We are ill because ...
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We are ill because we choose to be....?

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amy green
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There is a certain way of thinking about illnesses that I am not in harmony with. You may have come across it with Louis Hayes books e.g. You Can Heal Your Life. Whilst I agree with a lot she says, primarily in the areas of psychosomatic illnesses (where our thoughts/emotions influence the body), I see it's limitations also. For instance, contracting a virus would not come under this umbrella.

I have just had a conversation with a spiritual, influential writer on a spiritual chat forum. Whilst she praised my positive mindset, she took issue with my genetic lung disorder...asking why would I choose this? I was a bit amazed since I don't see it that way. The nuts and bolts of it is that I was born this way since I was conceived when my father had TB. I believe I have it for a reason and am not really in the right mental space to pursue the apparent DNA reprogramming (via words and frequencies). I have seen some vids of doing this on youtube...I may check them out but I am sceptical.

To put this spiritual writer's view in context...she also believes that we are creators and that we can thus achieve full health. I view that we are co-creators i.e. we have the spark of divinity within us but are not the whole package.

Do you view that your illnesses are your choice (i.e. chosen on a sub conscious level)? Where do you stand on this subject. I welcome your views on it.

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Your probably aware of my understandings of choice Amy . In my understandings it's more to do with experiencing something that needs to be experienced otherwise we wouldn't experience what we do ......

In a way it's like we are always playing catch up because the now moment is a not a now moment as such but a total sum of all our parts ..

If we need the experience, then we resonate with what we create for ourselves ..

It's not as straight forward as choosing an illness ..

My nan dies of lung cancer and she came through a channel and spoke of why she suffered with lung cancer .

She related the way she was in her physical incarnation regarding love to her illness .

x daz x

amy green
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I seem to recall you questioning whether we had choice. Well I believe we do, so this thread is really about how much choice i.e. where are the limits of its influence?

This lung disorder does feel like it is there for a reason (hence my reticence to take on the DNA reprogramming that I mentioned). I dislike going against nature. Thereagain, when I was born, I was kept alive via machines....so hardly natural!

Hard to say how this genetic lung disorder has served me. Not being able to breathe normally (e.g.since mine is a bit laboured, noticeable) is something that I slightly envy and it affects my ability to do a simple breathing meditation for instance.

I can see more the influence that having a lung abscess removed, (when I was about 3 yrs old), had in shaping my character. It meant I started late in my primary school. Others had bonded so I felt out of place. To this day I feel more comfortable waiting "to be picked" socially than to be pro-active. (I do have good social skills though). Maybe it made me more independent...hard to pinpoint really.

That said, I have accepted this condition, i.e. am not fighting it. One of her questions was "are you a victim of your DNA?". I replied no since I do not seek sympathy and I do not define myself by my body or illness. I am more into my head and heart space than my body. Physically, it made me less comfortable singing my songs (a bit too breathy) but this paved the way to the more comfortable fit of doing stand up comedy. So I can see how a physical condition has had a bearing/influence.

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I don't think these sorts of ideas are helpful. The last thing anyone who has a chromic/terminal disease needs to hear is that they are in some way responsible for their own illness. I would much rather they focussed on resourceful thought patterns that would help them cope with/ cure their illness than fret about what they did wrong in a past life or some choice they made between lives.

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I also believe it is a fallacy that we should all be 100% healthy....that all disease is bad. Look at autism? Yes handicapped in one area......but brilliant in another and offering so much. An Downs syndrome children can give their families SO much. Yet they are perceived as not being 100% healthy

amy green
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I also believe it is a fallacy that we should all be 100% healthy....that all disease is bad. Look at autism? Yes handicapped in one area......but brilliant in another and offering so much. An Downs syndrome children can give their families SO much. Yet they are perceived as not being 100% healthy

I see your point but making the best of a limiting situation is not quite the same thing as the topic of this thread. The spiritual writer would ask why did this person choose this condition? That is what I am questioning.

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I see your point but making the best of a limiting situation is not quite the same thing as the topic of this thread. The spiritual writer would ask why did this person choose this condition? That is what I am questioning.

And I am saying the question is pointless. It seems to be based on the premise that we should all be 100% perfectly healthy. And I believe we only need to be healthy enough to fulfil our purpose.

But lets assume we do make a choice......A premature baby 'choses' to be premature? Medical advances mean that babies who would have died 30 years ago survive. They may not survive fully fit, they mayhave significant deficits . But maybe medical science interfered with their 'choice' (assuming they made one) Maybe if they chose to be premature it was because their soul wanted to teach their mothers soul about loss........and the doctors stepped in and stopped that happening. Some choice!

I tell you if anyone tries to tell me I 'chose' to have cancer I would be most upset. I can see how bad choices I made could be a contributory factor in why I got it.

But the whole concept of the choice between lives seems flawed to me. As is the concept that all illness stems past life issues. It makes illness much too much like a punishment....and in the case of a very young baby it is the parents being ;punished.

amy green
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Yes Tashanie...I take your point. Indeed I haven't resolved how I feel about my birth. As mentioned, I was kept alive via machines available at that time. I would have had an older sister except she died at birth from what I had, but - with the current technology - I was the one that survived. In some sense I feel I shouldn't naturally be here....it feels odd. It is a complex issue - not easily unravelled or clearly defined.

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If we can "translate" the latest Quantum concepts being introduced we should be able to work out what in all probability is what happening to us as regards illness etc.
No disharmony or illness should be seen as a punishment. It may have been unfortunately "inherited" but that in itself is no reason why it should be accepted or be allowed to stay......
The problem is that we accept the idea of illness, disharmony. We recognise it , we are told that we have it and that in itself tends to make it a reality. Because to us our illness is now a reality, this reality will act to prevents a truer condition (Health) from appearing...
Its like a jamming radio wave....The interfering frequency drowns out the wanted signal (health) ....That is why it is very hard to heal oneself. You need someone who is not effected by the jamming signal to receive the wanted signal on your behalf and "pass" it on to you, hopefully to unblock the jam.... Once you get the correct signal (Health) you must not try to re hear that false signal or you can reintroduce it back again.

amy green
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If we can "translate" the latest Quantum concepts being introduced we should be able to work out what in all probability is what happening to us as regards illness etc.
No disharmony or illness should be seen as a punishment. It may have been unfortunately "inherited" but that in itself is no reason why it should be accepted or be allowed to stay......
The problem is that we accept the idea of illness, disharmony. We recognise it , we are told that we have it and that in itself tends to make it a reality. Because to us our illness is now a reality, this reality will act to prevents a truer condition (Health) from appearing...
Its like a jamming radio wave....The interfering frequency drowns out the wanted signal (health) ....That is why it is very hard to heal oneself. You need someone who is not effected by the jamming signal to receive the wanted signal on your behalf and "pass" it on to you, hopefully to unblock the jam.... Once you get the correct signal (Health) you must not try to re hear that false signal or you can reintroduce it back again.

Do you believe that DNA programming can be undone then? There are vids on this (youtube) but I am a tad sceptical...partly because I think I would need to believe in it fully for it to work and partly because this illness is somewhat ingrained...I am 64 now!

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Do you believe that DNA programming can be undone then? There are vids on this (youtube) but I am a tad sceptical...partly because I think I would need to believe in it fully for it to work and partly because this illness is somewhat ingrained...I am 64 now!

In a word yes. however there are proviso's. I am 74. I am convinced that the theory is true but I've become so indoctrinated to materialism that I find it very hard to change my acceptance of reality....That is why I say that it is very hard to "cure" oneself .
Even if a person was convinced that they were well yet 20 doctors thought that they were ill maybe that person could be made to feel ill. It is a very complex subject.
The way that I understand it is that belief is the key. Belief, or understanding, or intention, which ever you prefer from a quantum perspective causes our chakras to tune into whatever energy is at that "wavelength" . If it is health, you get health, if it is illness you get illness. I think that I am right in saying that the Chakras will feed the meridians, that go on to feed the cells, which go on to activate the DNA, which go on to design and maintain the body.
It is a bit like me saying to you I like the feathers on your arm. You will say rubbish there are no feathers on my arm. You know that there are no feathers on your arm so there are non. Because you have mentally denied the idea of feathers, your Chakras won't tune into any feather energy's (a bird's chakras will) so feathers can't get into your human system.
Scientifically it boils down to the transfer of energy The right energies will transfer easily, Wrong energies can still transfer but the body is "tuned" to the correct energies so it will favour them if presented..

amy green
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Yes scommstech...I am familiar with quantum physics and know what you mean. Belief is indeed everything. I am sure it is possible to cure self from damaged DNA. There are cases of people having NDEs and coming back healed from physical ailments they had previously suffered from. As mentioned, I am not in that space whereby I can convince myself wholly that it can be done and so I fail.

