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what does it mean to be spiritual

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This is going to be a long one but I would appreciate some answers please...

About 1 1/2 years ago I did Reiki 1 and 2 course, I generally use it on myself and friends but I would like to go further with it in the future. For a while I have been feeling something is missing, so I started looking into meditation to clear my mind. I ended up going to a Raja Yoga class inwhich I found alot of answers about who I am and where I come from. I found the meditation hard (eyes open) but it did certainly stir up some deep feelings in me. It all became too much for me and I stopped going, mainly because to become totally pure, they needed you to be celibate and free from any attachments. I felt like I had to choose between the yoga or my partner, and I wasnt willing to do it. Even though I have not been for a few months, I still think about it daily, like I should be spiritual, but is there something else out there for me where I can still have a partner?

I have looked into spiritual church but as far as I can see thats all about connecting with spirits from the other side, which I am not really interested in.

All I want is the connection with god and feeling awareness of being a soul. I want to calm my mind to become more peaceful and content. Everything that I have and everything that I do and other people do, is never good enough, its because I need this missing part.

Should I try different forms of meditation? If so, then what?

I would like to build awareness of my spirit guides and reading other peoples chakras and auras to help with the Reiki

Can anyone give me any suggestions?

Thank you!

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hi Sam

You know there's nothing to stop you just meditating at home on your own. It's not rocket science. And I'm sure if you just keep your ears and eyes open you will start seeing all sorts of things which will lead you along your path: books to read, meetings to go to, websites to check out. There's an old saying that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. So just hang on in there......

Good luck and blessings.

With love
Sunanda xxx

PS As far as I see it, celibacy is a matter of choice. And I would be very uncomfortable with an organisation which laid down strict rules on this. It sounds very much like the Brahma Kumaris to me.

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hi Sammyd

I have looked into spiritual church but as far as I can see thats all about connecting with spirits from the other side, which I am not really interested in.

Being Spiritual and being a Spiritualist can be two completely things - if you are not interested in proving life after this one, then most probably a conventional Spiritualist church may not be for you - but dont rule it completely out. Many churches or centres have a lot to offer!

As you already know, Reiki certainly can bring up some issues and I think it's great that you are looking for more - but you dont need to find anything else if you are looking at doing R3. What you need will always come to you.

It does sound like your Yoga class was a little too strict for you, but it doesnt follow that all Yoga is like that.

Sunanda is spot on - you can meditate for yourself at home, if you are unsure, try some guided ones first. There aremany sites selling them on the internet& some you can listen toosnipets off. Ones that I quite likeare by Robbie Wright.. google him & his site will come up.
Once you have practiced, try doing this onyour own - maybe start with a question you need an answer too.

Not everyone can concentrate enough & see Auras in beautiful colours & BEing reiki is not about that.

Sometimes adding to Reiki IMO dilutes the actual healing as you are busy concentrating on other things rather than just being a channel.

When I was first Reiki, I used to get messages coming through & I could never decide if I should share the info or not - I ended up spending 1/2 the time trying to remember what I wanted to pass on. I soon put a stop to this!!

Just be yourself Sam, keep practicing 'Just Reiki'. I am sure that once your relax your mind, go into your own inner peace you will meet/get what you are looking for.

Love & Light

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hi sammyd,

Just to agree with all advice above!

I wouuldn't get involved with any group insisting on celibacy, and it's not spiritual to put you in a position of having to decide whether to stay with a partner or not.

The term "spiritualist church" is misleading to some, too, as said above by the others. It doesn't mean spiritual - it means it's about spirits (dead people) - quite a different thing.

It sounds to me as if you are open and ready for spirituality (a broad word with many meanings!). Believe me, if you are really ready it's only a matter of time until life falls into place and you find a spiritual "Path" which suits you. If you are a reader, go to the spirituality / religion section of a bookshop or library and see what titles jump out at you. 😉

On the subject of what spirituality is, you may find this thread interesting:

[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=83232 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=83232[/link]

Good luck and good hunting!


EDIT: Tweaked the link 😉

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Me again, Sam, just to say that unlike Venetian I don't think you should go anywhere near the thread that he provides the link to. That IMHO would be like trying to ski off-piste rather than begin on the nursery slopes.

