this game is where you start to say the front title of a book.
e.g. A- alice in wonderland
ok ill start
A- american Nightmare
know all you have to do is do B and so on
Have fun:o:dance:
Cosmetics unmasked by Dr Stephen & Gina Antczak
D - Dont kiss them Goodbye by Alison Dubois
I dont know what everyone else thinks. Maybe if we thought the book is a well worth a read. Maybe we could write good next to it.:)
I like this game.
E - Excuse me, Your Life is Waiting: The Power of Positive Feeling
by Lynn Grabhorn
:nature-smiley-008: Excellent book!
F- Family by Trisha
I agree with danielahH that book is excellent.:)
G - Great Expectations (Charles Dickens, 1861)
H - The Heretic's Feast - A History of Vegetarianism by Colin Spencer
ooops too late for H!!
I Me Mine by George Harrison
Luv Binah
J - Just William by Richmal Crompton
Kineosology by Anne Holdaway
L - Life is just what you make it by Donny Osmond.
M - (The) Messianic Legacy, by Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln
N - A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
On my reading list...
O - (The) Orion Mystery, by Messrs Bauval & Gilbert
P - The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Quick & Easy Spanish, by Rob Alcraft
(The) River of Life -
a guide to your spiritual journey by Ruth White
S - Secret Chamber, by Robert Bauval
T - The Tutankhamen Prophecies, by Maurice Cotterill
(I think I'll carry on playing this one on my own!)
U-boat Hunter by Bryan Perrett