channelling... why ...
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channelling... why oh why...

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Venetian said: [link= ][/link]

I've joked many a time with a couple of friends that we are pretty familiar with the field, and could easily come out with a porky-pie 'message'. Starting with 'my dears' or 'Dear Ones' would always kick you off to a start.

sorry to pull your quote here, V, but what i want to know is [sm=offtopic.gif]for "that" thread.

over my time ofcoming to HP, i've seen many channelled messages (i'm saying nowt!) and yeah, whyare the messages smattered with "dear heart", "little one", "my loves"... but not only that... the "message" always then seems somewhat condescending and patronising... like the receivers of the "message" (i.e. me and you) are right dumbas*es!

am i the only one that thinks that? am i such a lowly evolved creature that i just "dont get it"? the "messages" just always make me go[sm=boring.gif]as i think, "oh yeah... here's another one!" and... if i were so evolved as to be channelling myself, so i guess almost at the point of true enlightenment (lol hey rupert.... just what is true enlightenment this week? :D), would i waste time posting on HP? (no offence, mods... a turn a phrase, you understand! ;)). see what i mean?

oh love and light! xx


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

am i the only one that thinks that? am i such a lowly evolved creature that i just "dont get it"?

Not at all. That's sort of the point I was making on the other thread. The messages are very condescending and full of messages of fear etc. as well as contradicting each other.

I don't doubt that it's possible for someone to channel things from the energies of the universe, but I just can't read these messages that have been posted and take them seriously for the reasons already mentioned.

IMHO, if the message is coming from a truly spiritual "being" then it would not try and instill fear and be worded in the way of a super-ego.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

hi giles,

i did notice you mention the messages being fear filled... not unlike hell and damnation from aspects and interpretations of the bible, eh!


so you are with me on the lowly front? ;)guess we have a few lifetimes to go!

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee have fan a gang a can join in wi .
Totally have to agree 199% un a bit mooer, If it isn't doom n gloom it's the pigeon English too, eg.. (pretend am the channeller here ) What is the deeper meaner of this message? ..... (them up there ) Why for do you ask this my child? or some form of thee thou n tuther language, is it that some of these channellers "think" that the higher one's [&:]? shudst speaketh liketh thiseth?
I thankuth theeuth for thine posteth and dust (dutht with a lisp) await thine replieth,I thinketh.
;)lyneth de la nuttereth

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RE: channelling... why oh why...


whyare the messages smattered with "dear heart", "little one", "my loves

Because, dear one, we have been waiting for you to ask.

The fact that you are asking is an opening of your ninth transcendal semi-chakra. You are arriving.

We have been overSEEing you for eons. Now you are an infant no longer, but approaching spiritual adolescence. Our mouthpiece will guide you further, though he never requested or expected this task.

You, a light-being, are one of the few who in potential will pass through the inter-galactic portal in 2012, into the trans-dimensional other-world of real-NESS which is the PURPOSE of Being and of your past lives, dear heart. This co-dimensional Reality will bring to you a New Hope, whilst within that year, 2012, others alas will see outpictured the outpicturing of their own co-created inter-karma, and the oceans shall open up such as... what I may not state here ...

- Archangel Rupert, as first channeled by Conspiritualist!

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

hmmm....'dear ones' how expensive is enlightenment gonna be this week i wonder? :D.....and can i get frequent flyer miles with ascension:D:D..when it comes to chanelled stuff always use discernment, and if it dos,nt make your heart sing and your soul fly then that info/channel aint for you.

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

I'm glad Rosie opened the thread up, as it's an issue difficult to resolve. Why the need to resolve? Well, ages past on HP we had channelled messages all over the board on all kinds of subjects; but on the other hand I feel we shouldn't be too tough on channelling actually - in an ecumenical approach, they should have their space. Who's really to say that something isn't real? I don't follow channelling myself, but as a personal example I believe in something I feel is better but many would not distinguish from channelling.:eek:

It's just my view, and probably not held by many, but there could be a channelling forum on HP? They could post there and read there, and many - on past record - would enjoy that. If others don't want to touch the subject, they needn't post there. Just a thought for the day.

Conversely, it would also mean that on other forums people post their own authentic personal thoughts, not channelled material. It could solve the problem?

