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Signs of awakening spirituality

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According to Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias, there are twelve signs of Your Awakening Spirituality...

1.Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.

2.Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.

3.Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to 2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.

4.Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition, and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.

5.Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.

6.Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00–4:00 a.m. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.

7.Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too shall pass.

8.Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9.Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.

10.Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.

11.Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's okay, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a comput

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Wow Trin.. think I was nodding in agreement on just about all of that.. .and there was me thinking it was just signs of getting old and the menopause.

This has inspired me - thank you

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

How wonderful and enlightening, ticked all the boxes, just thought I was depressed, menopausal, and disenchanted.

Much love Orchid x

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi Trin,

This is a very interesting subject. My guess is that it might run and run, and not be a one-pager. 😉

But may I be honest? I don't think a single one of those "twelve" signs ring true to me. If I think deeply, maybe I'll find one that does. But I seriously disagree with it all - sorry! It makes it sound as if becoming spiritually awakened is akin to going schizo! For me it was a time of joy and of solid grounding. I "became myself" and was immensely happy. Crying? - they've gotta be joking.

The one thing I'd say is that I did have to withdraw from my common or usual friends, in order for them not to drag me back to their former image of me. But that too was brief: I didn't want to be dogmatic, so soon was back with them.

LOL - I got back to England from a time in India where "everything" happened for me, and I knew I didn't want anybody to know I was back. I needed time to myself. So I didn't call anyone and arrived home silently. But I had bad "Delhi belly" and the local GP freaked out as it might be something that could infect the neighbourhood. Next thing I knew, an ambulance was outside the front door to collect a "sample".

Little did I know that one of my closest friends was by then working in the chemical laboratory of the Cov and Wawrick Hospital! He had a test tube given to him with my name on, [edit to add: he phoned around and said; "I've got a tube of his ****" [&:]] and promptly called around to let everyone know that I was back in England! Whatever happened to confidentiality? 😀

Anyway, I think it's a great subject, but I don't identify with a single one of those twelve. Sounds like they were shizo on acid, and that isn't spirituality. The one rider to that is that the first could indicate Kundalini rising. TBH I never had that in the beginning, and some people may do. I didn't, and I would guess it is rare. Or do others disagree?


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality


According to Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias, there are twelve signs of Your Awakening Spirituality...

(1.Body aches and pains,) This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within.

by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, CO. Prepared in collaboration with Tobias of the Crimson Circle.

what on earth (or in heaven) is he on about - that sounds like ridiculous fundamentalist codswollop.... (the DNA bit)

and as for the "Christ seed" bit - try to awaken yourself, the pure cosmic divine you that is part of the all, one with all, - but Jesus Christ was just a person like you, he ate and drunk and went to the toilet, he was just a 'teacher' if you like
maybe it's semantics, or me being pedantic, but the minute you mention 'christ' it becomes limited and somewhat dogmatic (exclusive), instead of limitless and inclusive

but in as much as it is helpful to some people, then there is a place for it, but i feel it should be taken with a healthy pinch of salt


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Yes, I just popped in and saw what Jess has written.

Do you take all this seriously, Trin? I could give my impressions on each of those 12 points, but it would be far too long a post. ;)"Loss of passion"? What are they talking about? Such a thing makes you incredibly passionate toward the world. "Deep inner sadness"? That's not spirituality.

There are hints here and there I could agree with. "Loneliness" - well, at first, if your awakening is sudden, you don't feel close to past friends, but in time you make new ones who are on the same Path. There can be a period of alone-ness, yes. But it doesn't last. There's an esoteric saying that deeply spiritual people are "the lonely ones", but that isn't really meant in a literal way.

Trin, may I ask why you posted this? Is it because you agree with it? - or you were 'don't know' and wondering what others thought?

V 🙂

Amelia Jane
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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

[&o]Does it really matter...some people read the list above & feel they can relate to everything onit or just some of it& feel uplifted by that initself...

