Fallen Angels?
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Fallen Angels?

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Amelia Jane
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I've just done a quick HP search under this topic name & nothing direct came up, just a few topics but nothing that fits the search exact, it maybe that no one's ever brought it up because theres no interest/belief in them, but I'm interested in what others think about the stories of Angels cast down from heaven.

I think most of us have heard about Archangel (?) Lucifer whome I assume is the most famous of FAbecause he was really all I'd ever heard about, I've often said in jest when someone comments 'You're an Angel' "yeh so is Lucifer;)" although don't get me wrong, I'm not a Christain so have a very limited knowledge about such things..let alone view it as fact, so I'm not posting to raise a debate

Although I have been aware of the existance of Angels for someyears now the idea of Angels 'gone bad' has at times popped into my mind, Earth bound angels amongst us, living as humans, fallen by 'human' things..there was a post a while back on [url]Incarnate Angels[/url] we're I've posted in the view of no..Angels are far above that and I found it difficult to believe that they are anything other then pure spiritual beings ect......[&:]..beyond & above the emotions and craving of us mere mortals...although once upon a time I didn't beleive in Angels full stop:eek:

I'm just curious what other HP'ers think about it in general..possibility..or Jackinory?;)


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RE: Fallen Angels?


Interesting post, from mpov the idea of a fallen angel is to illustrate the bad in all of us - we often look at the good in ourselves but not the bad. We all have a bad side and we should all acknowledge it, otherwise we are not being true to ourselves - the ying and the yang.

As for Lucifer, I think the Christian church took the idea of a FA and made it much bigger to instil fear in peoples hearts to keep them coming to church for protection. After all isn't most religion based upon fear - fear of damnation?

By the way I do beleive in God, I just don't need an intermediary and neither does anyone else.

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RE: Fallen Angels?

Hi Amy

I accept The Book of Enoch which tells the whole process of how they fell. The best version of this by far, as it explains it and gives background, is by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. I think her version is just called The Book of Enoch, but a search would find it. Very comprehensive. That book is the main one Jesus quoted from (if you know it) and really should be in the Bible. LOL so "who" left it out, huh? Guess.

Amelia Jane
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RE: Fallen Angels?

Thanks for you reply Mike & V
I'm recently familure with the book of Enoch & am 'trying' to read it, so far it's raised some questions for me about the imperfection in Gods (higher)perfection, assuming a God created Angels...unless of course it was part of the Divine plan....for humans to witness inhumain (sp) acts/laws which are less easy done by us because of the 'Higher connection'that will stop us but done by another 'being'will allow us toexpereince emotions & the deal is how we do 'deal' with it......(Oh I know what I mean[&:])

I've perhaps posted in the wrong forum...this is one of those subjects where I'm not too sure where it would be better suited[:o]


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RE: Fallen Angels?

Hello Amelia Jane,
Ive been off for some time this is a very interesting subject I feel that this subject brings together the parts of the perfective measures to the Angel Magic that comes with the spiritual understanding of the Enoch comes from the unknown period of the majical significance in the Angel ways of movement this is a persistant spiritual form of understanding when you speak of the feeling of the common parts of the enoth this is said to represent the process of the truths of the old ways of the messages that come forward to bring about the period of knowledge of the mystical remedies to create a space in time of this old book of knowledge.....Gypsee

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RE: Fallen Angels?

I wonder which version of the book you have? One is a facsimile reprint of a copy over 100 years old. All you get is the book, with no additional material. A bit dry. Still, you'll have to stick with the one you have.

I haven't got a copy now of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's modern version, but it has a good introduction and loads of stuff in the second half to make you think. From memory, roughly, I seem to recall that she was able to give 50 or more passages of Enoch, and then by their sidegive New Testament quotes from Jesus or the Apostles which are clearly quotes from Enoch, or close references to its words. So it's basically proven that Enoch was the most important book to Jesus and others including St. Paul too. They don't refer to any other book anywhere near as often at all. So it's a "conspiracy" that it's not in the Bible on that basis.

The early church fathers believed in "angels become as men, and evil", and the belief was only expunged around 400 AD. It was part of original Christianity without doubt.

Jesus' belief in the fact that those "in high places" in church and state are often fallen angels, incapable of good, explains why to the masses and ordinary people he gave unconditional love ... but when the Pharisees and scribes came to challenge him, he gave them a simply huge telling off, every time, "Ye are full of dead mens' bones - as your father, the devil" etc.