But the baseline is that perhaps we have been too tough, as people should be allowed to post as they wish so long as it isn't offensive? Thing is, channelled posts are difficult to deal with on other forums, just about any, as the poster is effectively saying "I have the ultimate authority here" and then dialogue breaks down.

So a channelling forum might be an idea, and non-believers could stay out of it, and vice-versa?


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Hi Guys,

Well, I've had a chuckle reading this! 😀

I will only ever write about what I have experience of, so that limits me here, but a few years ago on HP someone told me that there were some questions about Christian Science answered on the internet from a being called Qu'o through a channeler.

Well, obviously I went and had a look. I noticed with gratitude that at the beginning of the channelling session which mentioned Christian Science Qu’o said:

"We are very happy to share our thoughts with you on healing and request only that each of you listen with a discriminating ear to our opinion, realizing that we are not authorities but, rather, those like yourselves: fallible and error prone."

So, there we are - an "ascended Master" admitting that he or she was fallible and error prone - there's a cop-out if I ever heard one! Well, the session wasn't antagonistic, but boy was it full of errors - in fact, it was full of the general opinions based on sheer ignorance of the subject that we find again and again - I mean, I was surprised that Qu'o didn't ask about Tom Cruise!! 😀 If these messages are actually coming from the divine realm, you'd think they'd get their facts right! [&:]

To me, if this wasn't the actual thoughts of the channeler, then that person was simply picking up what was in the general atmosphere of thought about CS. It certianly was not divine, but very, very human. I dunno. To me, these explanations by Mary Baker Eddy make perfect sense:

"There is mortal mind-reading and immortal Mind-reading. The latter is a revelation of divine purpose through spiritual understanding, by which man gains the divine Principle and explanation of all things. Mortal mind-reading and immortal Mind-reading are distinctly opposite standpoints, from which cause and effect are interpreted. The act of reading mortal mind investigates and touches only human beliefs. Science is immortal and coordinate neither with the premises nor with the conclusions of mortal beliefs." (Science and Health p 83)

If the departed are in rapport with mortality, or matter, they are not spiritual, but must still be mortal, sinning, suffering, and dying. Then why look to them..................for proofs of immortality, and accept them as oracles? Communications gathered from ignorance are pernicious in tendency. (Science and Health p 78)

Another thing I have noticed which makes me rather suspicious is how I've sometimes noticed that (for instance!) I might have posted some words of MBE's and then voila, the Archangel Michael has suddenly come out with them on HP a few days later! As an example, I once posted a bit which included Eddy's words "The baptism of Spirit, or final immersion of human consciousness in the infinite ocean of Love" and all of a sudden "the infinite ocean of Love" was a phrase the AM was using! Having said that, I've noticed it appearing in a so-called channeled book from (I think) the 50's that has gone on to make its authors a lot of money (along with a huge amount of her ideas but not using the exact words) - plagiarism springs to mind! Oh well, what the heck - I suppose imitation is the best form of flattery!

As I'm always saying, my bench mark as to whather something is genuinely from God, from the divine realm, is does it heal? Truth brings healing - or perhaps I should say "cure" to make my words clearer. I judge the Bible in the same way - not all of it is divinely inspired, even the same writer can be inspired one day and fall very far short another (take Paul for example - again and again his theological intellectualism overtakes the inspiration, but then, at other times, he could be
completelyt speaking from the divine!)

Love and peace,


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Judy, hi,

Your posting here underlines my reasons for keeping a "New Age ecumenical approach". Not that I think Mary Baker Eddy was a channeller, but others could take her to be so, along with all Christian Science. Didn't she say that she was inspired, such as by Mother Mary? (Something like that? Or is it just an opinin upon her that I read?)

So IMHO such things can happen, and we all have to decide which we can accept and which, by discernment, we don't.

It's a perennial human problem, actually. I actually accept the major and famous Marian (from Mary) appearances. I mean, 700,000 people witnessed and were part of the miracle of Fatima in 1917! And somewhere recently on HP we had links to the videos of Mary and spectacular happenings in Cairo over recent years, keeping much of the city awake at night on the rooftops. But on the back of all that it looks like hundreds of others get "Mary messages" in Catholicism as well. So it's not New Age but a perennial human problem, requiring discernment. The copy-cats from the unconscious.