One other thing that I meant to say is that now is the time for you to be alert and aware - mindfulness is very important. And don't dismiss any opening or any body....the universe will pass you from hand to hand. You will be safe. Maybe you will see an advert for a Buddhist meeting or will be drawn to read something like Conversations with God or the Power of Now (Eckhard Tolle - highly recommended). What's happened IMV is that you are now plugged into the mains - all you have to do is go with the flow. No stress.

Do let us know how you get on.

With love
Sunanda xxx

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Firstly, Thank you all for the replys. I feel like a bit of a nutcase at the moment!

The Raja yoga is the teachings of the brahma Kumaris, and the celibacy is a choice that they make in order to stay pure. My confusion came from the fact that I didnt right it off and say "this is not for me" I felt pulled towards it like it was my destiny. But the other side of me was saying, what if this isnt my soul pulling me but simple mind programming, or brainwashing if you will. I was going to morning class every day for a month and when they repeat the same principles over again in very subtle different ways, you dont notice what they are saying. One day it all became obvious to me that celibacy was what they meant although noone had told me that, it was like they were drawing me in without telling me all the facts of what I was getting into. I think thats why I fled, if they had said that upfront, im sure I would have said thats not for me in the outset.

I think I understand now that the spiritual church is not for me but its not to say I wont give it a go, and I do understand that concentrating on seeing things is not going to make me any better at Reiki, I guess thats just a selfish aim!

Hmm, so lots to think about, what would you define as being spiritual then, from the Raja yoga I learnt that I am a soul who resides in this body, I am an eternal being who has been sent to play a role in this drama "life" but its only temporary and that I will be reincarnated again and again and eventually I will go home to the soul world and become reenergised by god. That bit I like! So from here, is meditation the only path or are there other ways? Is it just about becoming aware of your true self?

I would love to hear your experiences of how you got to where you are today!

Thanks so much

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hi Sam,

These are just a few notes from me, not a comprehensive reply.

Just so you know, Raja Yoga doesn't somehow 'belong' to the brahma Kumaris. There is an authentic tradition of Raja Yoga stretching back centuries before them. I've had no personal contact with the Brahma Kumaris, and so have nothing to say of them myself. But I have a friend who is extremely experienced in all forms of meditation. He is a very mild man, and not given to saying negative things about anyone. When I asked him some time back about the BK's, in his mild way he said that there is a tendency for them to split marriages, as one of the partnership "joins" and is told to be celibate.

Celibacy is one topic associated with spirituality, but it's by no means essential and especially for a newcomer to it all.

I take Sunanda's point, which she worded well, when I gave a link to another thread. I'd say, take a look there anyway, but it's a long thread. I only gave the link in the absence of your knowing people face-to-face, or having books to hand. Personally, I always work things out by reading, but that just might be my own way.

I've no doubt that you've awakened something, or that you are awakening, so in time you'll find the right Way for you anyway. True raja yoga is a decent start, if you read more about that. But 'spirituality' isn't just about Hindu methods, and it isn't just about yoga, and it isn't just about meditation. Sme very spiritual people never consciously meditate. Spirituality is a broad subject! Take a look under that word in bookshops, or in search engines ... 😉


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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

I have met a few people who have experienced the bks, and they have said it is very extreme. There were 2 people there who left their wives to become brahmin. Also a nice lady who had a child and her husband decided to stay and be celibate with her.

I guess its down to personal choice and they feel thats what they need to do on their path.

But I was aware that I was throwing the baby out with the bath water somewhat!

I think I need "spirituality for dummies" !!! Will start reading, I think this is a good way to form my own ideas.

Thank you again

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

There are many different definitions of spirituality but they all boil down to common denominators: be nice to others and aim for peace and happiness.

If you want an easy entry into the world of spirituality, then you could check out books or tapes by Wayne W Dyer or Deepak Chopra.

ORIGINAL: sammyd
Also a nice lady who had a child and her husband decided to stay and be celibate with her.

It's a very understanding wife who will stay with her celibate husband... I can't think that this will do much for their marriage. All the best to them.

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual


I would like to offer my view on this for you. I do not have any set of rituals for you just some things to consider. This is all the opinion of mine and does not reflect anyone but myself. If it doesn't work for you please disregard it and go with what works best. There is no wrong path because God is the destination.

