Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
The kingdom of God is compared to a treasure hidden in the field. This means that God is hidden in the human body of the human incarnation. In Gita the human body was compared with the field (Idam sareeram….). This means the identification of human incarnation. Purchasing the field means serving that human body. If the treasure is announced, the owner will not sell the field. Then it is impossible to purchase the treasure. This means that it is impossible to serve the real form of the God, which is beyond the imagination. The human body is a part of the kingdom of the God.
Again the kingdom of the God is compared to a merchant who is in search of pearls. This means that the Lord in human body is in search of real devotees. But only one in millions can be the real devotee as said in Gita (Kaschit maam …). When a merchant found such a pearl, he purchases it by selling all his property. This means that the human incarnation will go to any extent to save that rearest devotee.
Again the kingdom of God is compared to a dragnet, by which all categories are captured and from each category good is taken and bad is thrown. This means that God captures all types of devotees. Some devotees use God for their selfish benefits. Even for them, God answers and thus the God captures them. From these devotees, those who are turned in to real devotees are accepted and the others are thrown out. These other type devotees love God as an instrument to solve their problems and that is not a real love.
Mathew 5:3-8: The mercy and purity are praised because such qualities will develop love on God. Then only God blesses them. Simple mercy and purity related to worldly bonds are of no permanent use. Such good qualities without the element of the God lead to temporally heaven, which is not a permanent fruit. Mere love on society leads to temporary heaven only from which one falls to earth, as said in Gita (Ksheenee Punye…)
Mathew 11:28-30: The yoke of the Lord is light where as the yoke of human beings is heavy. This means that the work of the Lord will never give misery, as there is no selfishness. But the worldly work of the human beings becomes heavy due to selfishness that create anxiety and misery since one is attached to the fruit of the work.
John 18:37-38: God is truth. But every truth is not God. For example, it is true if you say that wind moves. This does not mean that this sentence is God. He said " I am the truth.’’ He did not say " Truth is my self’’. The people who belong to the truth mean the devotees who belong to the God. Here the word truth represents God only and not every truth in the world.
Mathew 6:8: He said that Father knows things before you ask. This sentence belongs to highest devotees. They do not expect anything in return, even for their practical service but the lower devotees aspire fruits from the God even for their theoratical service like prayers. For such low cadre He said " Ask, that shall be given’’. For the high devotees He suffers and cancels their evil effects. For lower devotees it is only postponing the punishment to another place called hell with increased interest.
Luke 12:51-53: Jesus is evaluating the love towards Him in terms of decrease in the love of the worldly bonds. As the love of a boy on his girl friend increases, the bonds with his parents weaken proportionately. At the final stage he runs away with girl friend totally discarding his parents. Thus, the detachment from the worldly bonds is an indirect measure of the attachment to the God. Without the later, the former is useless. This is explained here. Jesus told that who could not be detached from parents, wife or husband and children and even with the life cannot be his follower.
Luke 9: 60-62: Let the dead bury the dead. You preach about God. This means that you need not worry about the dead body or its rituals. The reason is that the inert dead body will decompose in to inert five elements. The decomposition reactions are controlled by inert items like entropy
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
Jesus also spoke of the field, he tells us in the bible that we are Gods field and how amazing is that bearing in mind, that now cutting edge scientists speak of the fields of consciousness.
"You are sacred and a treasure to behold, count your blessings as if you are counting gold" from Sacred Words
Divine Love
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
All the arguments of Advaita scholars are perfectly correct except one small point, that is the awareness or Atman is God. Awareness is not known to majority and therefore the soul is unimaginable to majority. The soul is certainly known to minority who are very sharp scholars. Veda says that Atman is known only to sharp scholars and Veda does not say that Atman is God in this context. Veda says here that Atman is embedded in the human being secretly (Drusyatetvagraya…., Atma guhayam…). Awareness requires the existence of two items. One is the inert energy that is obtained from the digestion of food (Annat Purashah- Veda). The second is nervous system, which alone can convert this inert energy in to awareness on functioning. Thus, awareness is dependent on these two items but God is independent and does not depend on the requirement of any other item. Thus, the scholars who are based on the scriptures only are also answered about this concept through scriptures and logic (Tarka Sastra).