Edit to add: Fatima: I've read both 700,000 and 70,000. Maybe 70,000 is more realistic.


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

am i the only one that thinks that? am i such a lowly evolved creature that i just "dont get it"? the "messages" just always make me go as i think, "oh yeah... here's another one!" and... if i were so evolved as to be channelling myself

Hi Rosie,
Have you ever thought of learning to channel for yourself?
You don't have to be "evolved" to channel..just a sincere desire and an enquiring mind will do, coupled with the ability to become quiet insideto helpexpand your consciousness.

Almost anyone can learn to channel. Then, with practice you would know from experience.

By the way..I agree that a lot of channeled material is not really channeled as the "channeler" has not yet practiced enough before "going public" so to speak. But hey..practice makes ..something or other.


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

ORIGINAL: venetian


whyare the messages smattered with "dear heart", "little one", "my loves

Because, dear one, we have been waiting for you to ask.

The fact that you are asking is an opening of your ninth transcendal semi-chakra. You are arriving.

We have been overSEEing you for eons. Now you are an infant no longer, but approaching spiritual adolescence. Our mouthpiece will guide you further, though he never requested or expected this task.

You, a light-being, are one of the few who in potential will pass through the inter-galactic portal in 2012, into the trans-dimensional other-world of real-NESS which is the PURPOSE of Being and of your past lives, dear heart. This co-dimensional Reality will bring to you a New Hope, whilst within that year, 2012, others alas will see outpictured the outpicturing of their own co-created inter-karma, and the oceans shall open up such as... what I may not state here ...

- Archangel Rupert, as first channeled by Conspiritualist!

:Dahhh... so that is an example of the variation in style... 😉

Mr Firstlight said:
Hi Rosie,
Have you ever thought of learning to channel for yourself?

hmmm... maybe i was? 😮

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RE: channelling... why oh why...


Mr Firstlight said:
Hi Rosie,
Have you ever thought of learning to channel for yourself?

hmmm... maybe i was?

A journey of 1000 miles starts with one footstep.

Good luck. You're a natural. For a start, you have the most important quality needed...a sense of humour..dearest one...cough ..whoops sorry! 😉


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Hi Venetian - Mother Mary - oh gosh no! That's something someone else decided! 😀

The point I'm trying to make is that there certainly is revelation - the OT prophets were given messages and for instance, prophecied Jesus' coming. But what I'm trying to make a comparison with is genuine divine communications and those from the mortal realm. The divine is always from Love and lifts mortal consciousness.

Love and peace,


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

I don't doubt that it's possible for someone to channel things from the energies of the universe, but I just can't read these messages that have been posted and take them seriously for the reasons already mentioned.

Well, cough, here is a message channeled from my guides "The Elohim".

I hope perhapssome can takeit seriously..but if really doesn't matter.

Here's the channeling..

2006 - A year of Testing and Inner Initiation

"Greetings fellow light workers. The year of 2006 was a testing time for many, quite literally a time of inner initiation and testing where old energies, beliefs and ideologies which no longer serve you were brought into the light of your consciousness to be fully experienced and digested. Many of you will have felt seriously challenged during 2006 and at times have not only wandered on and off the spiritual path but have also found your faith, beliefs, gifts and abilities challenged to the point of wanting to "abort your mission”, to "return home” or to simply give up all this spiritual"nonsense" and just live in the "real world”.

It has been a time of great inner examination as to who you are and why you are here, your beliefs, ideals and what you want from life and wish to give to life. These things have been brought to the surface to be examined in the light of your truths in order to re-examine what you believe, who you are, where you are going, your relationship to spirit and what you are here to do and achieve and also to bring you courage.

Many of you, as light workers have lacked courage and self belief. As Light workers in 2006, you have set yourself this task to examine your priorities and beliefs as to your self worth and brought into the light of your consciousness this inner part of you which sits in judgment of you and wishes to sabotage, belittle and disrupt your natural state as beings of light, joy and love. Your inner fears are being brought into your attention to be recognised, faced, fought with and dealt with.

We would liken this to the story of St George and the dragon where a town was terrorised by a dragon. A young princess was offered to the dragon and when George heard about this, he rode into the village, slayed the dragon and rescued the Princess.