First let me answer the question "what does it mean to be more spiritual?". It means nothing at all. We were created by God as an extension of Divine Love. We are the creation, all of us together and all of us individually. God is not partial. There is nothing that you need to do but accept this simple fact: you did not create yourself. All of our searching is nothing more than a repeat of 'the fall' where we looked outside of ourselves for the truth (I think the physical world came into being with this decision). The opposite of omnipotence (fully aware) is perception (selectively aware), the opposite of truth is illusion. All we can do is accept or reject what we are (what God is) and the results are as infinite as we are. The basis for all spiritual teaching is to remove the roadblocks to our awareness. We do not change during all of this. Only our perception changes and as a result our direct experience of what and who we think we are (body/world/ego, spirit/creation/God).

Celibacy for purity? You can be no less pure than God who created you. Be yourself and share yourself with your partner in a loving way. That is why we are here. To connect with each other. Sexual expression for the purpose of spiritual union is nothing to be ashamed of. If the body were a spritual impediment then breathing would hold you back. To me the body is a channel for cummunication. Our awareness is purified by the act of sharing.

The most helpful meditation that I have ever done is to sit quietly and simply to tell yourself that you are the most perfect child of God and to ask to know the Love God has for you. Your answer will come as soon as you allow it to. You are worthy to receive the only gift God can give. You are the creation, you are God's gift, you are what you seek. Healing is the result of this awareness because it heals the idea that you are apart from God (life, health, abundance). Be open to guidance but do not think that you were ever without it.

I hope this was helpful. May your path be blessed!


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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

I think erospirit's words are terrific. Welcome to these forums, erospirit.

Now, this thread is really a response to Sam, who asked the original question, so I sure don't intend for it to go too deep, too intellectual or abstract. All the same ;):

ORIGINAL: DarrenFollowsThePath

There are many different definitions of spirituality but they all boil down to common denominators: be nice to others and aim for peace and happiness.

Hi Darren. I agree that those sentiments are a part of spirituality. Or maybe they are just a part of being a good person? But I don't think spirituality on the whole does boil down to that. Those are IMHO peripheral issues, important though they may be.

Some concept of God by whatever name is involved in spirituality in the way I would use the word - call it Father/Mother, God, Divinity, Higher Self, whatever. But just about everyone I know who is on a spiritual Path doesn't do it from a human-to-human perspective, such as trying to be better to other people. Yes, that does emerge out of it all. But it begins with "looking up" and acknowledging that we are trying to gain union - or we are trying to become, or recognise that we already are - a part of Something Higher than our mortal individual identity.

Does that make sense? It's what most spiritual paths are all about.


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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Yes, of course. I was just trying to be more encompassing as some people may not readily accept anything beyond the self that we see in the mirror. 🙂

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Dear Sam and Erospirit – welcome to HP, both of you! What a super thread!

Erospirit, like Venetian, I just loved your thread and could really relate to it. I hope you stay around here and join in the discussions.

The way I think about celibacy Sam is to remember when I was a teenager and I was potty about Elvis and had his photos all over my walls. Then the Beatles came along ……………..

If someone had tried to force me to give up Elvis I would have been very unhappy but when it was naturally outgrown, it was painless and normal. Making love is one of the many forms of communication and at its highest it can say things that perhaps words don’t (they should, but don’t) Celibacy is something that can be naturally outgrown as we grow in our spiritual awareness and understanding – in our one-ness with who we are and ALL that is. But celibacy can never be imposed, especially on our partner who may not be on the same spiritual path. Look at the sorry state of things because of a few individuals within the Catholic Church.

Darren, I'm glad you've come back to qualify, but here is what I wrote earlier:

ORIGINAL: DarrenFollowsThePath

There are many different definitions of spirituality but they all boil down to common denominators: be nice to others and aim for peace and happiness.

You know what I feel it should have been Darren?

“..they all boil down to one common denominator: Love.”

Love gives us the clearest idea of God. Unconditional and impartial. And when we are expressing love, we are being God-like. Peace and happiness are a natural outcome!

Everyone here is on their own path to reality. With some, it’s following a teacher, with others, like Venetian and I, the spiritual inspiration comes first from books and then from that connection with ALL that IS that the books help illuminate for us.

My books are the INSPIRED Word of the Bible (I am not a literalist fundamentalist!) and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. She was once teaching a class metaphysical healing and asked her students what was the best way to heal. After several attempts, she replied for them:

"Just live love - be it - love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love, Be all love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything: it will raise the dead. BE nothing but love."

