According to Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias, there are twelve signs of Your Awakening Spirituality...
1.Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.
2.Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.
3.Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to 2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
4.Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition, and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
5.Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
6.Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00–4:00 a.m. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.
7.Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too shall pass.
8.Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.
9.Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.
10.Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.
11.Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's okay, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a comput
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
Hi Guys,
I just want to explain my part in the 'disagreements' (seeing as we are trying to reach understanding with each other). 🙂
I wasn't trying to undermine anyone's spiritual experiences or indeed poo-poo their feelings or conformations of their own spiritual awakening.
My goal was to highlight that the list presented as the subject of this thread and seeming to portray itself as the 'sure fire' check list for determining whether you are indeed experiencing a 'spiritual awakening' or not… looks potentially flawed when compared to symptoms of certain debilitating and sometimes soul destroying mental conditions… which if not addressed, wreck whole families.
Given that one in four of us (on average) will suffer from a form of mental illness during our lives… I felt that this list and what it proposes as conformation of a 'spiritual awakening' could also quite easily preclude someone from seeking the help they need…
… Was all I meant[sm=scratchchin.gif]
PS. Rosie... yeah I love that album too 😉
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I agree with Roger but I'm only ticking that off as "I agree" and not meaning to score any brownie points. ;)The initiallist IMHO was a bit bizarre. We still haven't heard back on why it was posted in the first place?
TBH I don't quite get why Trin, whose posts I find great, has switched to another thread without coming back here? It all got stirred up, and now the thread-starter is gone? 😮
Rosie, all I can do is giggle. Trust you to not be serious. Hey, I'm really not to-date on rock or pop so this was all new to me. :D:D
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I'd be really interested to hear my about your St Germain experiences... sounds profound.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
To know Him is to Love Him.I could try, but do a very bad impression of who and what he is. I think people who know him just know him? One might try google?
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
To know Him is to Love Him.I could try, but do a very bad impression of who and what he is. I think people who know him just know him?
I feel the essence of what you are saying, and agree. I understand, and feel that it is perhaps best to only speak when deeply moved or divinely inspired to do so. My experience is that at times there are no words to offer (but instead a 'knowing' from a place where all words defy) and to 'try' to eloborate would not do the 'knowing' justice at all.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I would just like to talk about even the idea of a spiritual awakening.
That is saying that some are asleep and some are awake.
And I used to sit and wonder and wonder about the being asleep bit.
And I used to think; was I asleep before?
Was I really asleep?
Was I asleep when I was doing all the living I was doing?
And oh, what was I doing then, being asleep?
When I was asleep, then, is it not relevant?
Is it all wasted?
What then what was the point of being asleep,
was it simply for the purpose of being awakened?
Is that really the only reason why I came here?
But what then if it had never happened?
What if I hadn’t have woken up?
Would that make me a failure?
And if there is one thing that I am sure of, it is this,
The Love which is here, does not make me feel a failure.
Love makes me feel loved!
It is just that after reading all the replies to trin’s post, I am now wondering,
if it is not really a requirement to do this awakening thing?
That love is here all along, somehow, some way, where it can be?
I feel that love is just naturally part of it all……
I think that however it is for each of us, is how simply how it is.
So, being awakened may happen but equally it may not.
Cos, I look at people and think……well you don’t look asleep.
I just look around and see the smile in people’s eyes and the twinkle of the mouth when there is the simple sharing of the heart.
The joy of the simple touch of a friend when you share a pot of tea together.
There are so many lovely people that I know that are supposed to be asleep cos they haven’t had this awakening.
But to me, they look very much awake and oh so aware.
Oh it is just….
sometimes there is so much sheer joy and love just flowing from people, just
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
How lovely Flit,
Are you ever drawn to doing light work? Those around you are awake or so it seems. But would you say that George Bush is awake? Or Tony Blair is awake? and that their not being awake doesn't matter?
Does there come a time when we develop spiritually to the point that we wish to assist in the awakening of our beloved planet and those who ride upon her, as an act of service?
Or is that also just an ego thing and it makes no difference whether, in compassion,we act our spirituality further out intothe world or not?
