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Spiritual Awakenings

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We are all on a unique journey and no two spiritual awakenings are alike.
I'd like to invite anyone who feels moved to, to share their spiritual awakening experiences here on this thread...

In Love and Light

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

I have spent my whole life waking up... even as a child, I found life to be a mystery. Nothing seemed to fit, no one ever seemed to be able to answer my questions... so I tried to anaesthetise myself in the trivialities of life, but failed miserably. It seemed that it was never my destiny to spend this lifetime in a dreamy slumber.

January 1995 Eppstein, Germany.

I was depressed, over worked, had just lost my best friend and could not the see the purpose in life whatsoever! A painful scream welled up from the depths of my being. I hated life and began to consider that the liberation of death would be far more satisfying than the pain of living in a world of chaos consumed with ignorance, judgement, greed and selfishness. At the age of twenty I could bare it no longer!

I finally surrendered, waving a white flag to the universe, giving up the fight altogether.

I collapsed on my bed, releasing every struggle, every attachment, everything I'd loved, cared about, hated, achieved - In that moment I gave absolutely everything within me back to the universe. I needed nothing, wanted nothing, hoped for nothing! Without exception everything that I’d ever perceived, thought, known or understood, infact the “me” I thought I was vanished entirely!

My whole being seemed to shatter. A rush of ‘light’ bolted up through my being and fountained out through my head, immersing me in an eternity of mind blowing brilliance. My awareness was centred in an infinite ocean of divine love. All that seemed to be left of me right then was a universal awareness spanning through endless dimensions.

Awareness revealed to me experientially that the core of all living things is connected. I saw how everything was united, and that everything I did echoed throughout the whole universe. My brothers and sisters, fellow animals, plants and trees, were all intimately connected to myself and one another. It was a truly phenomenal experience to behold... I learnt during this awakening what love truly was, and that the nature of the world that myself and most others had come to understand was infact nothing more than an illusion, a game, a cover story to entice us into discovering the truth of who we are.

The bliss was so remarkable, that it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, as if the entire universe were engaged in a divine loving embrace, with a compassion infinately more potent than anything I'd come to know during my life on earth. I enjoyed a cosmic journey so profound and revelational that it blew apart my world and changed my perception entirely from that day onwards. My lifestyle changed literally over night.

That was eleven years ago, and the journey since then has been profound, exciting and at times downright frustrating. I have been primarily grounded and down to earth throughout and have learnt over the years to integrate these experiences into everyday life.

When we awaken spiritually we are effectively invited to allow 'the divine to flow down to earth' through our expression. To do this in a world of chaos isn't always easy, although it is entirely possible and most certainly happens. Feeling the oneness of it all means that we may feel the turmoil and suffering of the entire planet and our fellows, as well as the calm and peace that radiates beyond all things. It can be a fine balancing act, and an on going journey of discovery and fine tuning.

With Love

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Trin, thanks for sharing.

You are lucky. I am 60 and still fighting the game. When I put the white flag out, it is torn into pieces. 🙁

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Aurora,

You have a really interesting name.... it mean's "Northern Lights" doesn't? Very powerful choice of name... In the dark north shines a brilliant beauty!

I found some of my 'darkest nights' the most inspirational for my own spiritual awakening. They often felt like hell at the time, and I allowed myself to suffer painstakingly until I could bare no more. The key for me was unconditional surrender to that which is. I learnt to open my heart to the darkness, to love it as if it were my best friend. Only then did I ride through it an out the other side.

Heartfuls of Love

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Trin

I can only describe my awakening as shocking.

Didn't help that I did not beleive in anything spiritual, god or such Mumbo-Jumbo!

However I was at first nudged gently while listening to music but after a period of about a month things became faster and heavier. November 9th 2005 I thought I was going for a quiet week away, havn't been home since.

My whole life has changed, I now understand how the world works, spiritual interaction, Dragons, Wizards and Warriors (Spiritual). I have been taught about my Celtic heriatage and guided through Europe (Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France).

I now beleive that many spirits through out the world are being awoken or are about to be!

Something big is on it's way!

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Trin,
yes it means the Northern Light. I live in the middle part of Sweden and see it sometimes on dark winter nights.