In the pastHP has simular things posted along these lines & it talks about 'Ascension symptoms' which if I recall correctly used to get quite heatedbut the list is the same or at least very simular:eek:

...each to their own & whatever lights your light;)


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi Amelia,

I'd say it matters enormously, yes. It might be the most important subject that really draws people to the HP forum, and why many are really here.

And the topic is open to discussion. I just happen t feel that the "12 signs" sound inauthentic and like someone on acid, ;). It isn't my experience of spirituality at all!

But seekers, and people who are confused about what is happening to them, may be drawn to this thread. Spiritual change is indeed capable of being disruptive. I sure agree with that. It can confuse people. So I just wanted to "ground" the subject along the lines that if anyone is being spiritually awakened, it can be gentle and not as if you are tripping on acid!

It can be a gentle and gradual thing, and I don't know what the authors first-quoted were thinking of! 😀


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

ORIGINAL: Amelia Jane

In the past HP has simular things posted along these lines & it talks about 'Ascension symptoms' which if I recall correctly used to get quite heated but the list is the same or at least very simular

LOL, Amy, while you were posting, I was away doing a search for just this same thing, knowing I had posted in the past ... and on an annual basis it seems *

Yes, the above list is a variation on a theme that has been doing the rounds for years. Here - again - isa link to the original article, from my own archives:

[link= ][/link]


[link= ][/link]
my post #19, + scroll down to #24 and #27, (from the Mental & Emotional forum).

* my search also turned up an old thread on Soul Groups, which can be easily found, it's largely on synchronicity, which may or may not be relevant here, so won't risk going off-topic but just briefly mentioned in case of interest to newer members.

Back on form, you see! ;):D


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi everyone

While agree that these points might not be for everyone. They very closely mirrored my own experiences and still do in many cases. Especailly the situation with family which i have been finding v difficult over recent months as i see this gap betwern them and me grow.

The idea about returning home is also an interesting one. I have been suicidal in my life but the feeling i have periodically over the last 12 months is just an awareness that dying feelings like a very logical step. I am not upset or down but i do feel like i would just like to go 'home' and the idea of being scared of death is competely absent.

There has been alot of literature put out about DNA and is evolving as we integrate new energies but i have not studied any properly but this post has inspired me to do so.

Love and light


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

V, we posted at the same time. Here's one to the website from which the thread-starter was taken:

[link= ][/link]

Their home page can be easily reached from here, too, for more about who and where they are and what they do.

As Sunbeam has just indicated, these things ARE real for many, even if not for you personally perhaps 😉


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

hello again guys

just wanted to say that i have no quarrels with the fact that all 'seekers' go through some sort of "dark night of the soul", which has been written about much...

and as i said earlier if this 12 point thing is helpful to some, then great! i guess it is some sort of guideline??!

but i personally found it very prescriptive and quiet dogmatic, and thus not very helpful for me (think i agree closely with venetian on this one! ha ha!) - yeah why did you feel the need to post this trin?? do you agree with all of it?

furthermore, trin, could you please tell us where you got this from, who are they?, what is "Shaumbra"?, are they some kind of witches coven, wicca thing, strange "Christ seed" cult????

interesting discussion


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Sunbeam, hi,

I think on behalf of all of us, could you just check in with another post and let us know that you are feeling OK now?

V xxxxxx

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

;)Thank you Trin, I have been so nil by mind for sooooooooooooooo long and yes I do feel my guides are far from me,though having said that, I ask and they do deliver the healing to where it has to go,that i'm grateful for. It is very strange how they shut us down, I don't mind some of the "shut downs" it leads for a nice quiet life lol. ( shhhhhhh whispering, I don't reckon much to no passion :(! ) Anyways I found your post very interesting,thank you.lyn;)

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi V

I am feeling fine and not suicidal in anyway -although i am currently reading articles that are borderline economics and so maybe pushed that way bylate afternoon!

But i dostill have an underlying feeling that i would just like 'to go home'. I don't feel as though i want to die as such but ending my physical body feelslike a natural step if you like. I am not going to......I feel essentially that i have too much work todo here. But there is definately something pulling me back to spirit.

