Spiritual People
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Spiritual People

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I wonder if anyone can explain what a spiritual person is?

Sometime ago I visited a medium and she told me that I was a spiritual person but that I didnt know it. The visit to the medium was a very emotional experience for me and I couldnt at the time grasp all that she was telling me. Having now thought about she told me I would like to know more.

Thank you to anyone to can help me understand a little more.


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RE: Spiritual People

Hello SC

I am responding to your question because I sense it is coming from the place deep within you from where your Spirit resides.

This is such a huge question to answer, so I have sought Guidance for you, and this is what I have for you:

You are being asked to believe in yourself and to trust that God and the Angels are with you. Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith.

Your Angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even God. You are being asked to put your trust in yourself, and the Divine Spark that is within you. You, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past. However, although you may not be feeling this right now, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent God within you, and God is infallible. The Angels ask you to trust in God and to trust them. They will help you to trust yourself. Asyour trust in yourself grows, you will become aware of your Spiritualconnection to the Divine Source andall that is.

love epinay

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RE: Spiritual People

Epinay - what a lovely message, I felt inspired and the message wasn't even for me:)

SC - to me being a spiritual person is about being true to my true-self. Which is a challenge as it is as much a voyage of discovery as it is a life philosophy. I mean it's not about how much meditation you do, or how much healing you do (it might be so don't discard these good practises just yet!). Its about doing whatever you need to do to feel a whole person. I can't tell you what that might be, only you will KNOW it when you find it but some folks, like Epinay may guide you on your path.

I have just talked this thread over with my wife and from her perspective being a spiritual person is about knowing. You are aware that there is more to life than this earthly existence and open to learn from it.

Hope our ramblings help.

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RE: Spiritual People

Everyone is spiritual on one level or the other...

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RE: Spiritual People

Hello Epinay

Thank you so much for your reply. I know that I was asking a huge question and I needed some help in understanding.

You are right that I dont believe in myself and have been disappointed in the past - I think you have a special gift!

Thank you for giving me some guidance. Your reply has helped.


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RE: Spiritual People

Thank you to you and your wife for your thoughts. I too think Epinays massage was lovely.

Your thoughts have helped - and given me some guidance.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Best wishes

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RE: Spiritual People

What is a spiritual person?
I call my self physic
I have been called spiritual
But I don’t believe in a god as such or a higher power
I do weird stuff like talk to the dead energies
And they have all ways said we are all equal, one , the same
And I go with that no one is better or worse than me including god
They have never wanted me to worship them they are more like friends
Spiritual has reference to a practice like religion, shaman, ect
But for me I don’t follow any practice and follow my truth, integrity, what feels right and true for me
And a lot of my truths have been formulated from what spirit has said to me and I know I can do any thing here drink smoke even drugs eat raw met what ever and they are still their if I light incense or candles its for the ambiance not to call not for them as such
But if you follow a practice good for you but I am just say you don’t have to

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RE: Spiritual People

I believe we are 1/3 mind, 1/3 body and 1/3 spirit. Which essentially means that we are all spiritual, even those that can't, won't or don't recognise their spiritual nature.

But when we describe a person as spiritual... I guess it depends on who is doing thedescribing, it can mean many things. To meit means someone who carries an awareness with them that we are more than body and mind, that we are all connected, that there is a God or creative power, who feels love for all beings and the planet and is aware of the spiritual nature within them, who has faith and trusts that everything is perfect even when it doesn't appear to be, and is drawn to discover and live the 'higher' meaning of life, and that this awareness informs and influences them from day-to-day.

Actually it's quite difficult to put into words when you try. To me it's some of those things, yet so much more.

Love & Light, xx ShinyCat xx

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RE: Spiritual People

SC... you don't know what a spiritual person is????? What a gift! Don't fill those question marks up with concepts or you will get into your ego. Just follow your heart and perhaps learn to go inside to pray or meditate for guidance.

