Venetian said: [link= ][/link]
I've joked many a time with a couple of friends that we are pretty familiar with the field, and could easily come out with a porky-pie 'message'. Starting with 'my dears' or 'Dear Ones' would always kick you off to a start.
sorry to pull your quote here, V, but what i want to know is [sm=offtopic.gif]for "that" thread.
over my time ofcoming to HP, i've seen many channelled messages (i'm saying nowt!) and yeah, whyare the messages smattered with "dear heart", "little one", "my loves"... but not only that... the "message" always then seems somewhat condescending and patronising... like the receivers of the "message" (i.e. me and you) are right dumbas*es!
am i the only one that thinks that? am i such a lowly evolved creature that i just "dont get it"? the "messages" just always make me go[sm=boring.gif]as i think, "oh yeah... here's another one!" and... if i were so evolved as to be channelling myself, so i guess almost at the point of true enlightenment (lol hey rupert.... just what is true enlightenment this week? :D), would i waste time posting on HP? (no offence, mods... a turn a phrase, you understand! ;)). see what i mean?
oh love and light! xx
RE: channelling... why oh why...
But on the other hand, while reading some other 'non channelled posts' - from some HP Members in particular I've noticed - I am overwhelmed with tingling sensations that say YES!! , this is A TRUTH - and it feels that this message is coming from their Spark within.
:DYes, I know where you're coming from, likewise when you right something & think to yourself "Blimey, where did that come from";)
RE: channelling... why oh why...
What I do sometimes wonder about with those that frequently channel messages & share them with others is how can you be too sure what is from above or from your own mind. Do you purley hear the message or do you see too, do you go/taken 'somewhere else' to receive them...just curious, I've never asked anyone before
Amelia Jane,
Hmm...this question of is it (channeled messages) from above or from our own mind is a tricky one. But let's imagine there is no above or below or outside or inside and that our mind is connected to and a part of all mind. Is it not then just a question of opening our mind?
I was taught to channel by a very good and experienced teacher. We first had to learn how to hold a still the mind..our mind generates "interference" in the form of thoughts, ideas and our sense of separated self. Stilling the mind or holding a focus simply opens our mind and raises our consciousness so that we can tune in, like a radio set to a particular "station".
Everyone is connected to Universal mind yet we have forgotten the techniques to "tune in". When I channel I am simply the radio set whose speaker (my voice) brings the radio station (information or my guide) into the room.
We identify a radio station by its "call sign", "Radio1" or "Classic FM" for example. For my conveniance, I identify my radio station as "The Elohim" as this is a frequency I tune into and this "station" has a particular "content" or radio programmes which I resonate with and aresuitable to my brain patterns.
As we practice channeling we switch "guides" or radio stations as we progress and my "guides" have changed over time.
I'm sure we all believe in radio waves even though we can't see them and can't prove them to anyone without using a radio set. Yet weknow that in our room there are thousands of radio stations on air.
We know that radio waves don't come from above..they are availalbe wherever there is a radio set.
With a radio we tune into these broadcasts.
In a simiar way, Universal mind is always broadcasting and the brain is a perectly capable "receiver" if we know how to use it.
I am not "hearing" anything I am simply a channel..a speaker in a radio which speaks whatever it is tuned to.
Hope that helps. This is really difficult to explain but when I channel I am surrounded by a light, peace, love and consciousness which is beyond my separated mind, my sense of self disappears.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
Yes, Bryan - I agree with you.
But it is the spark of Universal Conciousness within that is the 'receiver'.
love epinay
RE: channelling... why oh why...
But it is the spark of Universal Conciousness within that is the 'receiver'.
Yes indeed Epinay which is why "I" disappear when channeling. 🙂
From your posts above, it is clear that you are a natural channel. Names of guides are not important and are really only to help us..just as the dial on a radio sethelps us to find stations we know are on a particular frequency.
I can connect with my guides simply by tuning into their frequency and I am very familiar with their energy. It used to take me 10 or 15 minutes and a good proper meditation to connect but now I only have to "set the dial" and I'm connected in seconds.
Like any skill, it is only a matter of practice together with an "open" mind.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
Now that I've been shown this portal, I have the chance to learn more. Who knows, maybe I too will be their written word.
Where to begin though?
Hi American Woman, 🙂
I'm touched to know that the channeling resonated with you and perhaps helped you in some small way. Before posting the channeling, I checked with my guides and they encouraged me to post it. I must say, I was a bit more sceptical than they are!
Where to begin?
Well may I suggest first to set your intent to learn to channel. This sends out a signal to the universe that you are ready to learn and a "guide" who is suited to youwill pick up your signal but they will need a second signal before they can respond..
