Does anyone feel like me?
You wake up each morning to sit in traffic, then to sit at a desk staring at a PC, wishing the hours away until 5.30 when you are free to do what you want…..but are you free…drive home, get stuck in traffic again, realise you haven’t seen your gran/mum/neighbour in awhile so you pop in for a cuppa, next go home and make dinner, sort some paperwork, time for bed and then it starts all again the next day.
You spend more time with your work colleagues then you do your own family, some might be pleased with that, but to be honest I’d rather spend all day being round people that know the real ‘you’ not the work ‘you’. How great would it be to have a job where you can be yourself?
In another thread a person mentioned how her boss was freaked out by crystals in the office, and another person said how she kept crystals in the office but never really explained what they were as she was worried by what people will think. I can relate to this….how many other people can? How many other people live what seems a double life, one being sat in the rat race trying to get along doing your office job and paying your bills and the other secret life of reading books on reiki, the spirit world and fairies , power of positive thought and going to spiritual fairs at the weekends. Would you be brave enough to tell your colleagues about your activities at the weekend? I know some people can, I guess it depends on the environment you work in and the people you work with.
If I could make a wish, I would wish that I could quit my office job, that I would win £10k to clear my debt, so I have a fresh slate, I wish I could develop my skills to be able to contribute some good to the world and be able to make a living out of it.
I have been recently drawn to healing animals. I have had several dreams about the subject and since have found several websites. But there is still an underlying feeling that I must stick to what I know (my office job) I guess this could be fear of the unknown, fear of taking a risk. I am a Leo, so I should be quite brave and strong.
I guess that’s is why I love this website so much, there are tons of like minded people out there which you can converse with, without feeling different or ridiculed.
Thank you HP x
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
Absolutely I can relate to this, though I'm fortunate enough not to have a 9-5 office job (but this means that I have insecurity around money issues.)
If I could make a wish, I would wish that I could quit my office job, that I would win £10k to clear my debt, so I have a fresh slate, I wish I could develop my skills to be able to contribute some good to the world and be able to make a living out of it.
Well, you can make a wish. Just do it. And believe absolutely that what you want to happen will happen. Don't doubt for a moment. Ask the universe for what you want and then forget about it. It may take a while, but I bet your inner lion will be roaring before too long.
Meanwhile the only other advice I can give is to somehow extract the positive from the daily grind. Every sunny morning is a bonus. Every minute stuck in traffic means you can listen to something lovely on the radio and think good thoughts. At least you have a job and can keep the wolf from the door. You work in an office which is warm in the wintertime (I hope!) If you can't change your life just yet, then change your attitude to it - go on, try! And who knows, your workmates might be really receptive to hearing about your 'other' life. Personally I've found most people to be really interested whenever I mention some aspect of might even be the little seed from which someone's awakening will grow.
All the best.
With love
Sunanda xxx
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
ORIGINAL: sunanda
And who knows, your workmates might be really receptive to hearing about your 'other' life. Personally I've found most people to be really interested whenever I mention some aspect of might even be the little seed from which someone's awakening will grow.
Hi there
I can empathise with how this feels and would just like to echo Sunanda's comment above. I thinkyou would be very surprised with the response you get if you start to introduce your "other life" topics into your conversation at work. Maybe start off with the comment "Guess what I did at the weekend - I went to this healing fair and it was brilliant, I tried a reiki treatment....blah blah blah" and away you go. Everything is becoming a lot more mainstream these days and I bet there are a few closet reiki fans at your company thinking the same as you.
Obviously there will always be a few who receive this kind of information with a stony stare or a raised eyebrow, but just think....even though you are running the rat race, you have your other world to go to when you are home and at weekends...they don't! They just have the rat race....
And if you still have no joy...well there is HP... and you'll find lots of kindred spirits here.
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
On the other hand, my present boss told me by about Day 2 with him that he's a Christian evangelist, and he is, big time. I can't even mention reincarnation or mainstream Hinduism to him. I tried and all went very quiet. Then I tried to bring him out about his own beliefs and experiences, but he obviously wasn't keen to do that either .... It's all no-go. I do understand the original post: have had many positions like that.
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
Thank you both for your lovely uplifting replies.
I am having a bit of a bad day today. Yesterday i had a lovely day and left work with a smile, but then i spent an hour gettting home (usually 20 minns) as i was stuck in traffic. What ever way i went i would meet more traffic, which in the end 'freaked' me out as i hate feeling stuck and i got more and more wound up and got home in tears! Weird i know, but a few years back i lived in a town which is known for its traffic problems and i spent every working day sat in traffic, which in the end make it very ill. Last night was the first time in about two years i have felt like the 'old' me, which freaked me out even more because i thought i had got over it and so much stronger and positive. So i spent the whole night thinking about what this meant as it felt i hadn't moved forward, so today i feel quite drained and down and tearful.
