Butterfly symbolism
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Butterfly symbolism

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Hi everyone,

I recently seem to be seeing butterflys everywhere - I don't just mean actual butterflies, but pictures of butterflies, dreams with them in, anthing which reminds me ofthem & I feel like I'm meant to notice seeing them for a reason.
What is the symbolism of a butterfly? I have found some info online but I just wanted people's opinions on it.


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RE: Butterfly symbolism


Butterflies are a big thing with me too. Many years ago an Australian woman who became a bit of a spiritual mentor said she equated seeing a butterfly with the soul of a dear friend of hers who had died. I don't really have that connection but I do think they are magical and uplifting to see. There are still lots around because it's so unseasonally mild for the time of year. I don't know their significance in shamanistic terms but I love them and think we would be worse off if we didn't have them around.....they're like flying flowers really!

Sunanda xxx

Edited to add that the phrase 'ephemeral beauty' just came to mind.Maybe they symbolise the impermanence of beauty.

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

I don't know about butterfly symbolism though it could be interesting. But my mind was opened in another way a few years back. There's a simply super book called "The Real World of Fairies" by Dora van Gelder. Recommended! She sees nature spirits intimately.

Anyway, I don't see them and it was all a bit intellectual just to read the book until she said that wherever you see butterflies, fairies are there as they are attracted to the same places. So every time I see a butterfly, i look around and know I am not alone! 🙂


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RE: Butterfly symbolism

hi SS [sm=wave.gif]

its funny you should mention the relevance of butterflies as only this morning i was searching for the meaning of a hedgehog as i saw one for the first time yesterday in broad daylight!:Dat first i thought it was a rat but as i got closer, 'twas a hedgehog snuffling about..very cute it was too!

anywaaayyy, i digress! butterflies represent self transformation, balance and grace.

warm wishes- calla lily x

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

Hi Shining Star,

The butterfly symblises metamorphosis (think of the caterpillars transformation through to a butterfly), change and joyfully embrace of the universe.

Even though they are delicate they have can be incredibly robust, and seem to flow and dance with the divine energy of the universe no matter what.

'Tis a beautiful guiding energy!


"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly". Richard Bach

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RE: Butterfly symbolism


I have delved into The Dictionary of Symbols by J.E. Cirlot (a great resource if you love symbolism) and he says that among the ancients, an emblem of the soul and of unconscious attraction towards the light. The purification of the soul by fire, represented in Romanesque art by the burning ember placed by the angel in the prophet's mouth, is visually portrayed on a small Mettei urn by means of an image of love holding a butterfly close to a flame.

The Angel of Death was represented by the Gnostics as a winged foot crushing a butterfly, from which we may deduce that the butterfly was equated with life rather than with the soul in the sense of the spirit or transcendent being. This alsy explains why psychoanalysis regards the butterfly as a symbol of rebirth. In China it has the secondary meanings of joy and conjugal bliss.

Food for thought.

Luv Binah

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

Likewise, I regularly see butterflies and they're a joy to behold. I've always understood them to be a symbol of regeneration, rebirth, transformation etc. 🙂

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

As far as I am aware, the butterfly is symbolic of transformation. That can be interpreted in many ways from death, to a new life (job, relationship, etc) The symbolism for you is personal to you, so if you sit quietly and ask the question, the answer will come to you. It may not come in a form you expect aqnd it may not come straight away. I feel that, deep down, you already know.

I love butterflies. It is said birds are the messengers of Angels and, for me, butterflies are too (some say faeries and that's fine by me!) They always uplift me.

I hope you discover your meaning.


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RE: Butterfly symbolism

I have recently moved to Somerset after a BIG upheaval from my 'normal' life. The other day I came home and there was a most beautiful butterfly sitting on the edge of the letterbox! I thought it might fly away asI gently unlocked the door but it just sat perched there looking at me and gently opening and closing its wings. When I opened the door I asked if it wanted to come in but at that it took off very gently and then flew away. I took it as a sign that my 're-birth' had been acknowleged by the Universe!

Love and light



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RE: Butterfly symbolism

I have been seeing butterflies for months now, it seems everywhere I go, they are around me, even to the point of looking up one day and suddenly seeing a huge painting of one on the side of a building... I had never noticed it before! I did know that they represent change, transformations and metamorphosis and it is definately reflecting my life just now. Kind of comforting actually, and they are so beautiful!:D


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RE: Butterfly symbolism


Just seen a beautiful butterfly while out for a walk in the sun in Cherrytree Woods - it was a great big Red Admiral sunning itself in the late Autumn sun. Thinking about transformation and change as we head into the winter. An inner journey, withdrawal from the outgoing summer and spring events. To emerge renewed next Spring. Yes, I think its time to go inward, light the fire of spirit within and germinate the new.

Luv Binah

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

Something like that kept happening to me the other summer when i kept seeing real ladybirds at work during times when we take the children outdsie for outdoor play but im not sure as to whether it meant something or if it was simply coincidence ...which in my case i think it was! 🙂

But in going back to your question....
I would personally think that the butterfly is a symbol of beauty and change, and when i think of this it always makes me smile.In your case it could be your angels trying to tell you something, because seeing these butterflies is something which you have noticed and it is playing on your mind which means you keep thinking about it and so,there might be some sort of hidden meaning or message for you todiscover and take from it. given from your angel?

I love the butterly. To think that it cud come from something like a catterpillar and transition / change into something so beautiful,colourful and gentle.
In my prayers i often ask to discover myself and learn from life and develope wisom and develope my spiritual awarness so i too can turn from a catterpillar into a butterfly.

sorry to chatter on, but i hope this helps you in some way.

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

ORIGINAL: Reikiangel

I have recently moved to Somerset after a BIG upheaval from my 'normal' life. The other day I came home and there was a most beautiful butterfly sitting on the edge of the letterbox! I thought it might fly away asI gently unlocked the door but it just sat perched there looking at me and gently opening and closing its wings. When I opened the door I asked if it wanted to come in but at that it took off very gently and then flew away. I took it as a sign that my 're-birth' had been acknowleged by the Universe!

Love and light



Reikiangel thats a beautiful thought taken from that experince.

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

Heee heee x.x.x.[sm=love-smiley-009.gif]

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RE: Butterfly symbolism

[sm=rollaugh.gif] love them! likewise i've been seeing butterflys...not always real ones everywhere for sometime now....always seem to pop up when i've had a bad day or feeling low....there was one only a couple of weeks agojust outsidemy kitchen window...i thought it wasstrange to see one so late in the year?

Butterflies: from [link= http://www.linsdomain.com/totems/pages/butterfly.htm ]http://www.linsdomain.com/totems/pages/butterfly.htm[/link]

The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color.
It is the symbol of the soul.

They remind us that life is a dance,
not to take things quite so seriously.
They also remind us to get up and move.
Dance brings the sweetness of life.

Butterflies bring color and joy to your life.
Look at them and remember what joy is in your life,
if its a lot or a little, it is still joy.

They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic;
it can occur gently, sweetly, joyfully.

BM xxx