We will leave it for you to work out what the Village, the Dragon, the Princess and St George represent in terms of a metaphor for those on the path of spiritual growth. We would remind you that these "characters” are within you and a part of you and are the challenge of the Light Worker on their path of spiritual growth.

We would also say that some of you are close to winning the battle with the Dragon and some of you have now "Slayed the Dragon”, that inner part of you which terrorises, frightens and inhibits the truth of your light as a spiritual being of consciousness and energy, joy and love.

And so now, with the added light of courage and self bel

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Thank you Bryan. ;)lyn

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

When I first started channeling I put it down to talking to my sub consciousness
But later on I new there was more to it than my sub consciousness

But for me it will some times come in with dear one
Or we come in love ect … I use to say to my self, come on get on with it
Its like I have type this stuff
But what gets me is the native energies talking of wolfs snakes cloud
I had one that talked to me in gibberish later some one said it was light language
But if I cant understand it what’s the point

And some can be a bit arrogant but have found I just walk away form those energies
But in saying that every channel or person channeling is a filter
like if you believe in guilds any thing can come through
if you believe in god it will be god speaking to you
the higher self ect but all are one in the same thing

and awesome channeling Bryan
its good to see what others are picking up
wish more people did more shearing of the stuff they picked up

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Thank you for sharing Bryan. As I read through your post I was astounded at howmuch resonated with me.2006 was one big battle for me. Relationships,work,where I was living,belief in myself, all had to be changed. Hand on heart I have never had to make so many difficult choices and decisions as I did in 2006.
I am now at the other end of the country to where I have lived all my life.I have left behind all my family and friends, a succesful Reiki practice and financial security. I feel I have won those battles and hopefully my dire financial situation will be sorted soon, but do you know what? I have no regrets and actually feel happy! So, hopefully the 'ol light is shining brightly now lol!

Love and light



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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Reikiangel, Vortex and Lyn, 🙂

Well I'm happy now to have taken the risk of posting this channelling in the hope it might bring some small token of greater credibility to this gift we call "Channelling".

When I first started channeling I put it down to talking to my sub consciousness
But later on I new there was more to it than my sub consciousness

Vortex, When we start to "channel" we go through various stages as we practice and like you, I also went through this phase you speak about.

I think the keys when channeling a messageare: does this message resonate? Does it say something other than what I could just make up? Does it add to and assist mein my life and does it offer something positive? Does it contain some sense of wisdom and love and does it give me a "tingle" when I hear it or read it? If it does, then whether we are contacting guides, our higher self, our soul or some universal energy doesn't really matter as we sense that the universe is consciousness, energy and light and we are also a part of that "universal mind".

Perhaps, the only thing that matters is to practice. As we practice we become a better instrument for the energies and knowledge of the Universe to play through us.

Reikiangel, I admire your courage that you may dare to be true to yourself and follow your highest heart. You are truly a Dragon Slayer!


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

I think the keys when channeling a messageare: does this message resonate? Does it say something other than what I could just make up? Does it add to and assist mein my life and does it offer something positive? Does it contain some sense of wisdom and love and does it give me a "tingle" when I hear it or read it? If it does, then whether we are contacting guides, our higher self, our soul or some universal energy doesn't really matter as we sense that the universe is consciousness, energy and light and we are also a part of that "universal mind".

To true
I can remember the days when I did know such a thing as channeling or spirit as a label
And answers of my questions come in automatic writing

But I must thank the voices in my head as brake though after brake though came
Whether it was white eagle god my higher self it dose not matter I just new it never came from me and I thank them so much for what THAY have done for me

I can remember in the old days on this site and the old site and just letting them lose here and luring in the proposes it was fun, no one really new me just the energys I talk to
But those day are gone

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

I remember!
Let them be loose! let you be free!
Take Care
Donna x

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

I can remember in the old days on this site and the old site and just letting them lose here and luring in the proposes it was fun, no one really new me just the energys I talk to
But those day are gone

I agree with Hopefull..
Bring them back Vortex!

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Mmm I have seen a few people channelling and it has happened a couple of times to myself, but I feel that due to all the talk of is it really from a higher dimension or so, that it puts a cloud over it and I push it aside. I am sure that if they really want to, they will use me and only if prepared to join them, but something still holds me back. Maybe my sanity? who knows, confidence I think if I am honest.


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RE: channelling... why oh why...