(When i say 'freaked' out i am refering to panic attacks and anxiety attacks.)
But being stuck in the Rat Race is something i have always felt i needed to get out of. I have taken on board what you have both said and feel in order to get out of my hole, i need to carry on thinking positive and see the positive in all i do.
The worst thing is, when someone is down i usually hand out the same advice, shame i can't always listen to myself! Ha ha 😀
Thank you
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
The worst thing is, when someone is down i usually hand out the same advice, shame i can't always listen to myself!
Oh hey! Been there done that! Just over the weekend I was whingeing on about being bored and getting I'm 'better' and can offer you a helping hand. when I was down all these lovely HP people came along with words of love and encouragement for me. Swings and roundabouts, sj; what goes around comes around.
Any chance of you being able to use public transport to get to work? that way at least you can read when you get held up! If not, then try keeping a crystal in the car with you and CDs of soothing music. Try not to panic. Remember what our Mums and Grannies used to say? What can't be cured must be endured. Sad but true.
Anyway, I wouldn't mind betting that by getting this out of your system you'll be able to let it go. Don't despair. It doesn't mean that you're not making progress. We all have our ups and downs...
I'd better go before this post sinks beneath the weight of all the cliches I'm writing:D
Chin up. All shall be well.
With love
Sunanda xxx
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
hi there
first time posting so hopefully will get it right.
i feel for you in every way when you describe how you feel being stuck in the rat race. Eight months ago i gave my job up doing 9-5, it was quite a stressful office job in sales and accounting. I had been interested ever since i was very small in the 'alternative things' but none of it was as mainstream as it is now.I used to lead a double life but now i am very open about my beliefs, maybe as i've got older i don't tend to worry so much about what people may think of me. At my lastjob every one knew i was a follower of wicca, that i firmly believed that alternative therapies worked, and that i was a believer in all things spiritual. i found that when i started to be open about what i did (the fairs at the weekend etc) that people wanted to know more. i wasn't afraid to talk about things because i quickly came to the conclusion that because of my beliefs i have developed into the person i am and by hiding that side of me was almost admitting i was ashamed or embarrased by them.
the rat race is something that can be left behind, ten years ago i would never have dreamt that i would be doing a job that i realy enjoy and not having to travel two hours a day to get to an office where i would spend the most part of the day doing something i didn't realy enjoy with people who i had nothing in common with. I must admit i have a partner who has been very supportive but who also like you didn't know what to do to get away from it. he gave up his 9-5 three weeks ago and is so much happier and relaxed. we both know that the bills have to be paid so a check on how the money gets spent but we now have time together, but time also to do what we realy want
don't get downhearted, if you want it badly you will find a way of doing what makes you happy
good luck in all you do
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
I gave up the rat race 4 years ago, moved to a small town in the hills to bring up the kids, and now work in a very quiet office after working in the city in a large very busy environment. I was known and accepted (by most) for living in a bubble when I workedin the city and after some adjustment(time stands still in the country) I have unwound. People accept you for what you are or they leave you alone. The ones who are worth knowing will want to know you.
I have found that timing is key in life - when the time is right for you heal animals, it will happen, and you will be in the right place to do it. Meanwhile, learn as much as you can and work on any issues you have yourself so that you are fully balanced.
For anyone thinking of Self employment, it can be scary venturing out without the security of regular income however *Tax credit is an option, you don't need to have kids to get this - just be over 25 and work 30 hours per week. I am weighed down with a mortgage at the moment but once the kids are away from home we plan to sell up. My son is a budding musician and I have suggested he rents a home initially when he leaves so he can be free to roam.
We are so tied up financially in this country - wouldn't it be nice to downsize and get back to basics?
*[link= ][/link]
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
I too pulled the eject handle on the rat race a couple of years ago; I had a very successful career in the Army for 22 years. My background was in engineering and I commanded a fine group of men and women; I believed in the privilige of command and we travelled extensively, saw some interesting places and challenging experiences.
Yet with the changing political and security climate of the 21st Century, which we are all aware of, I found myself increasingly away from my family, which I didn't like at all. I spent the last 3 winters of my military career in Iraq, Afghanistan and Northern Ireland; inbetween there would be a couple of months of stability at home before we began to work up to go away again.
In my last year in the Army I was looking what to do afterward as I knew I was leaving; as winter approached and I was due 'out' in February 2005 the Army 'invited' me to go back to Afghanistan with the unit - "you're an indispensible member of the team!" was the wording. I knew then that I was being used and I didn't like that at all - I declined and no longer cooperated with them.