They knew that HE knew what they were, and it made them very wrathful.

Prophet's (real name) thesis is that they reincarnate and are among us today.


Amelia Jane
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RE: Fallen Angels?

I wonder which version of the book you have?

The book I'm reading is by the author you mentioned, the book does compare with the bible and talk through all the major points & asks the same question you too asked

"who" left it out, huh? Guess

..but I've not ever read the bible, I will need to re-read the authors words again after I'm through with Enoch...I have to admit that personally I find 'old' language quite hard to read lol...I'm more then likely going to have to readthe whole bookagain, It's definatly an interesting read...I quite like the idea too that because it was removed from the bible it is less likely to have been altered through time...


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RE: Fallen Angels?

That book also LISTS - I think just by giving the chapter and verse to go to with a summary? - all of Jesus' encounters with fallen angels. When you see that huge list, it gives a different view of Jesus' story to me.

While he was "gentle Jesus, meek and mild" to ordinary folk, half his life-story seems to have been about continual, repeated encounters with these evil ones. And they weren't just there to debate! They wanted to get him to say things against their beliefs, which he often did, after which they often tried to get him and kill him.

But he "disappeared from their midst". 🙂

So while many may like to think he spoke only of love, read the NT again and it was very often "Light vs. darkness", and with his words he blew them away ...

Edit for spelling.

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RE: Fallen Angels?

have you ever channeled Lucifer
I haven’t but would be interesting
I have talked to energy that we would call negative
That gave me a better understanding of the pardoxing energies to give us the freedom of choice
It depends on intention when ever talking to such energies as they work in your fears and I have never found them evil but canunderstand why people would say they are evil

Just posted it to open up some possibilities

Amelia Jane
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RE: Fallen Angels?

Thanks (again) V, yes my book does list the chapter & vs where I can see for myself the comparisons in the Bible which I am compelled to do...I have to say that I'm feeling a bit hooked, it's hard to put the book down, also a + with this book is that at the bottom of some of the pages it does give a little explination & also shows the alternative translations...all I need to do next is get hold of a Bible, I did find one a few months back when I got an interest to read Revelations after that 'Doomsday' documentry but the book itself is tiny & the writing is teeny weeny..makes me think I need to get my eyes tested:eek:lol..but I will see if I can get hold of a larger one....but hey...if it's meant to be then one will come to me;)

Hi Brent...channel Lucifer...lol...no....I don't channel as such....that is I don't call, sometimes things come if they have something to say...I doubt I'd be strong enough aim so high even if I wanted to:D...all this is tirening enough for little me. But the thought of negitive energies and freedom of choice would make an interesting topic...fear also is in the perception, bit like ugly vs beauty..IMHO...Oh ignor me...I'm shattered[sm=cat.gif]


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RE: Fallen Angels?

Amelia Jane,

Gill and I were discussing this and herperspective on this is that when the Bible talks about fallen angels they are talking about beings who have gone against Gods will, the angels who fellwanted the ability to choose - for their own egos. When we release OUR desires and go with the Divine Plan, THATS when we take the path of least resistance. It is only when our Egos get in the way that our path gets rougher and we blame God. But we are too stubborn to see it. Thats the down side of free-will.

When we say God we are not referring to Religion, we don't adhere to that dogma. We beleive God is Spirit.

Personally I think we have been given free-will by God so that if/when we choose to follow the Divine Plan it is OUR choice and is not forced upon us, so coming back to the fold, so to speak, is of greater value. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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RE: Fallen Angels?

Hi Mike,

Ireally agree with you that free will is as essential a part of what the universe is about as gravity or cold/heat. More so in fact.

Keep in mind that "fallen angels" are scarcely talked about really in explicit terms in the Bible that men "made up" circa 400 AD, by choosing what to include, what to exclude. They - and again, who were "they"? ;)- seemed truly set on expunging clear, detailed references to angels who took on physical bodies and "fell". So the main source on that is The Book of Enoch, as Jesus and his followers knew.

(One has to read that book - be willing to read it - in order to realise how much it meant to Jesus' Mission. But if "they" had included it in the Bible, it would have been IMHO the most important Biblical book along with the Gospels.)

