Growth hunger/Balan...
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Growth hunger/Balance

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Has anyone experience at the point of their life where they have this hunger for more growth, this hunger coming from the disatisfaction of who are you now, what kind of job you have, etc? Is this part of changes of moving to the next cycle, perhaps maybe towards your real inner soul? I really am interested to hear about your opinions on this topic.

I'm experiencing especiallylately this drive to explore other arena and actually make myself better, in the aspect of dissolving the blocks that I experience in life or had experience in my past .. in not just one arena, but in all areas/issues.

One thing that I've been wondering and thinking whether it this hunger is so important for development? Whether this is the drive towards balancing. My thoughts are that everyone human in this world is working towards balancing, and somewhat this disatisfaction is there to bring attention that this is the area that needs work and hence working towards balancing.

However, I'm still confuse about this area, as Buddhist seems to emphasis the importance of the now, that to me means acceptance of who are you .. but what if who you are now on the outside is not really who you on the inside?

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RE: Growth hunger/Balance

Almost two years ago now I went through this and by listening to myself I feel that I am now more who I am meant to be. I think everyone has times when they need to grow or change part of there life - it is very easy to be pushed into a box by society and not feel happy with who you are. I quite often find that people project an image of themselves and there outward persona to hide who they are inside.

As for me I moved to be nearer the sea, and set myself on the path of becoming a complementary therapist, I also started to meditate and this helped me to start listening to my intuition again. I'm glad I did not ignore the 'hunger' I had to change.

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RE: Growth hunger/Balance

ORIGINAL: holisticheaven I quite often find that people project an image of themselves and there outward persona to hide who they are inside.

This is exactly how I feel and soooo resonate with me, I feel like I'm hiding from my own true potentially, just trying to take the safe path, but for some reason, now really like to strip away those "protection" that I've created for myself, and really step out there so to speak!

As for me I moved to be nearer the sea, and set myself on the path of becoming a complementary therapist, I also started to meditate and this helped me to start listening to my intuition again. I'm glad I did not ignore the 'hunger' I had to change.

That is wonderful to hear that you followed your intuition!! That is what I'm trying to do, listening to intuition. It sounds like you are at peace at where you are, like there is nothing more else you like to change:) Thank you for being inspiring!

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RE: Growth hunger/Balance

Hi Voodoo,

What you are feeling is totally natural.
Change is natural and necessary.
Nothing can stay the same - it either grows or it dies!
Energy can not be stationary.

And as you are energy you must too grow or die!

Many people ignore or do not acknowledge their hunger for change.

This hunger is a survival instinct - our deep minds know that we need to move on, to develop, to experience new things.

The Buddhist ideas do not conflict with this either.

Acceptance of the Now simply means not resisting what is, and from a place of relaxed acceptance we are free to change .

Simple as that!

Wishing you joy and inspiration,