I found it reassuring reading the 12 points becasue i have never heard of anything like this before and was finding my own feelings very hard to understand. Iam not suicidal and yet would like to return to spirit - perhaps that is how i can best explain it.

I am dealing with this by 'connecting' as much as possible so i get to experience at least a little time checking in with home rather than having the deal with being a human and the fact that i don't really want to be!!!


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

I don't think it is as much We want to go home, I interpret it as that we want or need to become the Spiritual that we were before we came here, if that makes sense?

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

ORIGINAL: jennyanyway

furthermore, trin, could you please tell us where you got this from, who are they?, what is "Shaumbra"?, are they some kind of witches coven, wicca thing, strange "Christ seed" cult????

As trin is presently offline, you may find some information of interest in the link I gave in post #11, which is to their website 😉


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

This is interesting as I actuallyrun an "Ascension" class as a part of my service andhave never mentioned these "symptoms" of spiritual growth to members of my class. They are all now reporting these symptoms described by "Tobias" and co with whom I have no connection or affiliation.

All have the classic aches around the neck and shoulders and we give meditations to assist in expanding energetically to help hold more light in the physical body. Many members are waking at 2, 3 or 4 a.m for no particular reason and again we give techniques for handling this.

Many are leaving old relationships and karmic ties behind and some are experiencing the clearing of old energies with crying and unexplained sadness.

All are experiencing shifts in their lives and in their understanding and are moving into new areas of insight and spiritual beauty.

Surely we cannot grow spiritually without change and developing our spiritual muscles can never be a painless process. You will never read the story of any saint or spiritually evolved person that has never entailed great sorrow, trial and challenge.

I'd be interested to hear ofany example of a personwho manged to stay the same, become more conscious and aware of their divinity without the pain and sorrow. It just cannot happen in my opinion. For the light to dissolve our spiritual darkness there has to be growth and change and this entails facing all the emotions and thoughts of self which keep us in darkness and separate, alone and apart from the divine within us.

Just a thought.

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight

Surely we cannot grow spiritually without change and developing our spiritual muscles can never be a painless process. You will never read the story of any saint or spiritually evolved person that has never entailed great sorrow, trial and challenge.

I'd be interested to hear ofany example of a personwho manged to stay the same, become more conscious and aware of their divinity without the pain and sorrow. It just cannot happen in my opinion.

I agree that spiritual change does end up changing your life. But all this stuff (sorry) about pain and sorrow? I really did go through authentic changes, and so have many friends, and the "pain and sorrow" stuff is something none of us relate to.

Subeam, the thing is then, to bring the spiritual life down into real physical life, and then all will be OK.

On the "pain and sorrow" item, I can't help but feel that people are imagining that emotional changes or circumstances are spiritual ones. They are not. They are quite different things. We all have emotions and emotional times. That doesn't mean that they are spiritual.


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Dear Venetian,

We all offer a unique expression in this world. I posted the thread started, because I felt that the post would be recognised by many undergoing spiritual awakening and of some help.

Infact YOU yourself posted recently to say:

"I think everybody's case and experiences will differ. In mine, one kundalini experience was overwhelming, kept getting stronger, and had lasted 2 days. It was like being on psychoactive drugs (the feeling of not being in control), and of trying to hold onto sanity. What was going on with the pulses of kundalini and the ovewhelming shifts of consciousness meant that I could hardly focus on the real world. For example, on an easy road I stood at the kirb and couldn't focus on whether there was taffic or whether to cross" (Venetian)

Perhaps, you might consider a little more compassion towards those who may be undergoing traumatic spiritual awakenings, instead of disregarding the validity of the initial post?

Not every one finds shedding layers of distortion as easy as you do, if we are absolutely honest with ourselves that is. I have never met anyone who hasn't experienced at least a little pain or discomfort whilst intergrating an expanded consciousness into their everyday life.


