this game is where you start to say the front title of a book.
e.g. A- alice in wonderland
ok ill start
A- american Nightmare
know all you have to do is do B and so on
Have fun:o:dance:
B- Born Knowing by John Thorton
Codex by Lev Grossman
(Does "the" count at the beginning of the title?)
D - Dragonsdawn - Anne McCaffrey
E - East Of Eden, John Steinbeck
F - Fearless Living by Rhonda Britten
Goddesses & angels by Doreen Virtue
How to be psychic by Sasha Fenton
Instant Confidence - Paul McKenna
J - Just another kid by Torey Hayden
L - (The) Law of Attraction - Esther and Jerry Hicks
M - Mutant Message Down Under, by Marlo Morgan
N - Next to you by Gloria Hunniford
O -One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Pride and Prejudice..Jane Austen
Queen of babble in the big city by Meg Cabot.
Rebecca..........Daphne du Maurier
S- Scuba diving by Nicola Slade
Trunk music by Michael Connelly.
Utopia--Thomas Moore
V - Vaishvanara Vidya, by Swami Krishnananda
Watership Down.Richard Adams
X - Xenogenesis Trilogy, by Octavia E Butler
Y - You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L Hay
Oops! I've just realised that I skipped the letter K. :eek::022: :confused: Sorry folks, trust me to make a mess of it. I probably wasn't concentrating properly. I can't think of one for K either nor for Z.
BTW what happens when we have finished, do we just start again trying not to repeat the names? This could become a recommended reading list.
Z - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - by Robert M. Pirsig
Z - Zero - Biography of a dangerous number - Author: ?
Wrap back to A now... 😉
Ooop, Danielah beat me to it. Of course ZATAOMM. Great book.
Angel magic by Margaret Neylon
B - The Biology of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton