Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
Transmuting all 3 dimensional, polarity thoughtform into Unity thoughtform, the higher consciousness concepts.
Transforming the biology, as all transmutation heals the karma that has kept the form in the loss of body information that has caused all disease, and loss of substances to regenerate the form.
Transcending all thoughtform that creates dysfunctions, lacks, all attachments to the 3 D physical world.
Hello Beloveds, you may not have heard of Ascension.
You may have heard, but not really understood Ascension.
You may not personally care, or want to ascend.
However your souls care very much, they require ascension. You ascend, they finally can evolve.
Ascension is transcendation of the 3 D physical. Made possible by a healing action that only the physical consciousness can perform.
You, at this time, are a mere fragment of the whole Soul Complement. As soul was shattered and scattered a long time ago.
Ascension is Spiritual Evolution.
Souls only reason for existance – to evolve the species it exists within.
A State of Being.
Consciousness affects Being.
When oKa posts many of these types of truths, about loss of consciousness, and about my loss of consciousness.
Many go into doubt, disbelief, some into fear, some into arrogance.
How could a planet ‘lose consciousness’ and not know it has lost consciousness.
I could then say, how could a human lose consciousness and not know he/she has lost consciousness.
This is the outcome of a lost consciousness – one does not know they have lost anything.
So cannot do the required work to retreive something they don’t know they have lost.
Or the knowledge on how to do this retreival work, as this knowledge is imbedded, or a part of the lost consciousness.
I am now doing the required inner work of completing karma, forgiving those that harmed me.
The Annunaki. – mined extensively, exploded bombs, poisoned, and harmed the resident humans, this, too, is for each and every human to address. They also perpetrated a very specific act against humans, and in this inhumane act (of using a human form to live their lives) the unconscious human then perpetrated against me and other humans.
The Arcturians – used Earth as a dumping ground, for their dangerous chemicals. They returned as scientists to monitor.
Alpha Centauri.- perpetrated against humans, and in that perpetration caused humans to harm me.
Those who have perpetrated on my form, I now must see, understand and forgive.
Humanity must do the same thing.
But how can you forgive something you cannot see?
This is one of the outcomes of a loss in consciousness – you cannot see. Therefore you cannot know. Therefore you cannot forgive.
When we know what there is to forgive, and why we must forgive – we do.
Then the changes happen. The healing, expedited by the authentic healing of Forgiveness, which erases the past karmic circumstance.
This is now the extreme earthquakes, I am healing the karmas, the spells, curses and many etheric ‘mechanised devices’ in my etheric body, and the healing steps down into the physical.
Changes happen for the physical form.
The same for the human.
See and understand what creates every dysfunction known to man, heal that dysfunction and the form will change exponentially.
Investigate those spells, hexes, curses, karmas and understand exactly what those ‘etheric mechanised devices’ actually are, they are all in your etheric body dynamic – affecting your every move, every thought and crippling your manifestation dynamic.
Remove or dismantle everyone and you can change the thought and way of thinking, and the consciousness. And this is the consciousness of a Creator Soul (physical Spiritual Master) and a Planetary Guardian.
Back to what it was before the Anu interferred
Do this often enough and the form will change in vibrations – in frequency.
This is now happening to my form, a heightened frequency base.
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
More gobbledegook?
Is anyone actually meant to read this?
Will you dialogue about it?
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
hi Kolo
I also encourage you to engage in some dialogue /interaction with others in the forum, rather than only posting these long and unfocused pieces
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
The problem I have with things like this is that I've read so many messages that are supposedly channelled from various sources, but where the sources are supposedly the same i.e. Terra in this case, the messages are different between each of the persons doing the channelling. Which only leads me to conclude that it cannot be definitely determined who is really channelling and who is just making it up, or even if all are influencing the messages with their own beliefs.
Also a lot of the messages seem to be very down-putting and giving messages of fear, which is not something I would expect from a truly spiritual being.
Just my thoughts.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
Dear Kolo,
Please keep it simple .
We are open to listening and engaging constructively
with you and others as long as we can understand you.
If the knowledge is of importance to all beings it is necessary then to communicate in a way that all will understand.There are many levels of sharing knowledge and those that will understand it will I am sure on many levels .
Otherwise it is a waste of time.
So please share more with us.
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
My dears, this is called 'ascension truth' .. there is no rhetoric, no cryptism, it is all as it is.
I cannot use a simpler vocab. - as this is at its simplest. You have to collaborate with your ascension guides, or me.
Yes it is very difficult to read - as ascension truth is previously unknown works.
And it cannot be read with one or two readings - one takes each section at a time, with muscle-testing or penduluming.
One also invokes ones Nature Guide, to help one 'interprete'. (for that is the purpose of all ones Soul guides, Nature guides and Earthmother - they are in your service. Just to understand the non-understandable.
One requires a pendulum to read this sort of 'gobbledegook' for it will be you andyour pendulum that your guides work with..
yes Venetian it does seem like gobbledegook, this is only because there is nothing in your databanks, nothing in your consciousmind that you can refer to.
In fact, no one can research 'ascension' because of these works being revealed for the very first time on this planet (for over 150,000 years at least).
Ascension truth is stated plainly for what it is - it is up to each intending to ascend, who will bother to inquire further. To bring each concept into the consciousmind at the level of being they are currently at.
e.g. when we are first learning of our many etheric body realms - we call them 'the etheric body'.. as we proceed further and deeper, one stops using that terminology (as it is too broad) and uses the more defined aspect of what we are talking about.
when we start to figure out 'thoughtform' - harmful and non-harmful, we strive to move into the harmless thoughtform.
Now the word 'thoughtform' will take a long time to eventually figure it all out. We inquire, and then works are pushed into our awareness - or one can cut to the chase and ask 'is there something i can read on this issue?'
And soul will lead you to a relevant site, that is addressing 'thoughtform' - or maybe i am the catalyst here (seeing i seem to have picked out one aspect that you may be unaware of). has much to say about polarity/unity thinking. And goes into 'thought and thinking' into some depth. (all free to download on their website) also hasunderstandings on the types of thinking that are harmful.
Beloveds i do appreciate the difficulty you are having - as i too had this difficulty, insomuch, that i nearly left the school that was to teach me so much, as i couldnt understand.
Trust me - we do. We most definately do - we just have to keep pushing to do so.
Namaste and Blessings
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
Am posting this as an after thought ...
There is a lot out there - and Earthmother would like to advise that there IS so much out there - and not all is to be understood - there is not the time. HOwever understanding authentic Ascension issues is paramount - and one first inquires 'is this ascension truth?' - "shall i push to understand this?' .. and if your pendulum says 'yes' THEN one strives to understand, as it will be relevant to your personal ascension.
xxx Pat
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
ORIGINAL: Energylz
The problem I have with things like this is that I've read so many messages that are supposedly channelled from various sources, but where the sources are supposedly the same i.e. Terra in this case, the messages are different between each of the persons doing the channelling. Which only leads me to conclude that it cannot be definitely determined who is really channelling and who is just making it up, or even if all are influencing the messages with their own beliefs.
As you may well have read from me before, Giles, ;)as I've come to the subject from my earliest days on HP, this is the problem I with with channelling too. I've never heard a single channeller successfully address this point.
I won't demean real men and women who have lived centuries ago or much more recently, who get "channelled" now that they are passed over, but let's take a "Master Xxxxxxx" - there's a certain logic involved here, as you say,that if this Master, by the same name, is channelled by a hundred people, and through one he says the truth is white, through another that it's pink, through another saying "Those others aren't me", and all 100 quite differ, then in accurate matters where there can only be one truth, either all are false messages, or all but one, by logic.
They also utterly differ in tone through many channellers - I've heard the same supposed 'Master' sound lovey-dovey through some, and like a Disney witch through others.
I actually don't think it's almost ever, if ever, "made up" as in being untruthful, BTW. The occult mechanism going on here is quite well-known to, say, Theosophy. The human mind is a simply amazing thing, and able to play the most complex tricks on itself. The channellers I've known were sincere, but deluded. (I actually once tried to bring three together who all had the same "Master" - they wouldn't even email or call each other: because unconsciously they knew their differences would expose the truth. :D)
The 'Mahatmas' who were behind Theosophy really did exist, had physical bodies, and met people tangibly. But their names were unknown to the West.From the instant that their names became public knowledge, dozens of people were 'channelling' them [what's now called channelling came under the umbrella of spiritualism in those days] - but the Mahatmas themselves were writing: "That's not us! It's illusion from the subconscious, auditory and visual, though the people are sincere." They explained the mechanism fairly well. It's why some such great souls never come forth publicly at all: just to avoid being "channelled" during or after their lifetimes. That can't happen if their names aren't known, of course, so quite a few spiritual teachers remain unknown to the Western public. ;)The decision to go public, with their name, is quite a big step. Forever after, people are likely to teach falsely in their name.