Matter (food) is converted into energy and awareness is a form of energy. Thus, matter and awareness are inter-convertible. When a human being called “Ahalya” was converted in to inert statue and again when the statuewas converted into human being, this inter-conversion is proved. When Ahalyabecame a stone, her soul did not go to upper world. It remained there only. Awareness is an item of creation and therefore exactly duplicate souls were created by Lord Krishna when these souls were stolen by Prajapati. All these points clearly show that awareness is a conversion of inert matter and a form of inert energy and an item of creation only. If one accepts science, it is very easy to prove that awareness is a special form of inert energy flowing through the nervous system while functioning. The robot is just a duplicate of human being. The current flowing in the wires is the awareness flowing in the nervous system. The information stored in the chip is exactly the information stored in the brain. The brain is a system ofseveral microprocessors working simultaneously, which grasps all the points regarding an object in one instance. You treat brain as a CD in which the information is stored in the form of written impressions on the matter or you can treat brain as the RAM in which the information is stored in the form of pulses by electro magnetic energy. This does not make any difference for a spiritual approach. That is a topic of science. Even in science a physicist does not differentiate matter and energy. Thus, in science it is clearly proved that awareness is inert energy only which on functioning in nervous system becomes a specific form by doing specific work.
In fact, awareness is a form of special work done by the inert energy. Since, work is also a form of energy, all these specifications come under the topic of science only and has no spiritual significance. But science clearly analyses any item, which is not God and helps us to realise that it is not God. Science analyses every item of creation and with the help of such analysis we can know that every item of creation is not God. Science cannot show what is God but it can show clearly what is not God. There is no item in the creation, which is not analysed by science. Therefore, any item of the creation is not God. Even the so-called philosophy has not shown God. It has shown only what is not God. Vedasays that the sages who were greatest philosophers rejected every item of creation as not God (Neti..Neti..). They have concluded that God is beyond words, mind, intelligence, logic and even any type of imagination. Thus, both philosophy and science fail to give any positive information about the God. Thus, you should not reject both philosophy and science because even if they have not shown God, at least they have shown that every item in the creation is not God. Thus, these two have helped us in not falling in the illusion by which we may think that some item like awareness, which is very near to unimaginability is God. At least science and ph
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
A bit of advice don't always believe the scholars listen to your own heart for it is there that the wisdom of God is found. 😉
Anil, you do not appear to listen, you do not appear to hear or read, you do not discuss and as such how can you possibly come into oneness with the source of all creation in unity consciousness?;)
Divine Love 😀
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
Divine Love
The aim of the creation is the entertainment of the Lord. When you are seeing a cinema, you will be bored if the entire cinema shows only inert bodies and inert changes and interactions between them. The inert and living are required for the complete entertainment. A cinema must contain all types of inert items like stars, hills, rivers etc., and also all types of living beings like plants, birds, animals, human beings, ghosts, angels etc. When you take meals in a feast the variety of the items shows the dignity of the feast. You feel happy with many different items in the feast. Therefore, the main or special work or function of any item in the creation including life is only the entertainment of the God. The speciality in the work and function of life is that it is differentiated from all other items, which include robot also. The robot contains the chips introduced by the scientist. The human being contains the strongest concepts of various chips that are accompanying the soul for the past millions of births. The electricity in the robot is the life energy in the human being and is called as casual body or soul. The chips introduced in robot constitute the subtle body of the human being. The information is stored in the subtle body, which is the life energy existing in the form of pulses.
If the pulses are lost, only life energy remains, which is called as the soul or casual body. Since the information itself is the bundle of pulses, certainly the substrate for the information will be the soul only. The information itself is the subtle body. The external metallic structure of robot is the gross body of the human being. In both robot and human being several microprocessors can simultaneously work so that both simultaneously grasp the various characteristics of an object. When the chip is removed from the robot, it is the death of the human being. The chip of the human being leaves the gross body and enters a similar energetic body. The chip works with the electricity in the energetic body also. Thus, a special technology exists in the case of a human being, which is not caught by the scientist. Robot resembles human being in all the aspects but certain other aspects, which are termed, as special technology is additional with the human being. When Lord Jesus raised the dead body, He ordered the chip along with its power to enter the same gross body. When it was done the energetic body vanished in the space by dissipation. This technology is in the hands of the Lord and not in the hands of the scientist.
