We Brits consume 3 billion litres of bottled water a year at an average cost of 95p a litre, whereas tap water costs something like 60p for a 1000 litres.
The bottles that most of the water comes in is made out of PET where 77% ends up in the ground or dumped in the sea. To make a litre bottle it takes 162g of oil and 7 litres of water, creating about 100g of CO2.
These plastic water bottles are then shipped all over the world, some as far as 10000km for the premium brands.
A couple of weeks ago, while in my local supermarket, I looked at all the shelves of bottled water, they took a whole isle. All that has to shipped here, and paid for when it comes free out of my tap.
I know a lot of people have concerns about tap water, and it's possible to use the recyclable water filters.
Have you ever asked how safe your bottle water is? A few years ago, we had a panic at work because the bottled water we used was contaminated with human excrement. There have been scandals with both tap and bottled water, anyone remember the radio active Perrier or the North Cornwall tap water contamination?
But it's like all things in life, you pay the money and make the choice. But who really pays?
Perhaps I should go and buy some shares in coke one of the biggest suppilers of bottled water.
I'd be happier if they took the darned poison, fluoride, out of much tap water, so that one wasn't drinking as from a swimming pool. But there are many past threads on that.
Damn those lemming hoardes and their bottled water comsumerist ways!! ...:mad:
(p.s. - Lemmings blindly following eachother off cliff for mass suicide n their 1000's - is a myth :))
I'd be happier if they took the darned poison, fluoride, out of much tap water, so that one wasn't drinking as from a swimming pool.
Only 10% of UK water has fluoride added - source DEFRA.