Grampians
Good Morning Prashna.:wave:
Pitlochry, Tayside
I'm up in the clouds today!!
Ravenshead, Notts.