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

and as for the "Christ seed" bit - try to awaken yourself, the pure cosmic divine you that is part of the all, one with all, - but Jesus Christ was just a person like you, he ate and drunk and went to the toilet, he was just a 'teacher' if you like
maybe it's semantics, or me being pedantic, but the minute you mention 'christ' it becomes limited and somewhat dogmatic (exclusive), instead of limitless and inclusive

Jesus was a person (or so it seems), I agree.

"Christ" in the sense it is suggested in the initial post represents a 'consciousness' or an energy, which is unconditional and knows no bounds (or limitless and inclusive).


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

thanks for that laura

i've had a quick look and feel very reassured...

"The Crimson Circle has an open belief system that honors all people and belief systems, and does not subscribe to limitations involving the human condition."

doesn't mean I'll necessarily agree with everything they say, but i can respect their opinions. and the fact that this guy channels Tobias also clarifies some stuff.

and venetian, although i totally agree about bringing the spiritual life down into real physical life (the manifest reality), i don't think that totally precludes emotions and emotional times... sometimes they can be a detour off the path, but other times they are very much a part of the path, even if they are something that needs to be worked through and discarded (such as jealousy or hatred).
and furthermore emotions (whether 'good' 'bad' 'justified' or 'irrational') are definately as real as this keyboard in front of me!!

and i also agree with lyn, i think in some respect we chose to have a human life, so it is about integrating the spiritual and the 'boring' day to day physical existance - remembering that we are all one in spirit. so rather than "go Home", realize you are Home and as it says in point 12 - "Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy."

take care all
once again must say interesting discussion

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

On the "pain and sorrow" item, I can't help but feel that people are imagining that emotional changes or circumstances are spiritual ones. They are not. They are quite different things. We all have emotions and emotional times. That doesn't mean that they are spiritual.

I'm not sure how you would separate them out Venetian. Either everything is energy and consciousness or it is not. Emotions, for example,are a form of energy we are learning (as spiritual beings) to deal get into perspective, to become more conscious of, even to gain mastery of in being able to chose how we react and respond to them and how we "judge" them as good or bad, preferable or to be avoided. Dealing with emotions, mastering emotionsbecome a spiritual thing, sooner or later.

It may be that some of us already have this perspective, others may be consciously working onthem (as a part of their spiritual growth) and others are still lost and asleep and living in the drama of their emotions. Whatever the case it is spiritual.

The same must also be true of the sense of self, the "personality" the separated consciousness. Sooner or later we learn to master our sense of self as a form of consciousness, a form of energy which believes or comes to imagine it is not related toall energy in the universe and all created things. Aligning the personality with our divinity is a part of the cosmic game, the cosmic dream, the cosmic drama and our awakening is to consciuously merge this energy with that part of us which is also divine energy.

This merging process automatically means we have to continuously be prepared to revise our sense of self in relation to that which is also thedivine within all things. Ultimately this implies the death of the self as personified in the crucifixtion. Our sense of true self is then resurrected and our unity with all things is no longer an intellctual concept but a reality.

I still maintain that we cannot attain the states of unity consciousness, to which all souls aspire, without going through a form of emotional, mental and spiritual "death" ...a death which if we are honest terrifies us and we will cling to any other form to avoid it. This includes imagining we don't have to suffer.

Eventually, we learn through joy and happiness and we all can reach this stage in our growth. Perhaps you and your friends are fortunate in having achieved this state already.

Others have not. Suffering is just another form of energy, as is joy. Clinging to either creates suffering anyway.

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi all

This is an interesting post,[sm=scratchchin.gif] and to be honest what trin has posted here i can relate to . To virtually most of it.
But my experiences were that of similar changes, but after each change an immense feeling of love and spiritual awareness surrounded me.
The points listed speaks to me in volumes.and that i can go back many years with this, and in a way answers the questions i used to ask myselfas to why i experienced what i did ?.

I wouldnt say all the experiences were of a negative and sad effectetc, but i had a" knowing", that what i was about to go through was to bring great reward. i didnt know what !, i just knew !..
therefore By feeling and knowing this,Any changes that came upon me on my spiritual pathin this way were welcomed !.(if you know what i mean).:eek:because i could feel why i had to go through the changes.