Today, I had been looking up Paul’s words on love in 1 Corinthians 13 and just felt how relevant they were to this thread. This is the end of that beautiful passage:

All gifts except love will be superseded one day

For if there are prophecies they will be fulfilled and done with, if there are "tongues" the need for them will disappear, if there is knowledge it will be swallowed up in truth. For our knowledge is always incomplete and our prophecy is always incomplete, and when the complete comes, that is the end of the incomplete.

When I was a little child I talked and felt and thought like a little child. Now that I am a man my childish speech and feeling and thought have no further significance for me.

At present we are men looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror. The time will come when we shall see reality whole and face to face! At present all I know is a little fraction of the truth, but the time will come when I shall know it as fully as God now knows me!

In this life we have three great lasting qualities - faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.

Phillips New Testament

It is our awakening to the fact that God is Love itself that enables us to give love unconditionally (and be loved in return).

The others who have written here are so right. Instead of struggling to become spiritual through a mortal mentality our need is to begin yielding to the spiritual truth that we are already spiritual because we are the image and likeness, the expression of God, Spirit. It is our awakening to the fact that God is Spirit that enables us to express the goodness and p

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hi Darren,

Thanks, I get your point and understand.


So Ringo or Paul are still up on your wall, or is it time for a change? 😀

ORIGINAL: Principled

The way I think about celibacy Sam is to remember when I was a teenager and I was potty about Elvis and had his photos all over my walls. Then the Beatles came along ……………..

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

You cheekly monkey Venetian! 😀

Actually, I still love the music of both and by an extraordinary coincidence, Ringo used to be my favourite Beatle (can't imagine why now!) and about 24 years ago, we bought a little house (where we still are,) which backed onto a 79 acre estate and guess who lived there - Ringo and Barbara Bach! They used to jog every morning behind our fence.

But no, they haven't been on my wall since I left Singapore in 1966. So there!


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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Sorry for the terrible joke, Judy, and sorry for being way off-topic!

I used to work in Chelsea and walked right past Ringo once. Unlike a friend of mine I'm not into autographs or even into celebs, and the poor guy needs peace from all that, right? - so I just walked right past him and his lady. 😉

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

I feel that to be spiritual means to march to the beat of your own drum. Trust yourself, be connected to yourself and follow your bliss. Always be balanced and honest with your self as well. I think that we all possess spirituality within us, it's just a matter of finding it, connecting to it.

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Judy and Venetian, thanks for the warm welcome. I will certainly spend some time here and get in on some of these discussions. What wonderful people there are on this forum! So many great sources of new information. I cherish this type of dialogue we have going here. Very nice to be a part of an understanding and diverse group that really wants to help each other understand. I will enjoy getting to know all of you better.

By the way this thread has some very thoughtful responses. What a great read! I especially liked the 'new' definition of religion. Perfect.

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Hello Sammyd,
As you said you are feeling a time where you searching but not knowing what your looking for, this could be a time to look at the basis of your spiritual understanding....
Yes this is a great way of bridging the process of bringing spiritualbalancing of yourmissiontogether as there are times in development that we get sort of stuck that we are seaching to bring about our path to understanding this may be a time that you are being processed to bring about your uniqeness to your journeys. At this time I myself usually will go drifting to the process of what is happening in my vicinity to see what spirit is directing this may be a time to close other forms of spiritual influeances such as Yoga or anyother way of relating todevelopmentto see where you path is leading, thismay enable you to shift to the direction of the way that God can step in to bring about the path your ment to be on. As far as looking to this forum can help as there are many different processes to look at as there are many here searching and knowledgable of different forms of spirituality they can bring about a way of looking at crossroads available with this in mind you are bought to the point that the decision to move is inevitable but waiting for the direction to be seen clear will be bought through your moving to new heights in your time only...God Bless you on your Journeys....Gypsy

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

I think I would say just give it over to the Universal Creator....
Stop searching and simply allow yourself to be a channel for Reiki and love. Take some "me time" - even if it's only the first 5 mins of a morning.

As soon as I open my eyes I say what we know as the Lord's Prayer then repeat the 5 Reiki Principles. I often give thanks for the small blessings of the day and try not to be too down-trodden by the daily trials!

Don't know if this is being spiritual or not, but I'm beginning to feel as if the search is ending.
With love

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Looking again at the title of the thread, I'd just say this. It's the first thing that would occur to me to say. When I was young I didn't even know what spirituality was. My parents were great, but not part of any faith or church. In my teens I went almost potty as I knew somethig vitally important was missing in my life, but I hadn't got a clue what it was! It was of course spirituality. Jeez, it took years to find that out!