When i first started to channel years ago - i askedwhats with this 'dear one'.. 'beloved' thing.??

'This is for you to know you are not talking to yourself' (and yes this is what channeling feels like)


'What do you call yourself Beloved?'

and i burst out laughting .. dipstick, idiot, shitforbrains,.

I 'got it'!!.

Then along the way, clearing karma, completely healed my heart chakra, and i now have an open heart .. and i WANT to call people beloved, dearest, (but it sounds condescending to those that do not know i am sincere .. " weeee, are in this life together - you 'an me babe' .. tis true.

Then i stopped channeling altogether.
There were beings that were saying they were this, and they were that -
or just interferringin my field. Organising me to step out and teach 'earthmother workshops'.. when i wasnt even channeling Earthmother at that time. (tho i thought i was)
And Earthmother, through my last spiritual teacher - could perceive that these beings were preventing me from hearing my REAL guides, my Nature guides and Soul guides. This is the problem with these beings that really dont WANT us to be guided by these authentic sources.
And they will prevent such.

Once we knowthe truth and source of many of our channels we then go back and see the truth vs fiction of the messages xx (which my pendulum finally authenticated .. again and again .. so i stopped channeling, until i KNEW I HAD THE REAL DEAL)

(and i foundthe truth of aa/saint michael channeled messages - they are fake. they are'broadcasts' .. picking up on the general ascending consensus, and what is mainly being talked about).

I also found out, that we 'attract' these beings, virtual beacons - because we have made agreements in pastlives to these beings - and we have karmic attachments to many of these beings ... that we must 'allow' in our field. Until we clear the karma, the detaches them from us.

Earthmother sees authentic channeled messages in this way - if there is no work to be done in the message, it is not from an authentic ascension source.
As there is much inner work to be done, to ascend.
The pure nature of a 'channeled message' - is to inform about ascension. Give you information that can ascend you.
This is why a discernment tool is required before reading.
Because there is much non-ascendinginformation, that is becoming part of ones belief foundation.

iF channeled ascension works hold none of those truths.. nor how to do this inner work .. then in Earths esteemed opinion - they are not authentic ascension works -- and the source of these channeled works is not an authentic ascending source.

However in this matter, the ego/mental mind will scoff and deny - it will be your muscle-testing or penduluming, that can circumvent this mental mind - that will affirm.
And you will also see why the ascended mastermessages areDESIGNED to engage the heart - suck you in, strokeand lull, telling you there is nothing to do - we are 'already it' .. already there... it will just happen.
Which is absolute BS. -- which your muscle-testing will affirm as BS also.

And all those who have ascension as their game-plan - and have the spiritual balls required .. will use those tools to affirm or refute ANY channeled message as ascension truth or non-ascending nonsense.
It is our nature, beliefs and conditioning that want to believe there is nothing to do.

Namaste and Blessings

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Once we know the truth and source of many of our channels we then go back and see the truth vs fiction of the messages xx (which my pendulum finally authenticated .. again and again .. so i stopped channeling, until i KNEW I HAD THE REAL DEAL)

Gee Kolo. Do you use every forum and post as a soapbox for your real deal?
Many, many paths lead to the top of a mountain. Yet there is only one mountain and many paths. There is not only one path and folk may choose the path which best suits them and is best aligned with their abilities. There is no such thing as the real deal. Only the ego talks in this way.

Folks are climbing the mountain of truth in their own way. If they need your help, they will ask. In the meantime you too can keep walking..along with the rest of us. We will all meet at the top one day. This is not a race nor a competition.

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RE: channelling... why oh why...


Sorry you feel that way but its your choice

But this is what we have this is it this is the world
And you have the choice to see it how you want
You can heal it, is your choice
You can teach it, you can fix it, its your choice

You can walk the search for what you see as perfection
Or you can walk in love of gods will and work in motivating change
Than fix it, and you might see the true source in every moment, every persons eyes
The real deal is a self created illusion choose to see the real deal in every moment
Every person, every energy, for its all you have, for the real deal is wishful thinking
Enjoy your illusion here or not
Your choice

If you want more on this talk to the assented masters ( I know you can )
But that again is your choice
The best teachers make the best students

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight

Once we know the truth and source of many of our channels we then go back and see the truth vs fiction of the messages xx (which my pendulum finally authenticated .. again and again .. so i stopped channeling, until i KNEW I HAD THE REAL DEAL)

Gee Kolo. Do you use every forum and post as a soapbox for your real deal?



maybe its me but i gotta say thats the first post of kolo's posts that didnt have me [sm=boring.gif]after the first "dear hearts"! it actually read like it was from the heart, rather than from, you know, some other place!

you lot do make me laugh! 😀

Amelia Jane
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RE: channelling... why oh why...

channelling... why oh why...