To me the dark nights are so many and long it is only tiresome. And never seem to come to an end.

Christian, talk about different paths. Nice little dragon u have there.

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

I would simply love to describe and convey my "moment". I just do not know how to put it into words. It happened when I was on a bus in the Himalayas on the way to Kathmandu. I became , well - All - God. I think it lasted for about half an hour.

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Katmandu......that´s a spiritual place to be in. I have been to Macchu Piccu. Think it is similar in energy.

From friends I have, your experience is but a taste of what is to come. But at least you´ve had it.
Love to u

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Thanks for that. 😉

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings


Never a truer word spoken!

"The church is within" is another biblical quote that the established church choose to ignore.
A long with "Build not an Alter unto us".

Many spirits are now waking.
It has been describe to me as opening your eyes.
I now see the world for what it is, not what they want us to see.

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

I became , well - All - God. I think it lasted for about half an hour.

Hi Venetian,

Sounds fascinating... What happened after that half hour? I mean do you maintain that 'all'ness awareness, or does it come and go?

The intensity of my initial awakening was deeply profound, although I never lost the awareness that we are all 'ONE', the intensity of flow with this does vary at given times depending on the degree internal tension within my body.

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Welcome to the forum Christian Dragon. It sounds like you are undergoing some pretty intense shifts and moving through an interesting journey of discovery.

When you say 'spirits' awakening... Are you refering to the spirit 'within' us?

Is German your native tongue? I notice that you mentioned Zurich Switzerland in the other thread.


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Trin

I have definately undergone massive life changing experiences since 9th Nov 2005.
In fact my whole life has ben turned upside down but I feel far more at ease with myself.

I am definately refering to the spirit within.

German is not my native tongue.

I am Celtic by bloodline. I had never discovered what that meant or any of the amazing history of the Celts.

Following some very dramatic experiences I felt drawn to Switzerland, which is were I discovered the documents on dragon sighting.

I then travelled through, Italy, France, Austria and even part of the Chec Republic but kept being guided back to Bern/Zurich/Luzern. I have never been to any of these contries before, had no map but never got lost.
Just to make it more challenging, I had no money.
However everything was provided and I was introduced to may people Who either helped me or were experiencing similar things.

I returned to the UK Easter Monday.

I have now met many people who feel things are happening, others who are attracted to dragons but don't know why. Some have even told me that the dragons are back?!

I have even, as told, been introduced to a new partner from Estonia who speaks mainly Russian, so hopefully my Russian will improve.

Love The Dragon xxxxxxx

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Wow, what a great thread, thank you trin!
My 'awakening' started in childhood I think. Always was aware of being a bit 'different' from other kids. My biggest spiritual moment happened at the age of 16yrs. My parents had gone on holiday for the first time without me and my brother. I had just started work and my brother was at school(he's a year younger than me) and we couldn't get the time off. Mum and Dad thought that we were old enough to be left for a week (they only went to Norfolk lol!). Well, that was fine but the first night the dog kept growling which was very unnerving and then my brother tapped on my door and asked if I thought someone had broken in?! Well, as you can imagine I didn't get much sleep that night. The same happened the next night and by then my work as a Dental Nurse started to be affected. By the third night I was desperate to get some sleep. Now, as I am the only girl with three younger brothers I slept in the box room. I lay in my bed that night with my eyes closed and it was a real plea from the heart to get some sleep ( didn't know who I was appealing to) when suddenly my roomstarted to fill up with an intense gold light but not enough to cayuse me any discomfort. My one regret to this day was that I never opened my eyes to see what was causing this wonderful light. A voice said "sleep little one, we are watching over you, you are safe". I was then overcome by this feeling of unconditional love, it went through every fibre and cell of my body. It's very hard to put into 'human' words but I felt loved and held and protected, as if being cradled. That was the start of my 'journey'. I kept this to myself for years because I didn't want to talk about it as it was so SPECIAL and I didn't want to lose how I had felt that night.

I so resonate with what you have said Christian Dragon. I too have a Celtic heritage but never gave it much thought but since being on my path EVERY healer/psychic etc I have met have ALL come from a Celtic background, it's amazing!