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Why not get help...Most religions have some sort of healing practices. I've tried a couple myself, although I can't be sure of the success. Sounds silly but healing may be different depending on how we see it. In my case something turned out OK but whether it would have on its own is questionable. I am sceptical by nature, I like visible proof. I saw it once when a clergy man that I knew had had a heart attack and from what he told me he was left quite limited afterwards. His surgeon told him that the heart tries to rebuild after an attack. Most times it does, but sometimes it can't and the person is left a bit disabled. They can't walk far and get tired easily.
The clergy man was left disabled but almost by chance he attended a "prayer" meeting and although he hadn't consciously participated in any healing "ritual" he found that as he left that meeting he felt completely recovered. His surgeon was amazed.
What probably happened was that the minister taking the meeting "prayed", and caused the knock on healing. Prayer to some is not the usual kneeling down and asking God for something but stating the truth of reality in that our true identity is perfect. Thus it is the "healers" Chakras being tuned to the correct reference frequencies, (health etc) and any one near also getting a blast of reference to sync their own Chakras to the correct references. There is a definite science behind all this.
Just because we do not know all the answers does not disallow the substance.

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Do you believe that DNA programming can be undone then?

I would say we are all alchemists at heart . Self transformation on multiple levels is happening all the time . Self awareness of our own energy systems becomes us at some point .

x daz x

amy green
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Why not get help...Most religions have some sort of healing practices. I've tried a couple myself, although I can't be sure of the success. Sounds silly but healing may be different depending on how we see it. In my case something turned out OK but whether it would have on its own is questionable. I am sceptical by nature, I like visible proof. I saw it once when a clergy man that I knew had had a heart attack and from what he told me he was left quite limited afterwards. His surgeon told him that the heart tries to rebuild after an attack. Most times it does, but sometimes it can't and the person is left a bit disabled. They can't walk far and get tired easily.
The clergy man was left disabled but almost by chance he attended a "prayer" meeting and although he hadn't consciously participated in any healing "ritual" he found that as he left that meeting he felt completely recovered. His surgeon was amazed.
What probably happened was that the minister taking the meeting "prayed", and caused the knock on healing. Prayer to some is not the usual kneeling down and asking God for something but stating the truth of reality in that our true identity is perfect. Thus it is the "healers" Chakras being tuned to the correct reference frequencies, (health etc) and any one near also getting a blast of reference to sync their own Chakras to the correct references. There is a definite science behind all this.
Just because we do not know all the answers does not disallow the substance.

Yes, I have heard countless cases of an illness being cured with healers...but never a genetic condition. That is more ingrained and established.

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I was busy yesterday, so came to this thread late. However, one thing I have observed while reading through everyone else’s posts is that you all seem to agree that whatever happens happens to everyone. That either everyone makes a choice or no one does. This is not my understanding, based on my experiences and those of clients and students.
If someone gets to the Land of the Dead between lives, then there is a chance for healing, review and (limited) planning. This planning could involve an illness, or a life of ill-health, from which the soul concerned might learn a lesson that s/he thinks might be valuable. Or, maybe, the illness comes as a side effect of the choices made. Each is individual. But I do know that the plans made at this time are not detailed.
Many souls do not get to the Land of the Dead. They are born once more with no healing and review and – importantly for this thread – without plans.
And whatever our plans might have been, accidents can always happen.
As for choice regarding ‘recovery’, our modern lifestyles encourage soul loss and intrusions. If these are dealt with and if there is no spiritual reason for hanging on to the illness until lessons are learned and if we have enough ‘faith’ to totally surrender to the process, then yes healing can happen. If we understand that it can.

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Yes, I have heard countless cases of an illness being cured with healers...but never a genetic condition. That is more ingrained and established.

If you can get onto a Christian Science web site you can find cases of "genetic" healings. There may be other disciplines that have similar claims.
In your own words " That is more ingrained and established" seems to suggest that you may have been building a wall that in itself could prevent help getting through.
My old English teacher illustrated the difference between maybe and definite.
He used the example of the person drowning. The person drowning who says I will drown, will drown despite any help.
The person who says I shall drown, is saying I shall drown unless I am saved.
Never close the door on possibility, especially on something that is not yet fully understood.. Our mind really does have access to infinite possibilities.
From the science/energy point of view a genetic condition is no different to an illness or disease. All we are doing is changing one understanding for another.
It is the problematic ingrained belief that has to be removed. The longer it is there the harder it is to dig it out, but it is not impossible.
If you had been taught at school that 2+2=5 you would have used that all your life. You would never have got anywhere with it until someone said Hey forget that, its wrong use 2+2=4. Then things would start to fall into place. You would be very reluctant to let go of the old idea, because you have become so accustomed to it, but it has to be done. It is a matter of getting the right idea to begin with.
For me energy, and the scientific understanding has provided an explanation of how Jesus, as mentioned in the Bible could perform so many diverse healings, and perform so called miracles. Others in modern times also have claims of healings such as his. To my knowledge Jesus never said No you must keep your illness, it is there for a purpose. He healed genetic medical conditions, as he did other medical conditions. Nothing was beyond him, as long as the patient had the faith in him that he could help them
I am not strong on faith (getting better) so I sought an understanding from technology and I now really do think it is there. Science has opened the door on infinite possibilities.