Just a thought.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
maybe i have an idealised vision of it...
but i feel that tribal people (the few that are left fairly untouched),
say the australian aborigines or indiganous amazonians,
live a very 'pure' awake existence without even labeling or analysing it
they are in tune with mind, body and spirit,
living close to the earth,
taking only what they need,
without accumulating too much surplus (maybe store some food during wet or dry season),
passing on knowledge of plants, fishing places etc. through the generations,
living a in a close interconnected group
respecting each other and our 'mother' earth
whereas in the modern 'civilised' world
it is very easy to fall asleep into a deep slumber....
we often run around in pursuit of 'stuff'
purely concerned with material gratification
and sensual pleasures of the body often taken to great excess
- as if, if we don't grab enough now it will all be gone, taken by someone else, there won't be enough to go round...
so i must eat more, drink more, smoke more, buy those shoes in every colour, change our wardrobe each season, get a bigger faster better car, keep up with the Jones...
totally forgetting our spirit and often letting our minds turn moldy with lack of use
SO, i think this is the slumber we need to wake up from
yes, many people do care for their neighbours, do smile, show love and appreciation
perhaps, especially an aging generation
who grew up before 'the cult of buy more, get more, bigger, better, more, more, more' became such an incidious, pervasive, subtle, brainwashing, all-encompassing way of life
my mum still mends clothes, she actually learnt how to darn socks
but now we live in an age of disposability, and many have forgotton their connection to the earth, the growing seasons, each other etc.
and this 'slumber' is what is leading to the destruction of the rainforests, overfishing, pollution of rivers and soil
this is not all doom and gloom, i believe people are good and not stupid
and i believe that things are changing
so i think when we are 'spiritually awake'
we will have more respect for each other and for our beautiful planet
and be more concerned with quality than quantity
and take responsibility not just for our selves but also for the trees, the oceans, the clouds, the seeds, the lemurs, the tigers, the termites
- ALL OF IT [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
You are all right.
What Trin described are twelve things that may be felt by all in differnt ways.
There are 7 types of people on this earth and those who's spirits are woken will see the world in a new light.
I experienced all of the 12.
I know who did it and why they did it.
Should't you now be asking why you have been shown the world in a differnt way?
If it is the right spirit it will always fel good, although it often chalenges convention.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
There are 7 types of people on this earth and those who's spirits are woken will see the world in a new light.
Hello and welcome to HP! I'm particularly interested in the part of your quote that I've highlighted.
Could you please elaborate on these 7 types of people, or maybe post a link to where they might be listed/detailed.
Many thanks 🙂
Oh, and BTW, I recall someone was asking about your signature and what it meant. I saw the answer in another thread but in the meantime I thought your profile might provide an answer. I've tried the link twice now and each time I get "page cannot be displayed". [&o]
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
Thank you for your kind welcome.
I am qualified in adult education and whilst training we study learning styles. I was then nudged during my spiritual awakening to look at the bible (something I have not done since age 13).
Here I read the "Seven Churches". My new eyes on the world made me realise that these desciptions are of types of people, closely related to learning styles. Venetians' quote of the boby being the temple reminded me.
Being new I am affraid I do not know why my page is not accessible, I have not with held it.
My signature: Der Drack ist Zuruck
Is in honour of the last recorderd sighting of a dragon on earth. It was 1st July 1706 on the side of the Zurich Lake Switzerland. (Here they speak Swiss/German).
The document is held in the temperature controlled archives of the Central Library Zurich.
It states that a farmer saw the dragon fly off into the sky, it also dropped a stone which can be seen in the Museum of Natural History Luzern Switzerland. A crystal that was for many wears used by a doctor and his family to perform acts of healing.
Hope this helps.
I am continuing to research Dragons and study the seven churches (people/learning styles).
+ I am trying to get a book published, based on my experiences (They have changed me so much). The arts council (UK) are considering a grant for me to put Der Drack ist Zuruck (Flight of the Dragon) on tour.
I am Celtic by descent and feel I may err towards Bard?
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
ORIGINAL: sunanda
Shame on you, Venetian for implying
I find you a bit more serious and mildly confrontational than in former times, Sunanda!;) My reference to 'schizo on acid' wasn't serious, literally, if that wasn't understood!