I am now a Reiki Master and feel so blessed with all the experiences that have been given to me over the years. When talking to my students and sharing some of these or talking to like-minded people they all say "my goodness, you are so interesting!!" which makes me laugh because these events are now part and parcel of my journey!

I also wholeheartedly agree with you that a lot of us aew waking up to who we are and why we are here at this time. I also give Angel card readings and over the last 2 years nearly EVERYONE who has sat in front of me has been an old soul and it's like I am the 'wake up call' to these souls? I can almost see the light go on behind their eyes when I give the reading! I also feel something BIG is coming but don't know what but know it will be in my lifetime which is why I am here.

I too have had times in the past (and more recently) when I have felt overwhelmed and asked when is it my turn to break as I have seen those around me go under with depression etc and I was told "you will never break, you will bend, but you will never break" Which at the time I thought was totally unfair lol! Still it has made who I am today so I can be grateful!

As for Dragons. I attended a lecture by Dr Emoto last year at the White Eagle Lodge in London and he showed a photograph taken from a plane showing the exact moment the Tsunami hit land on Boxing day. Quite clearly in the foam of the waves there is a magnificent Dragon. He didn't have to point it out, it was definatley there! Again he showed a satelite picture of the clouds above New Orleans befor the floods and again quite clearly you can see a dragon spiralling down towards the Earth. Amazing to see! He said that in Japan the Dragon is the God of Water and it was angry at us for the way we were polluting the waters of the planet and was now out for re

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings


I became , well - All - God. I think it lasted for about half an hour.

Hi Venetian,

Sounds fascinating... What happened after that half hour? I mean do you maintain that 'all'ness awareness, or does it come and go?

It was astonishing. You see, my eyes had been open the whole time, but I was not body-conscious so saw literally nothing but Gaia as "God". It was an experienc eof the world being alive (as I had been seeing the curve of the earth, we were so high ) but I was also that world.

Somehow my eyes did eventually focus on a dot. I thought it was some microbe on the body of God, really. Very, very slowly it drew my attention, and I noticed it was square. What could this square thing be? The whole question very, very slowly got my mortal intellect working again and drew me back to my body. I'd been looking at a building about a mile away.

Being back in my incredibly mortal consciousness was an utter shock. I sat there stunned for an hour on that bus. Mortal consciousness was so limited compared to teh Consciousness of God! That particular experience ended there, though of course you can never forget it.


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Reikiangel: You are definately a special link.

Every time I meet somebody involved I get this glorious feeling all over my body. I have until now never felt it just from reading but hey! You just caused it.

I would like to talk some more and possible use your dragon quotes!

How do I find out more about Dr Emoto?

The Celticthingis so powerfull I can't begin to list all the links.

I keep being brought to Lincoln (Lincolnshire). Beautifull small City but I have never much liked it. However there is definately something here if I could just put my finger on it.

I was facinated by your early experience!

I do not tell many people but you have touched me and I beleive I should.

My very first experience (I had forgotten until Nov2005) was as a young boy of 4/5yrs.
One night having changed into my PJs I jumped off the top of our stairs but instead of crashing to the floor I simply floated down?

Through my life I have had 3 serious motor vehicle accidents and each one has, from my perspective, gone into slow-motion and I have been unharmed?

After my time in Europe, the people I met, my experiences and how my eyes now see the world, no one will ever convince me that my spirit is not that of a dragon. I am not alone in this feeling and seem to meet, contact or hear of more on a weekly basis?

Love The Dragon xxxxxxx

PS: He is not finished yet, another 3 sittings.

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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Dear 'Dragon',
Thank you for your interest! Yes you may use the dragon info for quotes. To find out more about Dr Emoto go to Hado.net and you will find loads of info on his work with water.

Thank you forsharing what happened when you were little and you may not believe me but I used to do the same!! Again, a memory that was lost for many years until a few years ago whenI was reading the life story of a healer(can't remember who now lol!) and they mentioned jumping ff the top stair and floating down. The memory hit me like a thud in the Solar Plexus and I 'saw' me standing at the top of the stairs at home and jumping off and just floating down to the bottom. I would then creep along the hallway and peep in the living room to see what my parents were watching on the TV. Then I would go back to the bottom of the stairs and just 'think' myself back up and again would float to the top and get back into bed ( I have posted this somewhere else on the forums a little while ago but can't remember which onelol!). The next day it would freak mum out how I knew what was on the TV as she had tucked me up in bed hours earlier.