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My old English teacher illustrated the difference between maybe and definite.
He used the example of the person drowning. The person drowning who says I will drown, will drown despite any help.
The person who says I shall drown, is saying I shall drown unless I am saved.

Your old English teacher needs to revise the difference between 'shall' and 'will'. 'I shall ...' can still be a statement of intent.
As for 2+2, it doesn't matter what you were taught. An understanding of '2' and '+' leads to the right answer. Understanding trumps rote learning anytime and, in both spirituality and arithmetic, experience leads to understanding.

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Your old English teacher needs to revise the difference between 'shall' and 'will'. 'I shall ...' can still be a statement of intent.
As for 2+2, it doesn't matter what you were taught. An understanding of '2' and '+' leads to the right answer. Understanding trumps rote learning anytime and, in both spirituality and arithmetic, experience leads to understanding.

Hi Crowan.

Yes, shall is a statement of intent but it includes the option of change whereas will does not.
The point of the maths was that irrespective of experience, if the results are wrong then there has to be a fault somewhere, and a change is needed..

amy green
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Scommstech I understand what you say and agree with it (as mentioned in a previous post of mine). However, as also mentioned, I feel it would require wholehearted and unflinching total belief for a DNA reprogramming to take effect. I am not sure I could do that...in a way it feels having to dupe the sceptical side of me and I have always been anti-duping myself!

I have been in a drowning situation whereby I was sure that this was how I was going to die....i.e. had given up and was preparing myself for what felt like the inevitable. (I had never heard of undercurrents and had floated away from the shoreline). I was saved despite this mindset via my sister (who happened to have lifesaving skills). All the more remarkable since I had toyed with her earlier, i.e. pretending to drown. So, when I was really drowning she obviously didn't believe me....until it became obvious.

Although my genetic lung disorder is not wonderful, it is bearable (I have not known what it is like to breathe normally so don't have that as a comparison). I accept it.

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Scommstech I understand what you say and agree with it (as mentioned in a previous post of mine). However, as also mentioned, I feel it would require wholehearted and unflinching total belief for a DNA reprogramming to take effect. I am not sure I could do that...in a way it feels having to dupe the sceptical side of me and I have always been anti-duping myself!

I have been in a drowning situation whereby I was sure that this was how I was going to die....i.e. had given up and was preparing myself for what felt like the inevitable. (I had never heard of undercurrents and had floated away from the shoreline). I was saved despite this mindset via my sister (who happened to have lifesaving skills). All the more remarkable since I had toyed with her earlier, i.e. pretending to drown. So, when I was really drowning she obviously didn't believe me....until it became obvious.

Although my genetic lung disorder is not wonderful, it is bearable (I have not known what it is like to breathe normally so don't have that as a comparison). I accept it.

Hi Amy
You must do what you feel comfortable with...I have heard about DNA changes. The version I read about said that our true identity has 12 DNA strands. This must be our ultimate spiritual potential that can be translated into a mortal form. Some one I presume like Jesus. Most of us it seems have only energised 2 strands. The article that I read said that most successful healers probably have 3 strands of active DNA. Goodness knows if this has ever been proved in a DNA examination.
What information do you have on DNA, and how to enhance it.

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I read something about HeartMath that described a study where participants coiled and uncoiled DNA in test-tubes they were holding using intention/visualisation. They had to be in a coherent state to do so. Maybe Heartmath may be of help?

Reiki Pixie
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There is a certain way of thinking about illnesses that I am not in harmony with. You may have come across it with Louis Hayes books e.g. You Can Heal Your Life. Whilst I agree with a lot she says, primarily in the areas of psychosomatic illnesses (where our thoughts/emotions influence the body), I see it's limitations also. For instance, contracting a virus would not come under this umbrella.