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RE: Spiritual People

ORIGINAL: vortex

What is a spiritual person?
I call my self physic
I have been called spiritual
But I don't believe in a god as such or a higher power
I do weird stuff like talk to the dead energies
And they have all ways said we are all equal, one , the same
And I go with that no one is better or worse than me including god
They have never wanted me to worship them they are more like friends
Spiritual has reference to a practice like religion, shaman, ect
But for me I don't follow any practice and follow my truth, integrity, what feels right and true for me
And a lot of my truths have been formulated from what spirit has said to me and I know I can do any thing here drink smoke even drugs eat raw met what ever and they are still their if I light incense or candles its for the ambiance not to call not for them as such
But if you follow a practice good for you but I am just say you don't have to

good post vortex, resonates deeply with me anyway. I think it's very hard fora person to start to think of themselves as spiritual without the ego getting involved and getting all sorts of ridiculous notions!!!If I thnk I am spiritual that seems like a very positive thing to be to me. If someone tells me I am spiritual that must mean that some people are not so I'm immedately going to feel superior to those who are not....whether I admit it or not. The truth is we are all the same. Different places on the journey but no more nor less than anyone else. In the past I've had many tarot readings, enough now not to bother having any more. Every person who ever read believed themselves to have a special gift but actually none of them really said or did anything to astound me or anything that had any real sort of long term impact on my life. Most of the predictions for the future did not come true.

At the time it resonates because you're wanting to much for it to mean something but on later inspection on the cold light of day most of the readings are very general really and would resonate with anyone because it's all about universal themes. I did an experiment and had 6 readings in one day. very expensive but cured me of ever wanting any more. Every single reading was wildly different, in some I would not have relationship for a while, in others I would meet my soulmate in a few months, in others I would be going out a lot and partying, in others I would be going for a hermit phase etc etc,

How could they all be right? But each one started the reading saying they had a special gift. There is a lot of self delusion around and it all stems from the ego wanting to be someone special. It is too dumb and stupid to realise we're all special and all as special as it's possible to be and as we're ever going to be just by being us. We don't need bells and whisltes to prove it.

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RE: Spiritual People

I second that Realitymaker! 😀

Hugs to all [sm=grouphug.gif]

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RE: Spiritual People

To me a Spiritual person is one who sees there is no self interest in this world we see.

3 years ago I was a top businessman BMW and a few bikes, detached house etc etc
My "spiritual reading" was bike magazine and the beano and Glastonbury was for strange people with a stanger dress sense hehe - no offence meant - but that was how i saw it all
I had always been someone that didnt hold a grudge and had been helping my wife through self harm (life lessons?) and my stepdaughter through Bullemia and my Nan who lived with us just before she passed.
My one real "knowing" or learning perhaps had been "love is more important that anything else"
I suspected there was a "greater being" but was open on that and decided if there was - it would ensure i knew about it !

Christmas 2003 and I sat down to watch "Bruce Almighty"
During this film i changed conceousness from worldly to truth and experienced my "true self" infinity, or what I would now refer to as "The forgotton Song"

I will not try to explain it in any more depth as it can only be expereinced and will be by all

A year after this experience I was given "A Course In Miracles" by a lifelong friend who knew what i was trying to explain - It sung to me and was exactly what i was trying to say
A year after that I came to a chapter as above and read in words what i had experienced yet couldnt explain IN THAT MOMENT

Perhaps this may help you - perhaps not - I am no Guru and I am still finding my balance now

There is nothing to fear and all paths lead home - to peace and complete love in ONE

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RE: Spiritual People

A 'spiritual' person is generally someone who has issues with materlism:D.....just being a pure human being as the creator intended ought to be enough.

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RE: Spiritual People


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RE: Spiritual People

but god is there
acctually everyone is spritual
just everyone's homework in this world is differnt
human body is so piesous
my spritual frds said to me the other day
there was a guru in india spirutla channel said
every devi and demi gods are waiiting a line to beomce a human body
but not many great mother in this earth
so u are lucky your jiva is in human body
you can learn what is you have to learn in this earth
and chooose where you are going back in univese
human can choose either hell or heaven