I also have had at least three occassions where I should not still be here but was literally 'shoved' out of harms way or timeslowed down to get me a chance to react.

And even Linoln resonates because my eldest daughter went there to do her degree and has lived there for nearly 5 years and has just bought her first house with her boyfriend (both are teachers now). We used to go to York quite a bit when the girls were young and always stopped off in Lincoln on the way to go to the Cathedral etc, never expecting that one of our children would make it her home lol! In fact her new home is within a short walking distance from the Cathedral.

Your tattoo looks impressive and will look even more so when finished I'm sure!

Love and light



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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Thanks for sharing your awakening experience here Reikiangel. Sounds beautiful! Like you I didn't utter a word about my experience for years. First of all, the experience was timeless and beyond all wordly experience. Secondly I had no frame of reference in which to put my awakening and I didn't exactly have any people in my life who would have understood it.

Everything changed over night for me though. It was as if I was looking through different eyes. A veil had been lifted, and things would never be the same again. I felt an overwhelming compassion for Mother Earth and all of nature.

It is beautiful to hear how you have been guided and 'protected'. Me too! Infact earlier this year I had a near death experience, where I stopped breathing and left my body three times (in the middle of the Sinai dessert in Egypt). As far as I was concerned I was leaving. I was done - but alas, there were other plans.

Hey, I lived near Lincoln for nearly seven years (it drove me nuts! I couldn't stand the place). Small world. I also lived in near Zurich (I noticed dragon mentioned it earlier).


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

It was astonishing. You see, my eyes had been open the whole time, but I was not body-conscious so saw literally nothing but Gaia as "God". It was an experienc eof the world being alive (as I had been seeing the curve of the earth, we were so high ) but I was also that world.

Dear Venetian,

I feel the spaces between your words and sense the essence of your sharing mirrors experiences that I also am blessed with. It is rare to find people experience such things with eyes wide open.

Somehow my eyes did eventually focus on a dot. I thought it was some microbe on the body of God, really. Very, very slowly it drew my attention, and I noticed it was square. What could this square thing be? The whole question very, very slowly got my mortal intellect working again and drew me back to my body. I'd been looking at a building about a mile away.


Being back in my incredibly mortal consciousness was an utter shock. I sat there stunned for an hour on that bus. Mortal consciousness was so limited compared to the Consciousness of God! That particular experience ended there, though of course you can never forget it.

I know exactly what you mean. At times I have been overwhelmed, not at the vastness of an expanded consciousness, but in learning how to integrate that into a body and mind that has been so limiting and tiny in comparison. The sensation of trying to force Niagra Falls down the paths of a gently flowing mountain stream comes to mind.

It's wonderful to hear of your experiences. Heartfelt thanks for sharing.


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

What's also very interesting to me is that once a person has had a couple of these spontaneous experiences, since you know 'the place to go' it can be possible to repeat some kinds of them. Some can virtually be repeated at will, with practice and persistence.

I think no-one brings this out better than the author, Colin Wilson. He goes into this in his book, "Beyond The Occult" from the 1980s, and probably also in his "The War Against Sleep". These books should be available 2nd-hand from Amazon, or through the library system.

But if you stop practising 'getting there' then you do lose the knack and have to begin learning all over again, I've found.


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Venetian,

My experience differs slightly, in that I have never tried to practice 'getting there'. What is your experience in practicing to 'get there'?

Experiences have happened spontaneously as a result of me following higher guidance. No two experiences have ever been alike. I feel that is important not to try and recreate experiences, because we just end up missing what is offered to us in each unfolding moment.


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RE: Spiritual Awakenings

Hi Trin,

It's probably hard to put over in a few typed words. As Colin Wilson says, if you experience a few "peak moments", to some extent you can recreate them all the time, or so long as you keep remembering to. At work, etc., you often just have to concentrate on the job at hand, which is 'mundane' no much how we (may) like it.

I'm principally thinking of not full-blown mystical experiences, but of being super-awake and super-aware, not robotic.