I have just had a conversation with a spiritual, influential writer on a spiritual chat forum. Whilst she praised my positive mindset, she took issue with my genetic lung disorder...asking why would I choose this? I was a bit amazed since I don't see it that way. The nuts and bolts of it is that I was born this way since I was conceived when my father had TB. I believe I have it for a reason and am not really in the right mental space to pursue the apparent DNA reprogramming (via words and frequencies). I have seen some vids of doing this on youtube...I may check them out but I am sceptical.

To put this spiritual writer's view in context...she also believes that we are creators and that we can thus achieve full health. I view that we are co-creators i.e. we have the spark of divinity within us but are not the whole package.
Do you view that your illnesses are your choice (i.e. chosen on a sub conscious level)? Where do you stand on this subject. I welcome your views on it.

For a start, statements like "you chose your disease" or "it's your fault" by the Lousie Hays' of the world is very unhelpful - whether true or not. Or that b0ll0x from Rhonna Bryne (The Secret) said in an interview that people who died or was severely effected by the Tsunami was because of they were sending out tsunami thought waves.

There may be many reasons for ill-health and dis-ease: genetic, ancestral, upbring, environment, nutrition (or the lack of) accidents, psychological, bad luck, bad habits, because God hates you for being a sinner and so forth... and why it doesn't sort itself out.

Whatever the reason, some things can be sorted, some things are ingrained and may be more difficult, some things you can't do diddly about. When atrophy gets in too deep there isn't enough life-force for a complete recovery. Whatever the reason, it is a challenge and a personal journey, and all we can do is use the inner and outer tools that life provides to enhance our quality of life and have a more intelligent death.

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Whatever the reason, some things can be sorted, some things are ingrained and may be more difficult, some things you can't do diddly about. When atrophy gets in too deep there isn't enough life-force for a complete recovery. Whatever the reason, it is a challenge and a personal journey, and all we can do is use the inner and outer tools that life provides to enhance our quality of life and have a more intelligent death.

Very well said!!!

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There is a certain way of thinking about illnesses that I am not in harmony with. You may have come across it with Louis Hayes books e.g. You Can Heal Your Life. Whilst I agree with a lot she says, primarily in the areas of psychosomatic illnesses (where our thoughts/emotions influence the body), I see it's limitations also. For instance, contracting a virus would not come under this umbrella.

I have just had a conversation with a spiritual, influential writer on a spiritual chat forum. Whilst she praised my positive mindset, she took issue with my genetic lung disorder...asking why would I choose this? I was a bit amazed since I don't see it that way. The nuts and bolts of it is that I was born this way since I was conceived when my father had TB. I believe I have it for a reason and am not really in the right mental space to pursue the apparent DNA reprogramming (via words and frequencies). I have seen some vids of doing this on youtube...I may check them out but I am sceptical.

To put this spiritual writer's view in context...she also believes that we are creators and that we can thus achieve full health. I view that we are co-creators i.e. we have the spark of divinity within us but are not the whole package.

Do you view that your illnesses are your choice (i.e. chosen on a sub conscious level)? Where do you stand on this subject. I welcome your views on it.

Hi Amy,

I do think that sometimes we come into this life with an illness or disability that we can't change, and that is part of our life path and life lessons here. So, I also disagree with that point of view which says we are all here to experience full health.

Then I think there are those illnesses that we can heal through lifestyle changes and emotional work. I healed myself of RSI that way.

amy green
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Yes Anna - I have cured myself of many things. I was asking whether our illnesses are our choices.

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Hi Amy,

I do think that sometimes we come into this life with an illness or disability that we can't change, and that is part of our life path and life lessons here. So, I also disagree with that point of view which says we are all here to experience full health.

Then I think there are those illnesses that we can heal through lifestyle changes and emotional work. I healed myself of RSI that way.

Who - in your belief system - decides this life path and life lessons?

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Who - in your belief system - decides this life path and life lessons?

That is a really good question. I have heard people say that we choose our own life path with its inherent experiences. There is also the belief that a Divine creator/energy chooses our life path or that it is a joint decision between us and our Creator. Who knows? I don't find any of the above satisfactory answers if I am honest...

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That is a really good question. I have heard people say that we choose our own life path with its inherent experiences. There is also the belief that a Divine creator/energy chooses our life path or that it is a joint decision between us and our Creator. Who knows? I don't find any of the above satisfactory answers if I am honest...

This idea would still beg the question, "Why?"

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There seems to be an assumption here that illness is wrong and we should all be experiencing perfect health, unfortunately this is not the way we work.

We all have a right to experience whatever state of health and well being we are currently utilising our creative nature to create an abundance of.

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