So what does spirituality mean? Many books could be written on that, and have been. But one really basic and practical thing is that I had to walk away from my former life, friends, and interests, for a time. Not wanting to be dogmatic, returned to some of it after some months. But "being spiritual" means change, unless anybody actually grows up that way. It's change, and change is both joyful yet also hard - you are walking into new situations and friendships, which is joyful, but you do often have to leave some things behind.


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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

hello sam

just wanted to say that i feel what it means to be spiritual is different for different people...
for me it essentially means that i am in a process, of trying to grow, remember, reconnect, live life and be happy!!
and certainly i find (and many people find) that yoga and meditation are very useful tools on the path

having said that, there are myriad different ways to meditate and numerous different types of yoga...
remember, yoga means union - (often through bodily postures and connecting with breathe etc. - hatha yoga)
i've never even heard of the BKs, but my understanding of raja yoga (which means 'kingly' yoga, as in raj being king) is that it is the kingly form because it is a whole way of life thing, being in 'union' while chopping wood and carrying water (not just while standing on your head!). but i have personally never heard it related to celibacy!

which leads me to a synchronicity...
just this morning i read (in "Conversations with God - Book 2" by Neale Donald Walsch):-

"How can we best express this thing called sexual energy?

Lovingly. Openly.
Playfully. Joyfully.
Outrageously. Passionately. Sacredly. Romantically. Humorously. Spontaneously. Touchingly. Creatively. Unabashedly. Sensually.
And, of course, Frequently."

anyway that is my two-cents-worth for now!!

much love and blessing
wishing that you find a 'path' that feels right for you [sm=love-smiley-009.gif]

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

Wow, Wow, Wow! I am amazed at the attention and love you have all given to my thread!

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone, there was some real thought put in there.

I am sorry I have not been around to reply, today is the first time I have had to really sit down and read the replys.

I did read the first few, and inspired to go and find a book, but I thought "where do I start?" Funnily enough I was at Standsted waiting for a plane and I went into WHSmiths. They have 1 line of 1 bookshelf on mind body and spirit, so I did not expect to find anything but I thought I would have a look.

I found a book by Diana Cooper called "A Little light on the spiritual laws". I bought it and read it all within a day. It was EXACTLY what I was after! If anyone wants an introduction, or has the same question as me, this is the best book! Its so amazing, I had asked this question in my head "what does it mean to be spiritual" but I think when I actually wrote it down on this forum, it made me pay attention to the question, and so miraculously it was answered!!!

I have not been to any BK meetings, and I now feel I have distanced myself enough. And I am very grateful for what I learnt there, but I now realise that its not quite for me and that celibacy is not the be all and end all of what I want to do.

I realise that the lessons they were teaching (the ones that I liked) are available in other places and its not unique to them.

Honestly, this book is brilliant, each chapter discusses an aspect of spirituality in plain english. it talks about karma,intention, reincarnation, healing, clairty, success and lots of other aspects. I was so pleased that I raced through it, so now its time to read it again and really try and understand the lessons.

I understand there are many paths to happiness, and I guess I am open to trying any of them. Personally I do think a physical form like Hatha Yoga would be useful as my body is always blocked energetically.

I do have lots of issues I would like to resolve, and I think what I would like ideally is like a spiritual life coach, someone who can guide me through, help me build up my intuition, someone who can help me heal my past lives... any idea of where I should be looking? Probably at myself will be the answer from you!!!

I think also it would be really great to discuss in person, are there any spiritual discussion groups that I could look out for? I think thats what I liked so much about the BKs there were lots of people to talk to about the ideas. I would like that again.

Obviously this forum is a great gift aswell and I will visit again soon!!!

Thank you again everyone, you have been of great help, I especially liked this from one of you....

The most helpful meditation that I have ever done is to sit quietly and simply to tell yourself that you are the most perfect child of God and to ask to know the Love God has for you. Your answer will come as soon as you allow it to. You are worthy to receive the only gift God can give. You are the creation, you are God's gift, you are what you seek. Healing is the result of this awareness because it heals the idea that you are apart from God (life, health, abundance). Be open to guidance but do not think that you were ever without it.

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RE: what does it mean to be spiritual

That last quote was from erospirit, thanks!
