Mission 1017
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Mission 1017

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Has anybody else received an email about this:

Cosmic Trigger Event on 17th October .. Needed one Million+ people

A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006. This is the
beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013.

An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in
universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain
approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant fluorescent in
nature, blue/magenta in color. Although it resonates in this frequency
band, it is above the color frequency spectrum of your universe-1 in which you,
Earth articulate. However, due to the nature of your soul and soul groups
operating from Universe-2 frequency bands, it will have an effect.

The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one
million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one million times
and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is
good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

What does this mean ?

Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on,
this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated
rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.

For those that do not comprehend ~ Your thoughts, what you focus on creates
your reality.

This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on
thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your
reality almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.

Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on positive,
benign, good-willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity on
this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember
whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than
anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on
the miraculous.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth,
kindness, gratitude be focused on.

This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hours on the 17th of October

No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17am on
the 17th of October to 1:17am on the 18th October.

The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10pm) on the 17th October.

Being in a meditative state through out this time, would be beneficial.
However, the main key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the
peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm). Perhaps at this time, you can find a peaceful
spot or location in which to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of
grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean

Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all
Earth and Humanity .. is positive thoughts of a loving nature.

We call this UV beam trigger event, the "818" gateway.

Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this
cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good-willed thoughts.

We require approximately one million+ people across the globe to actively
participate in this event. Please use whatever communication mediums you
have at your disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We require
one million+ people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from
separation and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness.

This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace
and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.

This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to
your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to
participate is your choice.

Details to the Mission-1017 site and forum and how to stay updated

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RE: Mission 1017

May I be outspoken? Sounds like **** to me. 😀

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RE: Mission 1017

ORIGINAL: venetian

May I be outspoken? Sounds like **** to me. 😀

:D... that's been spread all over the Internet, as revealed by putting Mission1017 Raphiem/Blue into Google.

[link= http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=695 ]http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=695[/link]
Overview/History of Channeling and Disinformation

This is the first in what I hope will be a series of articles that take a look at some of the channeled messages that are now being posted regularly on the internet, and what appear to be techniques of disinformation used in them. Before getting into it, the following overview will help reveal my perspective and set some context.<snip>

Rather long, but could perhaps lead to discussion here on channeling and disinformation. Or maybe not?

With no disrespect to Pathfinder for posting, of course.


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RE: Mission 1017

Thanks for the link, Hol. I ploughed through it all because I found it quite interesting - though annoying that all those weird symbols crept into the text.

However, I then couldn't resist having a look around the forum and thought it was so sweet that the members are defined as 'The force is strong with this one' or 'Jedi Knight'. Somehow it's just not possible for me to take as seriously a post on a Starwars forum!:D

But I do agree that the whole question of channeling is intriguing. And we have had some prime examples on HP in the past. Do you remember the hoo ha that surrounded that woman from Australia? Can't remember her name now. Probably just as well as if we name her she'll turn up again!

David, it distresses me sometimes that you always dismiss this sort of thing and yet you are so into theosophy - which could also be said to contain a lot of channeled information. There are many people who disparage your beliefs too.

Actually, when it comes down to it, what the original post is asking is for everyone to focus at a particular time on thinking good thoughts. (I paraphrase.) Now what is wrong with that? If anyone doesn't want to do it, they don't have to.

Sunanda xxx

(Unfortunately, when this sort of thing comes through, I always forget to do it anyway.)

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RE: Mission 1017

Hi sunanda

I confess my selection of a link to post may have been made with the lack of discernment that tends to exist while still only on my first mug of tea of the day - I don't do mornings 😉

However, everyone is welcome to google for something better, but at least it hopefully kicked off some discussion here, whether in relation to the starter post or more generally.


Hol. xx

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RE: Mission 1017

Hi Sunanda,

I am a bit quick to be dismissive because ...

An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in
universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day.

.... is IMO gobbledegook and unexplained. And because I believe I actually feel I know the source is gobbledegook.

On "not remembering to do it anyway", yes, even if I agreed with the idea that a UV beam from "universe-2" etc, etc was happening, I do know what you mean! 😉


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RE: Mission 1017

Reminds me of an old member's post about a "Stargate opening at Bethlehem with the inter-galactic being, High Priest and King of Peace coming with the new purple diamond ray of enlightenment" 😀

Mind you, as Sunanda quite rightly says, if it focusses peoples positive thoughts into one period and encourages more meditation, it can only be a good thing. Count me in!

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RE: Mission 1017

ORIGINAL: caveman

Reminds me of an old member's post about a "Stargate opening at Bethlehem with the inter-galactic being, High Priest and King of Peace coming with the new purple diamond ray of enlightenment" 😀

How do you know it didn't happen? 😉

Seriously, I agree with you, Sunanda, and all. Sorry to be a bit abrupt. ;)I don't go along with the story, but Jas, you make a point which was in the back of my mind. If 1 million meditate on peace at a certain time on a certain day, it would surely do a lot of good? Exactly. My concern would just be about 'belief'. Do one millon people thereby buy into a belief-system which is taking them for a ride? So My concern I suppose is longer-term, but not to upset the present ride. 😉


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RE: Mission 1017

Superbly put David! Also reminds me of the TM groups who gather around the world in large groups of Yogic flyers (let's not get into that one tho 😉 ) doing continuous meditations on world peace, directing their thoughts wherever needed most in the world. They think it works and always have groups actively meditating to ensure we don't implode 🙂

I think Maharishi said that once they focussed on a town in a war-torn area. When the battles had finished, everything was destroyed, except this town - which was in the middle of this warzone, and would have surely been anihilated <sp> normally. Difficult to prove these things but I'm sure if one took an hour to search on the net you could find some scientific test carried out on positive thought influence.