So I wanted to do something different; interviews I had with companies left me with an impression I should 'dumb down' my CV - I wasn't willing to do that!
I received a life changing phone call from the people I now work with (as a self employed person) and I didn't immediately see the 'picture' during my visit to the head office in Warwick; I left with questions and I spent the evening researching this business online. I found that the pyramid accusations were groundless and that it was a successful business; I had a 3am epiphany.
So now I enjoy a great life in a 'lifestyle' business; after the Army (which was great) I now enjoy life with some style. I have done things that I never experienced before: I set compelling goals (try taking a test drive in the car of your dreams!); I visualize my 'bright shining future' - try that and see how it feels! WOW...I work with positive, inspired people who want to be successful.
Now getting up in the morning fills me with drive; I jump out of bed and think "LET'S GET IT ON!"
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
I have spent 15+ years in the catering trade and had been looking for a change; I still work in the catering trade but in my spare time I am a distributor for a company that offers cheaper utility bills, the good thing is that I can inform people that they can save money and I get paid for recommendation.
It's not as though I can make a full time job of it as yet, but it adds to my current salary and helps to pay the bills.
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
Would you be brave enough to tell your colleagues about your activities at the weekend? I know some people can, I guess it depends on the environment you work in and the people you work with.
I did and funnily enough I wasn't on my own because then others said they also shared an interest, it goes to show that you just need courage to open the door on your life and walk through it,letting others know,widens your group and they begin to grow with you, they too bring their friends and before long you got yourself a nice group to reiki, develop spiritually with and lots of love.The office atmosphere changes because no one is hiding their Walter Mitty !
Go on, open your closet door, you could do it gently or be right out there up front, the next headache in your office needs your healing hands, offer and see what happens. :)Be proud of who you are,your Light is switched on so change the bulb and sparkle. Lyn xx
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
I'd definitely tell everyone in the Office what I was doing; unfortunately I don't have one because I do what I do full time from home! My cat likes me telling him about the business but my sons are too young! I'd love an office full of people to chat about this too - think of all the business contacts one could make.
I know one of my colleagues worked in an office environment and finally, after a year, created a large enough self employed salary to 'retire' from her office job and do what I do, i.e. work their business full time; she offered her letter of resignation to the 'Boss' and at the same time gave 'him' her business card and told him to look at her website!
I could have hugged her when she told me that - so I hugged the phone instead! Her 'ex-boss' was too inflexible to change, but several of her office-friends are now in her business group and doing very well.
I think this is a 21st Century solution to many of the challenges we face - such as being a 'wage slave'.
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
I understand completely. I recently moved to a new area (actually it's only a few miles away from where I lived before but it seems a million miles away). I kept getting stuck in traffic, getting lost, annoyed by the noise of traffic outside my flat I was driven mad, but as time's gone on, I really like it here. Sometimes you have to look at things a little differently. I bought some ear plugs, found that the traffic was caused by road maintenance on the M25 so a lot has now disappeared, learnt some of the roads and turned up the radio a little.
I've found also that a different approach to work helps too. I used to think that using the opportunity to complain to my boss about issues helped but it doesn't. Instead of wingeing I've found that holding back on small petty issues makes them tiny and insignificant. It's almost as if saying things reinforces them, so rather than say "I get annoyed by so and so's moods" say something positive or at the least, nothing! I know we live in a culture now of speaking our problems, but sometimes just shutting up and ignoring it does work. Obviously if it's a serious complaint tell someone but so much of what we moan about is pathetic. I can't believe how petty and negative I could be. People you work with appreciate a non bitchy environment too! 🙂
RE: Stuck in the Rat Race
At the moment it is ALL about Ascension.
Soul does not want you to be stuck in the rat race - in a non-ascending job.
Soul requires us to ascend.
As one starts the Ascension process one is guided and mentored, in just about everything.
Anchoring Souls, Nature Guide, Earthmother and Source - these are ones Ascension Team. And have the necessary truths to ascend you.
As one surrenders to these voices - one will be guided to change many facets of ones life. In fact, it is a general rule, that at least two major things must change.
For some it maybe the family
The job, the partner, the place where you are living right now - the country even.
We all have a very defined and individual Ascension Path, that only soul knows.
However it is as we go within, and keep going within - and to acquire tools that help us hear, that one will be guided to move from that non-ascending job - or that non-ascending family situation etc. And it will be as we allow soul to do the orchestrating and moving, that all will be with equinimity and harmony. Even understanding from the family, where there may have been none before. It is quite amazing.
Not too many will be ascending in the 'rat race' - or in the cities. Nor in non-ascending jobs.
I hope that inspires your search for (a) an authentic ascension site, to help you anchor your guidance and (b) acquire every psychic gift and every spiritual tool, to hear this guidance.
Namaste and Love