Because Some people do, some people don't.....some people like to read the messages, others don't...simple, if you don't like them then don't read them;)

I have received messages on occassion from above (not at all frequently like others & I rarely seek to) but personally I have never wanted to make the messages public or share them with anyone, as I feel it was for me at this stage, I don't normally read other peoples channelled messages because I don't feel they're for me or have relavence to me at this stage but I see that some people get something from them so that's great.:)

What I do sometimes wonder about with those that frequently channel messages & share them with others is how can you be too sure what is from above or from your own mind. Do you purley hear the message or do you see too, do you go/taken 'somewhere else' to receive them...just curious, I've never asked anyone before;)
I do sometimes get AuntJanie (example) pop into a reading to say 'hi' to their loved one which I always pass on but this is very different to channelling though imho:D

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

Hi everyone

Dear Bryan - thankyou so much for your lovely message of hope for 2007. Like Reiki Angel, 2006 was a difficult year for me, with phases of self-doubt and feeling lost.

The quote below illustrates my experience of connecting with Spiritand, sometimes in the past,with everyone else seeming to connect to specific named Guides, it used to sometimes make me doubt what I feel, with no particular name to the connection I have, other than Divine consciusness, and suffusions of tingles and insights. So its comforting and reassuring for me to read what you said below


I think the keys when channeling a messageare: does this message resonate? Does it say something other than what I could just make up? Does it add to and assist mein my life and does it offer something positive? Does it contain some sense of wisdom and love and does it give me a "tingle" when I hear it or read it? If it does, then whether we are contacting guides, our higher self, our soul or some universal energy doesn't really matter as we sense that the universe is consciousness, energy and light and we are also a part of that "universal mind".

A medium once told me that my Healing Guide was Rameses, and was very powerful. This did not resonate with me,but Iaccept what I feel as a 'knowing' which comes from a Spiritual connection with the Divine universal consciousness, which has its spark within me and every living thing - and in the atmosphere surrounding us. I suppose I could call it channelling, but like LightningStar, I prefer not to - somehow the label doesn't feel right for me.

lots of love and many blessings to you all

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RE: channelling... why oh why...

thank you Bryan -- your message was a powerful one. I got chills and almost cried with recognition. I got slapped off of my horse repeatedly in 2006 by the dragon's tail and took his fiery breath full in the face more than once, but climbed back on andcontinued after him in spite of each broken nose, arm or singed heart. The challenges have been fearsome, but I have found that I was not daunted nor afraid, only changing in my strategy. One slayed dragon lays dead in November, 2006 and there were others before him.

And so now I've been led to this new (to me) aspect of the universe -- channeling.

I have no knowledge of channeling, but was led here by my friend who asked me if I'd read your message and if it resonated with me, too. Yes, it did!!! Now that I've been shown this portal, I havethe chance to learn more. Who knows, maybe I too will be their written word.

Where to begin though?

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Joined: 18 years ago

RE: channelling... why oh why...

Just read the beginning posts on this thread about a lot of channelling seeming to be ego-driven - with all the 'dear ones', 'little one' etc. When reading those sorts ofposts I hardly everget the feeling that it comes from Spirit.

But on the other hand, while reading some other 'non channelled posts' - from someHP Members in particular I've noticed- I am overwhelmed with tingling sensations that say YES!! , this is ATRUTH - and it feels that this message is coming from their Spark within. Rarely, if ever, does that happen while reading'channelled' postings.

I was invited to join a closed circle a while agoand went along out of interest. I'm sorry to say that itjust feltto me to be a platform for people to show off their acting skills round a cloth covered table. We were called 'dear hearts' and other such 'endearments' aspeople started 'channelling'. What was said had absolutely no substance.I only went the once.... I get more tingles from the spark ofconnection with Spiritwatching the birds and trees in my garden!
love epinay

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