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RE: Mission 1017

Hi Jas

Yes, I also really do know of past amazing things - such as 3 days utterly crime-free for all of NY when people meditated there together. How today to find that on the net I just do not know!

Yogic flyers (let's not get into that one tho )

OK :DWhoops. It's hard for me to reach down from the ceiling to hit the keyboard. Sorry, mate.

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RE: Mission 1017

ORIGINAL: sunanda

David, it distresses me sometimes that you always dismiss this sort of thing and yet you are so into theosophy - which could also be said to contain a lot of channeled information. There are many people who disparage your beliefs too.

Hi Sunanda,

What I didn't get around to replying (while I value your viewpoint) is that I don't at all consider Blavatsky's work to be channelled.

If we happen to consider channelling to be "unreal" - that it's either from the unconscious, or even from devilish spirits making fun of us (or made up by the authors? I rarely believe that's the case) then Blavatsky doesn't fit the bill at all IMO. She didn't get her information from mere ghosts or unwittingly from her unconscious. She was a chela (disciple) of the Himalayan Masters. And with her they actually wrote about what channelling is! - they said it's usually unwittingly from the unconscious.

They were and are real, albeit advanced men.

For example:

[link= http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/mastersencounterswith.htm ]http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/mastersencounterswith.htm[/link]

The hundreds of Letters from two of them to just one disciple are preserved in the special archives (forget its' exact name) of the British Library.

That's not channelling - that's real men, with advanced knowledge - writing letters to students, and as the link shows, being met and seen bydozens even just in the 1800s (as they still are). 🙂


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RE: Mission 1017

G'day All,

Anyone who has experienced the effects of exposure to UV on a day-to-day basis would already know that Mission 1017's 'vehicle' for its message is nonsense in itself. The Australian climate is such that most of the population know the risks posed by UV at much much lower levels than that postulated. If the Earth were ever exposed to UV of that nature all life would be obliterated instantly.

The message however is ongoing and very worthwhile:

"focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for yourselves and the Earth and Humanity on this day"

Who could argue with that?


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RE: Mission 1017

No-one could argue with that, woodcat. 🙂

On the other bits, I must be a bit dense, as while I did have some ups in the day, I wouldn't say my emotions were amplified "a million times" by the "ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2".

Maybe it's because I don't know where universe-2 is? 😮


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RE: Mission 1017

Skeptic mind is the barrier to feel the presense of the self. Hubble captured something on 1017.

[url]Click Here[/url]

Least one can do is to mediate.

Edited by Amelia Jane to shrink the link

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RE: Mission 1017

Hi Core, and welcome to HP. 🙂

Hubble, the telescope, has been working for many years, and the galaxies have existed as now viewed for many tens of millions of years. So it isn't an event that happened on the 17th. :)All the same, it's a really interesting astronomical piece. Thanks for the link.


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RE: Mission 1017

The inquiste mind looks for proof in the external world. if you are really that inquiste to know the presense of the entire universe, it is there inside every one of us right here and right now. it just takes stilling the mind to feel it. As much as it sounds easy, it is as goods a taming wind, but it is possible with practise.

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RE: Mission 1017

But concerning the 1017 subject?

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RE: Mission 1017

Welcome to the forum Core 😀

Skeptic mind is the barrier to feel the presense of the self.

Personally I feel that healthy questioning and discernment is fundemantal to cutting through the layers that bind us to an illusionary reality. I have noticed that people often just blindly follow an idea (erm... such as Oct 17th), belief or doctrine in the hope to gaining or manifesting something without inward discernment at all(rathering that knowing that they are complete and whole within themselves RIGHT NOW) . Following blindly in this way is also (in my view) a barrier to the true self.

if you are really that inquiste to know the presense of the entire universe, it is there inside every one of us right here and right now.

Couldn't agree more.


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RE: Mission 1017

I think we all agree on the mind in fact :)but it's just a question of how to put that into words - and typed words at that. No facial cues - as if we ALL have on a burqa! 😉

So I agree with Trin that you've got to apply intellect to a degree, though I also agree with the yogic/Hindu concept that the mind isn't the real self, no more than is the body. We must have applied intellect at some point to have decided not to apply it too much and not to be skeptical! For example, like many other people, for me it was partly, but only partly, a mental process in deciding years ago what I could accept as being real and true about life and the universe, and what form of spiritual Path to tread. (Though probably mind was the least of what was used.)

After that, a process that perhaps Core has already been through, you don't need mind so much, just as you certainly don't want the intellect or mind in the way if you are meditating. In most spiritual practices, just as we put the body into a passive position and forget it, we also leave intellect behind. But like the body it's an essential tool we can't, literally, live without.

Edit to add: To Core: I can see what's happened here, that you've stepped into the thread thinking me a skeptic or a materialist. Believe me, I'm not ;)- but as Trin says it's necessary to have discernment, and "10/17" being a good example. Apologies if I mocked it a little, but these dates keep popping up, and you start to wonder when people will learn!

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RE: Mission 1017

venetian, my replies did not me mean to offend, my apologies if it sounded.

I'm not advocate for the 1017 message, don't know how far the 1million fold is true. I did meditate on that date as usual as I do every day, did sense the transmission that I feel everyday. My personal opinion is the energyis there all the time, it is our mind pattern that blocks it, we have to cleanse it to absorb the most, a spiritual master makes this journey easier.

All the best in your journey towoards the goal.

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RE: Mission 1017

Dear Core,

Absolutely no offence is taken. I agree with what you write above.

God Bless,
