hi alli came across this buddha,thought you might like to have a try ......
Concentrate your vision at the centre of the buddha without moving your focusfor min 30 seconds, you should start to see an aura outline form after 20 seconds around the buddha,then shift your sight to the right of the buddha, then you will see the blue buddha.
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
Hello sacrel
The image I saw was so pale blue as to be almost white.
I wonder if your source gave a reason for doing this, and also if it's connected/similar to the Tatwas? In order to quickly find a site with pictures, I used Google Images:
[link= http://www.magicmandala.com/columns/column0.html ]http://www.magicmandala.com/columns/column0.html[/link]
For text sites about the Tatwas use Google Web as usual.
If your answer is No, my apologies in advance for being off-topic! 😀
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
hi holistic
"I wonder if your source gave a reason for doing this"
I didnt think of this holistic,[sm=scratchchin.gif] i started to notice a very deep blue after 10 seconds and was shimmering left and right, once i gazed to the right its as if there was a definate buddha to the side of the yellow one.
I will have a look and read what the theroy was about.
thanks for the link.
Update: the site is: from the google search
type in:
thirty seconds to a blue buddha by wynn wolfe
In case anyone likes a glance. Interesting experiment.
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
Link to the top result from search:
[link= http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/arts/ar-wolf.htm ]http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/arts/ar-wolf.htm[/link]
I got the same result there ... very pale blue ... and that WAS on a white background, as opposed to HP's pale yellow/lime.
The colour wheel features on this page, as seen in many 'how-to' type gardening and decorating books and websites. The author appears to be using it metaphorically, though TBH I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment so can't devote as much time to it as I would like.
An interesting experiment though, whether looked at from what physically happens inside the human eye/brain ... or more deeply.
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
I've forgotten what the opposite colours are, but this kind of optical trick is well-known isn't it? Look away onto white and the optical nerves compensate for what they've just been seeing.
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
I have a book (don't I always :D) called "Spectropia, or Surprising Spectral Illusions, Showing Ghosts everywhere and of any colour" by J.H. Brown.
It explains the phenomina and how the cones and rods in the eyes work so that when you stare at a particular colour for a while and then look at a blank (i.e. white) surface you will have a ghostly image in the complementary colour. It also has lots of piccies of different colours to try it with.
Red becomes Green and visa versa
Blue becomes Orange and visa versa
Purple will give yellow and visa versa
Black becomes white and visa versa
Essentially we see in Red, Green and Blue (the same as your TV and computer monitor uses to make colours on the screen). If you look at something in one of those primary colours the complimentary image will be the colour made by the other colours. i.e. if you look at Blue then the resultant image becomes a combination of Red and Green, in this case an Orangy colour. These type of colour combinations work on the subtractive colour scheme (the same as mixing paints) unlike your TV/computer screen which uses an additive colour scheme (the mixing of light). Classic example is, with subtractive, if you mix the correct amount of Red Green and Blue together you get a dark grey (tending towards black), whereas with additive, if you mix Red Green and Blue together it gets lighter and tends towards white.
Like Hol says, the buddha doesn't come out all the best on the yellow background of HP, it's best if you stare at it close up for a good 30 seconds and then look at a blank piece of white paper.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: SEE the blue buddah in 30 seconds !!
That's it, Giles, thanks. I can't believe I didn't have the right book to hand. ;)What's a bit wonderful to me is that the additive way of doing it shows that the three primary colours come out of white light (or make it up, putting it the other way). Then, take each pair of those colours - such as in beams of light shone on white - and essentially you get the other colours of the rainbow, more-or-less.
RE: SEE the blue buddha in 30 seconds !!
Thank you : )