Actually I would go along now with the idea that awakenings can take many forms. But they can't be neatly 12-point proscribed as Roger says too. Maybe the kind of thing in post # 1 is more a Western thing? You'd know of all people, from your India times,but my experience of awakening people in India is that often it's an incredibly peaceful and natural affair. But I've known the same in the West also. On the other hand I now realise the restlessness I had before I even know what spirituality was / is, yes. I'd liken it to teenage depression (I was a teen): but that's before the awakening. A common thing, I'm sure. And I've known people basically laid out flat in bed or on the floor for months while Kundalini changes their energetic system, yes... though such drama is rare IMHO. (Gopi Krishna-type experiences.)
[Typo edit]
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
In reply to Flit, who interestingly posits that the idea of people being asleep is a misnomer. I can only say that to the degree that I expereinced real awakening - actually, at the age of 12 - I looked aorund and everybody in my environment appeared to be robotic (as Gurdjieff and Colin Wilson would call it) and quite asleep. Writing of Gurdjieff's ideas, Colin Wilson even titled a book, "The War Against Sleep" - great title!People around mewere unaware of the most important realities. They couldn't understand a thing I tried to convey to them on this subject. Actually I'd put it this way: they were unaware of themselves being aware of themselves, or not Self-conscious, if that makes sense. It's as if you have to be self-aware of being self aware: those who aren't can appear robotic - they react, don't act, and can go through a whole day without real self-reflection.
I simply thought such awakenings were a part of growing up, and that at 13, or 15, etc., others my age would have what I had. They never did! :eek:Not even as adults.For awakening people I had to go searching to find them ....that's what I feel was my experience anyway. 😉
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
ORIGINAL: Christian Dragon
I am qualified in adult education and whilst training we study learning styles. I was then nudged during my spiritual awakening to look at the bible (something I have not done since age 13).
Interesting ... I too love teaching, though I have to say I follow no religion and have never been a bible scholar.
Here I read the "Seven Churches". My new eyes on the world made me realise that these desciptions are of types of people, closely related to learning styles. Venetians' quote of the boby being the temple reminded me.
Even more interesting ... fascinating, in fact! Thank you SO much for that. Here I could go hopelessly off-topic, having spent a happy hour earlier today discovering some millions of Google results for Seven Churches, which I had never heard of. Actually I only looked down the first 10, found a map (I love maps as well):
[link= ][/link]
a reminder of deja vue from long ago ;), and this:
[link= ][/link] +
[link= ][/link]
I wonder if you would like to start a new thread on Seven Churches?
Being new I am affraid I do not know why my page is not accessible, I have not with held it.
No, the link is there in your profile but it isn't working and I can't figure out why not. Is it a link to an actual website? A Google search brought me back to this page (as is often the way!) or a few sites all in German.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
ORIGINAL: Christian Dragon
Here I read the "Seven Churches". My new eyes on the world made me realise that these desciptions are of types of people, closely related to learning styles. Venetians' quote of the boby being the temple reminded me.
In esoteric circles it's believed that people are "on" one of seven Rays, though it's really more complex than that, with sub-rays, etc. Possibly people of different Rays 'awaken' differently. A First Ray person, for example, is probably less likely to experience bad times in awakening: they embody Will and Power, so tend to knock down any barrier in front of them. And so forth.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
Holistic Hi
Thank you for your kind response. I am also not a bible type person and have never read it since the age of 13 until my experiences starting Nov2005.
You have found some interesting links.
However, they may have a key in scientific terms but for me it misses the point considering what people call "God" is clearly more advanced than anything this world can currently offer.
In any case the 7 churches has more than one key and offers more than one clue to life on planet earth (The place dragons call the monkey planet).
If during your life you walk the seven churches (Experience those life events), discover which church you belong too (Type of spiritual person you really are). And still overcome, it is recorded what your reward will be.
Personally I belong to the church of Thyatira. In modern day language I see this as Theatre. My reward, if I overcome, is to receive the "Morning Star".
A new thread: Maybe BUT I am not supposed to tell you, you are supposed to discover for your self.