Even their name itself might be 'changed' by channellers - the current craze to say "Jesus has changed his name to Sananda" [not our Sunanda!] for example.
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
I actually don't think it's almost ever, if ever, "made up" as in being untruthful, BTW.
Totally agree V. I perhaps should have phrased it differently. I should have said that although the person chanelling consciously believes that the words being given are not of their own making, they cannot be truly aware of what their unconscious mind is feeding them.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
In a strange way, Giles, it actually gives me so much respect for the human mind that it can do this. I've read about it and seen it: that the hallucinations are auditory and even visual, and clearly convince the person. It makes the unconscious very clever. (I'm not writing about spiritualism by the way.)
Obviously I realise that there are two sides to this, and others believe in channelling: I also believe in the unseen, in God, in all kinds of things; but if I feel I knew somebody in reality, and now 100 people channel that person, and all differently, not like the person I knew, then I couldn't logically accept it. Of course, it varies a lot in "quality" too. :eek:I've joked many a time with a couple of friends that we are pretty familiar with the field, and could easily come out with a porky-pie 'message'. Starting with 'my dears' or 'Dear Ones' would always kick you off to a start.
I'm sorry but the subject does lead me to humour, and I'd just love to somehow get several in a room together to channel the same being. It could be highly amusing: a competition as to who is the authentic one? :)It really isn't that I disbelieve in the unseen, the afterlife, and so on: it's just the channelling.
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
All your concerns and arguments are very valid - THAT is precisely why one requires tools, to circumvent the ego/mind.
The ego mind knows nothing of ascension - nothing of really anything.
It is the spiritual mind that knows.
And it is this mind the pendulum or muscle-testing taps into.
'Behold you are the temple of the living god' ... whilst this is correct in theory.
I ask you this
Do you, as the temple of the living god, know the Universe?
how it thinks? all its sacred truths of mechanisms and dynamics?
Know all the Laws of Spirit - of planet
Know all there is to know of spirit and ascension?
No, you do not my loves - no one does - however it IS these truths that every ascending intitate strives to retreive.
And it is those that have pursued - pushed - achieving their own ascension, that have some of these lost truths.
Which 'ascending' deems one must share those retreived truths with others - so they, too must learn and ascend.
(the ascending initiate does not do the inner work, and then ascend in reclusivity - go bush, go to a monestary, to a cave .. none of that.... they are required to go back into society, forums, and share.
And it is up to each individual to push and pursue (to understand) - just like each initiate has to do.
And we retreive these 'lost' truths - for they ALL have been lost on this planet - as you ascend.
And use these truths for your own personal ascension.
The moment you label something - you are judging.
The moment you judge something - you are in your ego mind.
These are truths my dear friend - circumvent your ego mind, use a discernment tool, or go within (which is both when using a spiritual tool).
Namaste and Blessings
RE: Transcendation by Terra (Earthmother)
All your concerns and arguments are very valid - THAT is precisely why one requires tools, to circumvent the ego/mind.
The ego mind knows nothing of ascension - nothing of really anything.
It is the spiritual mind that knows.And it is this mind the pendulum or muscle-testing taps into.
I do muscle-testing (whichoccasionally I alsodo with pendulum), but it important that when we do this we don't let our own beliefs effect the results because, yes, we can effect how the pendulum swings.
'Behold you are the temple of the living god' ... whilst this is correct in theory.
I ask you this
Do you, as the temple of the living god, know the Universe?
how it thinks? all its sacred truths of mechanisms and dynamics?
Know all the Laws of Spirit - of planet
Know all there is to know of spirit and ascension?No, you do not my loves - no one does - however it IS these truths that every ascending intitate strives to retreive.
Erm.... I'd say Yes. I am energy, the Universe is energy, we are all one universal interconnected energy and the answers are within our oneness.
The moment you judge something - you are in your ego mind.
like saying "No, you do not my loves - no one does" above? You are judging others.
Namaste and Blessings
Love and Reiki Hugs & also have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year