The second signal is, it is important to ask for help to learn to channel. The universe is powerless to help us unless we ask becauseof the law of free will.
So begin by setting your intent to learn and then ask for help and guidance.
I would be very suprised if within a few days or weeks "Channeling courses", books, people etc don't come into your life to make it happen. Let's see. Let us know if you do these 2 things.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
But let's imagine there is no above or below or outside or inside and that our mind is connected to and a part of all mind. Is it not then just a question of opening our mind?
Absolutly, if it's done correctly..but I am personally of the feeling that when I have read 'some' channelled messages (not for a long time now so I'm not having a pop at anyone here) that theyhave been passed on in a kind of 'blaze of glory'...kinda look at me, arn't I special, Archangel.............. has chosen me to pass on his message ect, this did put me off the whole thing a little...perhaps it's my bag, not anyone elses though;)
Theres only been the one time that I read a channelled message & felt a click, it was posted by Publisher about a year ago, I was given a simular vision a few days before so his message confirmed it..although I was not able to say so at the time:eek:
For some reason I'm curious about the light...can it be blinding to some??
Thanks for your reply
RE: channelling... why oh why...
that theyhave been passed on in a kind of 'blaze of glory'...kinda look at me, arn't I special, Archangel.............. has chosen me to pass on his message ect, this did put me off the whole thing a little...perhaps it's my bag, not anyone elses though;)
I think we are all susceptable to being "flattered" and "glorified" by some of these spiritual gifts. But let's face it anyone can see straight through that kind of thing. It's usually the person who is "glorifed" that can't see it! 😉
For some reason I'm curious about the light...can it be blinding to some??
Are you asking in relation to this...
This is really difficult to explain but when I channel I am surrounded by a light, peace, love and consciousness which is beyond my separated mind, my sense of self disappears.
If so..then yes, I do squint (with my eyes closed) sometimes as the light is so bright. Also the energy can be very powerful and intense but the more "open" we become the easier it is to hold these frequencies.
There's no danger of becoming physically blind I don't think. In fact I'm sure.
Hope this is related to your question.:)
RE: channelling... why oh why...
This is amazing -- After asking "where to begin?" I went to your profile and then on to your site.As I read the different and wise things there I was thinking "oh, I don't live in the UK!". You know what? I got an answer:
"It has already begun, you were led and you followed, you asked and so you'll learn. When the student is ready, the master appears -- Yourguide/master has been chosen and your journey is underway".
I am absorbing what people have written here about channelling. It is a bit of a controversy it seems; and yet like other chosen paths, it just "is" whether or not people believe in it or not, rather like Jesus said.
Fascinating. I am eagerly anticipating this journey. Thanks everyone for your different posts, opinions and input on this topic. And Bryan any guidance you can give via email or internet is most appreciated.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
Ha I didn't mean phyciscally blind...but I know what you mean with squinting with your eyes're pupils ( things in your eyes[&:]) react to the 'light' even with your eyes closed...what I mean is, do you think people can miss the point of a message trapped by the glory of awe of others....hummm...I'm not doing a good job of explaining myself.... I know what I mean maybe I'm not meant to ask lol:D.... perhaps just scrap that question plus I'm heading off topic & waffling now
I think we are all susceptable to being "flattered" and "glorified" by some of these spiritual gifts. But let's face it anyone can see straight through that kind of thing. It's usually the person who is "glorifed" that can't see it! 😉
I would of thought 'humbled' would be the feeling, not flattered, afterall..we're all spiritually gifted arn't we, we're all special too:)
RE: channelling... why oh why...
The impression I get is that (as Rosie* and Giles and V have indicated) it's the subconscious talking OR in some cases it's the very conscious talking OR it's all true and we are in some kind of Sim City computer game. with someone at the top flicking switches - "here have some of that in 2006" - "now it's 365 days later have a dollop of this", and there are these tribes of characterswho are played against each other "down here" as well as "up there" interfering in each other, enlightening each other every now and again, all to climb up some mountain. What's he/she going to do once we all getto the top?Programme a new game somewhere else? A better one with more dimensions and more interesting characters? Well this character is kicking hersize 39heels.
AND I can't tell you how irritated I have been by a very very few (well, 2) channellers on HP telling me what is going on in my life, completely unasked, complete with completely unneccessary BLOCK CAPITALS,a propos of points they couldn't answer any other way,and they were completely wrong, one was expletively patronisingand both were bonkers to boot.
But sometimes there is something there - I think of it as the divine spark within, rather than without, that I resonate with, and I think Vortex's stuff is delghtful. Or awesome.
