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The following email has been circulating and I wonder if anyone her knows about it or has any thoughts on it . I don't know how to post a link so will have to post what I got....

17th Oct 2006 : The Bird Tribe and the UV Radiation

The 10/17 otherwise 818 gateway will be resonating a beam approximately one and half times the size of earth.

i.e, As Earth spinning on its axis passes through this beam, it will be immersed in it for approx 36 hours in total. This makes each point on the globe to be directly influenced by this beam for an avg 17hrs. Some areas will actually have more than 17hrs.

The peak of 5:10 pm applies for all countries and time zones due to the above average. This timing was given as an approximation to assist those who wish to focus for a short time span. Ideally the longer one can focus their attention during this time the greater the results.

For every human immersed in thoughts/focused on and in unconditional love and peace, there are 6000 others approx focused in fear, trepidation, anger, hate, war, lust, power, greed, poverty, lack etc. This was the ratio the Blue gave me when questioned why one million are required. Essentially it is to balance the equation. yep 1 in every 6000.

The way I understood it this 1 in 6000 ratio is thoughts focused on unconditional love and peace resonate/attract 6000 times more powerfully than any other thoughts. i.e. require 6000 times less energy or other words are 6000 times more efficient. Perhaps why only very few attain mastership and why it is far easier and effortless to be in these thoughts as opposed to other thoughts or frames of mind...

Many have emailed asking how long for results to come into affect from the
10/17 gateway? This will depend on the number of people participating above and the thoughts of global consciousness on that day. However by Jan/Feb
2007 we should begin to see the results either way, for better or worse if I can use those words.

Expect by 17th Oct for some big DISTRACTION generating fear and frenzy. If not, then this will be a positive sign.

Many are really hassling for technical data on what exactly this 10/17 - 818 gateway/beam is. The best I could understand it from blue voice is this.

Our sector of the milky way is currently immersed in what many term the photon belt or menasic radiation. With in this radiation there are tiny spectral lines of emissions very much like that to what we term Lyman/Balmer Hydrogen emission/absorption lines. (see eg picture)

The above is our observable light wavelength (color spectrum) and the black lines are what is called emission/absorption lines for hydrogen. ie. the points where hydrogen is resonate within our color spectrum.

Although this does not represent the photon belt, it does give you an idea of what this 818 gateway is. which is imagine one of these tiny black lines which Earth is about to pass through. Next year there will be a 727 gateway but more on that next year. (the first line on the left is the 818 gateway in the UV region, the 2nd line is representative of the 727 gateway in 2007. It won't be until 2010/2011 before we move out of the UV coded region.

According to Blue we entered the photon radiation belt approx mid 90's and now we are about to encounter the first emission line which is very ultra dense with UV photon radiation. The Blue reckon that the above Color spectrum with the hydrogen spectral lines is very reflective of what our photon radiation belt is like. If you noticed there are 7 lines all taking us up to 2012-2013 with the last emission line in the "red" region. (Blue call this last region infrared, but doesn't look it to me).

According to Blue as we approach this red/infrared region in 2012 and beyond, every day natural occurrences of what one calls "orbs" will become common place where as now only seen by very few and usually with digital cameras.

I hope the above giv

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To be honest, Binah, there are many such messages each year that many thousands believe in. This is 2012 "psychic-psycho" terminology. In short, I pay it no heed, and the world just goes on fine. Because it's all unreal (imagination).

IMHO. My opinion, anyway. 😀 Shock!! Horror!! - [&o]- but it's an hour to the 17th as I write this! (Only joking.)

Venetian 🙂
Edit to add: There's a thread on this already, though you might not quite recognise that from its title. At:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=382563 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=382563[/link]
In that thread, Holistic gives a good post, and that this material is "channelled". I've read thousands of pages of channelled things, and I have to say it seems to getting much worse and less convincing these days! It used to be prime stuff. ;)Anyway, in Holistic's post she gives a link to a thread elsewhere on the internet where someone gives a reasonable history (with many gaps though) of channelling, and a view on it.