He also ordered a tree to die on the spot and the tree died. The life left the tree based on His order. The discussion about the life and how the creation took place is not very important because the main aim of the whole spiritual field is to please the Lord. Such topics like life and process of creation are in the interest of Science only, which aims only at the materialistic benefits of the human beings. Therefore, the interest of spirituality is different from the interest of Science. We give the explanation of the creation but finally we have no interest in our own explanation. It is only in the interest of Science in which, we are not much interested.
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
Good Points
One is always contimplating the process of the divine we are programed at this time to understand the concept but the true meaning of our salvation is to accept what is and realize that this is only a partition in the placement of the plan of God as we build to know the presance of the Lord we are truely blessed when we are touched by the spirit so that we can acomplish the divine within ourselves, this is a lifetime journey and realization of this fact opens our soul to the spiritual forces that can bring about a concept of divine living that we are all hopefully trying to accomplish until the day that he provide's the true answers we are merely here...Survival is the place that I wish to be remembering the souls journey is not a easy one but with love can build a provincial placement with God's love building our light to the heavens
May we reach a place to provide lite in our lives until that day...
RE: Kingdom Of Lord --- Treasure
Datta is the human incarnation given to devotees for the sake of vision, touch, conversation, and co-living. Another need of Datta is that He facilitates the spiritual effort of His devotees by attracting the results of their sins on Him. If you say that Rama or Krishna is only Datta, it is not possible. In such case only one human generation in which Rama /Krishna was present, was only blessed which leads to partiality of God. Therefore, Datta is needed for every human generation, for every region and for every religion. Other wise again God becomes partial if Datta comes to one region and one religion only.
The people of other regions and other religions cannot come there. In one region there are again devotees of different levels. For such devotees human incarnations at different levels will appear which are like Kalavataras (Incarnations of his radiation) and Amsavataras (Partial Incarnations) etc. These human incarnations belong to different regions and religions by different languages and traditions. The human incarnations of one religion cannot be accepted by another religion. Therefore incarnations should be different at different levels and should be different in different religions. Today in one region several religions are present. This makes the situation very complex and lakhs of human incarnation are needed. For God there is no difficulty to come like that. Veda says about thousand headed God ( Sahasra Seersha purushah ). Here the word thousand means many. When this is not difficult for God why should any body denny that? If any body says that he is the only incarnation of Datta, he is a fool . He is only a devil who depends on performing miracles only. Miracles are His Jewels only.
By possessing His Jewels a demon cannot get even a ray of the light of God. Hence such a fellow can not be even the incarnation of even his radiation. Holy Bible says, “ I never knew you. Depart from Me” (Mathew 7-23). The characteristic properties of God are knowledge, Love and Bliss. Veda says “ Satyam Jnanam”, “ Rasovysah” and “Anando Brahma”. Knowledge is Brahma indicating Rajas, Love is Vishnu indicating Satvam and Bliss is Siva indicating Tamas. This means that every human incarnation (Datta)has these three qualities. These three qualities are indicated by Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. There is only one God and Brahma, Vishnu and Siva don’t exist. Datta is not having three faces. This is only a pictorial representation for the sake of childish ignorant people. Datta is having only one face who is a human body with two hands. The six hands represent the six modifications of body which are Existence (Asti), Birth (Jayate), Growth (Varthate) Change (Viparinamate), Reduction (Apacheeyate) and Destruction (Nasyati).
This means that the three heads represent three qualities and six hands represent the birth and destruction of the human body. God pervades all over the human body and such human form is called Datta. We can recognize any body by face only. God is also recognized by these three qualities, which are associated with Him. These three qualities put together are called prakruti or Maya. God is always associated with Maya. Gita says the same thing “ Mayam Tu Prakrutim “ “Mayinam Tu”. These three qualities mixed in different proportions lead to the main sixteen divine qualities and even to infinite divine qualities. Therefore God is called Visvaroopa or Sahasra Seersha. Such divine qualities are not present in those demons and therefore God has no connection with such demons who perform miracles only. His right hand represents knowledge with the mode called “Chinmudra”.
His left hand contains all the super powers. Therefore His right half is Guru and His left half is Bhagavan. On the right side we have Sankha, Damaruka and Garland of beeds. The first two represent sound. The third represents a sentence of letters, which came from sound. Thus, the right half repres