But certainly the points have answered a lot of questions for me.



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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

thanks trin

i was writing my post at the same time...
agree about a conciousness thing just find the word 'christ' is very loaded (i used to have issues with the word 'God' too relating it to the structured church style big guy with beard in sky stuff...), but that's the trouble with words i guess, they are loaded with slightly different meanings for each of us

light and love

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hi Trin and all,

This will be brief as I have to shift my body 😀

I don't think we are much at odds, and that was not my intention, really. Spiritual shifts can take any shape or form. TBH I know people for whom it has been very dramatic, yes. I just felt balance was needed? It still sounds to me in the initial post to be inauthentic, and as if it is something to be dreaded. That is so different to my own first times: all I knew was bliss and more bliss.

V xxxx

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

also just wanted to say i basically agree with all mr firstlight had to say - we must have been posting at the same time too!


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

I don't think it is as much We want to go home, I interpret it as that we want or need to become the Spiritual that we were before we came here, if that makes sense?

You make good sense Lyn 😉

I often hear of a "longing to go home" from people going through spiritual awakenings. At one point I experienced this longing myself until
I transitioned to a realisation that we are right here, right now, and 'home' is within in us all, and everywhere - there is nowhere else to go... home is the 'absolute' that flows through all things.

So in a sense I agree with you.

The longing to go home, in my experience represents a longing to connect with the truth of who we truly are. Every distortion (be they emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviour patterns, identification or attachement with that which we are not) conceals a hidden gift in unveiling our spirituality. The 12 signs, in my opinion are valid for a great number of people.


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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

Hmmm, well this sort of stuff always bothers me, because as I understand it no two people's route to spiritual awakening is identical, egro there can be no 'solid' definitions of what to expect as an experience, moreover,be described as the defacto proof that you are undergoing some kind of spiritual awakening... surely?

I ain’t trying to be funny, but that list of 12 also largely contain the symptoms you'd experience when on your way to being diagnosed as schizophrenic!:eek:

My problem with it is that someone could reading that list (who possibly could be in dire need of serious and professional help, yet convince themselves that they are undergoing a major spiritual change that is altering them down to a DNA level … for the better! [:o]

Here’s something I wrote in one of the spirituality threads (I think it was ‘Marijuana and Spirituality’ or something like that) in an attempt to demonstrate my point in a more humorous way! 😉

ORIGINAL: Conspiritualist
Hi Guys,
So I was meditating to this issue yesterday, and during the meditation I was guided by a new spirit that I have not seen before (but who had clearly passed the vetting procedure and the tough frisking from my stoic gatekeeper) to write the following:

“As you progress upon your journey, you will discover new stratum, sensations, feelings and emotions that you perhaps have not experienced before, worlds beyond worlds, dimensions within dimensions… do not be afraid gentle one.

You will hear guidance (clear as a bell),

you will see visions most wonderful and unbelievable,
you will learn truths that will make you challenge even the most commonly held beliefs.

You will no longer care for those things that you clung to, things that brought you happiness in the past,

you will begin to see reality for what it really is.

As you progress into the new awakening and shed your old skin Oh precious one, do not be alarmed if you begin to keep a little distance between yourself & the harsh world around you.

Be also not deterred or surprised if you speak with thoughts and words that do not make sense to your people… or are considered strange by those around you … for they are not on your journey dear heart.

For you, are a beloved spiritual chrysalis…

So have heart little one, for you are working towards and awaiting your full Butterfly Spirit awakening… It is then you will fully spread your wings and experience all the dimensional reality

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RE: Signs of awakening spirituality

I just felt balance was needed? It still sounds to me in the initial post to be inauthentic, and as if it is something to be dreaded. That is so different to my own first times: all I knew was bliss and more bliss.


Hey..I've done the bliss and also the pain and sorrow too. That's balance..but ultimately, it's not truth and it's not real either. Both are illusions. We should neither aspire to nor cling to either. One is merely a relection of the other and contains the seed of the other. Joy and sorrow, bliss and painare one thing..not two things.

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