Revelations: 3:12
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I have to agree with venetian here on one point. I read through the first post and although I could certainly claim a couple of them it seems they are not symptoms of my spritual growth (or growing awareness of). I suppose there could be finer energetic changes in my physical body that are causing some deeper symptoms so I cannot completely rule them out, but I am not aware of it consciously. Perhaps others feel them all but my discomfort has mostly been on a different level.
To make a long story short and to refrain from a deeper discussion I will simply say that with my sense of spirituality came a realization that life in the flesh was anything but spiritual. To be in the flesh is to be apart from God and to experience death in all of its forms: disease, conflict, pain and suffering, and a crippling lack of communication with those around us. Those who wish to live in this world saying that it is good are denying the reality of what we have created (or mis-created) in God’s absence. How can the immortal die? How can the abundant lack? How can we be alone in God’s presence? The short answer is we can’t. So where do you think we are? And how long do you think it will last?
I thank God every day for all of whom have been sent on His behalf to where He could not go.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I thank God every day for all of whom have been sent on His behalf to where He could not go.
Do you mean there are places in creation where God is not?
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I'm just guessing that means states of consciousness not usually associated with God? It's God energy, but misqualified?
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
I'm just guessing that means states of consciousness not usually associated with God? It's God energy, but misqualified?
I'd guess you are right there Venetion.:)
Is it up to our state of consciousness to raise itself toother levels of consciousness where this kind of duality ceases to exist? It's probably called "Spiritual Growth" or something along those lines. 😉
In the meantime there is Good, Bad, God, Devil, Right, Wrong,Hot, cold and all kinds issues in this "duality" consciousness...which imagines it is separate from all other consciousness and all other "God" created things. Terrible sorrow.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight
I thank God every day for all of whom have been sent on His behalf to where He could not go.
Do you mean there are places in creation where God is not?
Yes I beleive so. What else is our spiritual progression but to get back to God? The cause of this is what venetian referred to as misqualified God energy or as I call it: miscreation. It is what I feel is wrong with the world. We all want change so I am attempting to answer why we need this change if this is all God's creation. What did we do to it? Here is an analogy:
Imagine your children blind and deaf and without feeling searching for you while you held them in your arms. Every approach you make scares them more and more because they cannot understand it. What would you do? You let them cry knowing that they are safe and but imagine the lonliness they feel. The truth is you never left them and they were always safe. All you can do is wait for them to realize that they tried to find you by closing their eyes, deafening their ears, and deadening their nerves. When they realize they did this to themselves they start to awaken and use their real senses (spiritual) and not their imaginary senses (body) where they dreamed of isolation and dreamed of death. If God was a part of this world it would all last forever and it clear that it does not.
There is a passage in the Bible where it states that Adam fell into a deep sleep but there is no reference to his waking up. Only in dreams can we experience the nightmare of separation and feel the need to seek out God. I believe we are in the beginning of finally waking up. We are using our minds to find the truth instead of our faulty perception and body senses (which are always self serving). We sought to be left alone without realizing that God was the source of Life. So we dream of death and seek absolution. The reality is that we can never be apart from God. A spiritual path is nothing more than our attempts to justify our temporary reality while attuning ourselves to the inevitable Reality of God. When we awake we find our spiritual Selves whole and complete as God created us.
I hope I have been clear. As you all know it can be difficult to articulate some of these ideas well. Please understand that my goal is to understand and to be understood. If I am unclear or confusing please let me know.
<edit> Mr_Firstlight, we crossed paths with out posts. I agree with you 100%. I suppose I could have simply said that in our separation the resulting duality is the trouble with the world. I always tend to get too wordy;)</edit>
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
ORIGINAL: erospirit
There is a passage in the Bible where it states that Adam fell into a deep sleep but there is no reference to his waking up.
Thanks for that. It never occured to me that of course he never wakes up! Quite an allegory for humanity.
RE: Signs of awakening spirituality
Do you remember the part of the story where Frankenstein's Monster wakes up?
Maybe that's what all this is about. =) I know he was a much better monster after his awakening. Before that he was just a bunch of old, dead parts.