Edit to add - * Rosie - Sorry Rosie - you said "nowt", and I shouldn't have included you here.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
American Woman
I'll PM (Private message) you. 🙂
RE: channelling... why oh why...
would of thought 'humbled' would be the feeling, not flattered, afterall..we're all spiritually gifted arn't we, we're all special too
Absolutely Amilia Jane. 🙂
what I mean is, do you think people can miss the point of a message trapped by the glory of awe of others....hummm...I'm not doing a good job of explaining myself.... I know what I mean maybe I'm not meant to ask lol:D.... perhaps just scrap that question plus I'm heading off topic & waffling now
I think it's probably best that we do the work ourselves and not look to others to do the work for us. I really do believe that if you can find a teacher..a human teacher I mean..then that really helps as they can reflect back tous wherewe may be deluding or denying aspects ofourselves which don't really serveus in our growth. er..if you know what I I'm waffling too! We are our own worse enemy when it comes to deceiving ourselves and a good teacher will help us to "Slay the Dragon"
RE: channelling... why oh why...
To those that think i am on a soap box - is this not a discussion forum?
Am i to discuss only what you think is true?
what you assume is the truth? or believe?
then start to use some discernment tools my dear friend - as the truth wont always engage your heart.
the discussion here is 'channeling' ... no?
and i discussed my own channeling experience...
and my experience is this .. until one has a discernment tool, you really and truly DO NOT KNOW the authenticity or the integrityof ANY channeling. BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ALL THEY SAY THEY ARE.
And to those who do not want to here this - go within and see why you are being offended in this way.
Or better still get yourself a pendulum and test MY integrity. Not your mental mind, it gets insulted/challanged/confronted, far too easily.
xx Namaste and Blessings
RE: channelling... why oh why...
Hi Kolo
No, you didn't come over as if you where on any soap box, I for one found your post interesting, it's always good to air on the side of caution with things that many (or most of us) don't fully understand.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
If you go to town and speak with people at random, some may be intelligent, some may be fools, some may be downright evil. The chances that you will run into a genuine master of the wisdom are slim, and encountering the avatar for this world period is pretty unlikely, but not impossible. Channelling is not much different. It is not hard to is extremely difficult to discern the true nature of the speaker. Regards........Richard
RE: channelling... why oh why...
ORIGINAL: venetian
whyare the messages smattered with "dear heart", "little one", "my loves
Because, dear one, we have been waiting for you to ask.
Just to add that "those up there really would and do use such opening expressions. Why wouldn't They? But somehow peoples' subconscious reads enough of that and gets into copying it, subconsciously - which is when it looks trite. [&:]
RE: channelling... why oh why...
ORIGINAL: vortex
But in saying that every channel or person channeling is a filter
My way of thinking about that is that the pure message, if there is a "real" one can't come through and is warped and badly-coloured by so many people? It's hard to be a blank slate and get the undiluted words.
RE: channelling... why oh why...
ORIGINAL: epinay
Just read the beginning posts on this thread about a lot of channelling seeming to be ego-driven - with all the 'dear ones', 'little one' etc. When reading those sorts ofposts I hardly everget the feeling that it comes from Spirit.
I'd have to agree; and I think the opening post was the main subject? Not actually to channel in this thread, maybe, but to explain to someone (pretending ;)) that they don't know much or anything what channeling is and also why, such as in Rosie's view, it can be so very insipid at times - if t's meant to be something higher!
V xxx
RE: channelling... why oh why...
ORIGINAL: spinal music
AND I can't tell you how irritated I have been by a very very few (well, 2) channellers on HP telling me what is going on in my life, completely unasked, complete with completely unneccessary BLOCK CAPITALS,a propos of points they couldn't answer any other way,and they were completely wrong,
Yes, quite. I had one non-HP channel tell me I MUST go somewhere for the first time in my life. Er ... I'd been there 2 months before for the second time.
Which opens the subject of completely inaccurate or wrong messages.
Edit to add: And I'm afraid to say, that IMO whereas we know it's 'wrong' if the messages are quite factually incorrect, what about those which are purely on abstract and 'spiritual' themes - that can't be truth-tested in a concrete way? It seems to me as others have posted above that they may be platitudes, even if quite impressive or even inspiring messages, which are 'wrong' in the sense that they aren't from where the chanel believes, but are, mayhap, the unconscious spouting off as it were? This has always been my PoV on the subject ... 😉
The inaccuracy question applies to many things. A Master who in my opinion has never changed his name -- well, I've read or been personally told by channels that it's now "changed" to three different names (pick your channeller)and they know they are right - no other name and not all three. I don't believe any of those three messages to be honest.
I wouldn't want people channeling from me at any time and telling people that I now have some wierd name which I don't! :DSo there is much inaccuracy.