ASCENSION IS NOW VERY DEFINED - by Souls, Nature, Earthmother, Source and Guardians from Source
What can ascend you and what cannot ascend you.
Ascension truth vs non-ascension truth.
They may hold truth, however not all truths are ascension truths.
Ascension truth will define ones spirituality at its very being.
Even spirituality vs meta-physicality - the two are similiar but not the same.
Meta-physicality without nature guide and soul direction, is meta-physical.
Spiritual is nature guide, soul and Earth direction.
If one is using meta-physical, ones pshyic abilities without soul (without loving service to others and for the planet), this is meta-physical.
Being meta-physical will not ascend you.
Simply because one has not the truths of spirit – nature – earth – soul.
What can ascend you?
by reading authentic accounts of those ascending - and one goes within for inquiry, as to exactly who is ascending and who isnt. Using a discernment tool, such as muscle-testing or penduluming.
Intuition is not enough.
To ascend one must acquire every gift and tool, or else one will be very hard-pressed to move through the initiations. Even to know the initiatory levels, and where one is at in their ascension, one requires the use of a pendulum.
These are not kept secret from the initiate. In fact it is desired by Earth and Souls, that one does this inquiry work very often in ones ascension.
To keep abreast, stay moving.
One reads authentic ascension truths of those authentically ascending (many say they are, when in fact, they are not) then uses these truths to ascend the self.
First one ascertains by going within (or using a pendulum, because many think ascension is not their lifes plan, when it well may be your destiny.
* is ascension my truth?
* am i ascending?
It is only as one knows the true facts of any situation, one can then do the required work expected of them.
Religious dogmas - non-ascending organisations - old truths from masters who did not ascend.
Do not hold any ascension direction.
Ascension truths are words and works defining the exact direction and actions taken to ascend. These are very ancient truths now being revealed for the first time on this planet. Lost truths, that have prevented many masters from mastering.
At first some of these truths were downloaded into humanity by ET's and other worlds - for you had lost so much informational truths, that even getting started was extremely difficult. Then as the mapcarvers pushed forwards in their own ascensions - clearing karma, retreiving more lost truths. Ascension then could take hold.
Earths records are now revealing the true circumstances of every master or avatar that has tried to master. The likes of Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Vestiva, Shakti, Shiva, Quan Yin to name a few of the well-known ones, there have been many others, who have also tried to master the 3rd dimension.
They all failed. Even Buddha had an incomplete ascension.
Not 200,000 years ago, and not now.
They are still here pusing false ascension programmes, proclaiming 'easy DNA activation' claims - circulating the most non-ascending nonsense .. that will stroke you, engage your heart, tell you all is well, there is nothing to do - these non-ascension works will lull you sufficiently to disable your ascension. As ascension is very much an action-oriented event.
Beloved there are NO easy DNA activation programmes. To ascend one must do the intensly difficult inner work, of completing many karmas, embodying the Unity (higher consciousness) concepts. This in turn retreives lost and ancient truths of transcendation and ascension, which raises the consciousmind.
Then you can ascend.
Enlightenment and Ascension does not 'just' happen. It takes ongoing perseverence just to anchor and hear all the non-physical guidance necessary. For they
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
good link on glamour there, Bryan. Her work can be heavy-going IMO, but I should think the main book on it is Alice Bailey's "Glamour, A World Problem"?
Hi Venetian,:)
Yes that's the main book and I agree, a bit heavy going. It also might make us feel there is no escape from this "Glamour" thing as everything is glamour..including the Glamour of overcoming the Glamours..catch 22 eh?
I think though, that when we meditate on the fact that almost everything we imagine to be spiritual is actually probably ego and is preventing us from (forgive me) being completely in the moment and then accepting everything in that moment as absolutely perfect, only then can we let go of emotion and thought and allow "what is, just is" to come into our soul's light and to be.
We are constantly attempting to jump over our own kneecaps by trying to become something we already are. The past, the future and everything is contained in the now. Just as it is.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight
I think though, that when we meditate on the fact that almost everything we imagine to be spiritual is actually probably ego and is preventing us from (forgive me) being completely in the moment and then accepting everything in that moment as absolutely perfect, only then can we let go of emotion and thought and allow "what is, just is" to come into our soul's light and to be.
Yes, that's the Catch-22 dilemma. [:-]Egos or "selves" trying to be spiritual. In other words, humans talking about the fact that they are really God. When they aren't - yet in the highest sense they are.
It does transcend .. hm, how to put this? You don't "arrive" at the next level merely by effort, but also by grace. Yet by merely relying on grace (as in Christian belief) you also don't get there. Effort combined with grace ...
P.S. But there are a few on HP who say you just don't do anything! Not even a method. Reminds me of the Van Morrison album, "No Guru, No Teacher, No Method". End of the day, you don't get out of bed without effort and a pinch of will!
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
It does transcend .. hm, how to put this? You don't "arrive" at the next level merely by effort, but also by grace. Yet by merely relying on grace (as in Christian belief) you also don't get there. Effort combined with grace ...
Perhaps, due to "effort", "Grace" meets us half way?
P.S. But there are a few on HP who say you just don't do anything! Not even a method. Reminds me of the Van Morrison album, "No Guru, No Teacher, No Method". End of the day, you don't get out of bed without effort and a pinch of will!
Well maybeboth viewpoints, yours and theirs are correct. After all, it is the mind which makes the effort to get out of bed. The true spiritual being, which is also us, is already everwhere anyway and not really "in" bed..but to use that as an excuse is to remain asleep to our enlightenment...which leaves us, in both cases, exactly where we began. It's the ego's fault that it thinks it has to "do" something and it's the soul which is saying "do nothing". That's the beatuy of this world of duality.
And "Ascension", to my mind (cough),is just another term for this bringing in ofthe light of the soul which is outside of mind, bringing this "enlightenment" of the soulinto matter...yet the soul is outside of matter, outside of duality and thoughtand outside of time.
Maybe..just maybe.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
I'm still listening and completely fascinated - I just don't think I've got the intellect to keep up!
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
All I know is that Bryan has a coughing fit right now.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Well maybeboth viewpoints, yours and theirs are correct. After all, it is the mind which makes the effort to get out of bed. The true spiritual being, which is also us, is already everwhere anyway and not really "in" bed..but to use that as an excuse is to remain asleep to our enlightenment...which leaves us, in both cases, exactly where we began. It's the ego's fault that it thinks it has to "do" something and it's the soul which is saying "do nothing". That's the beatuy of this world of duality.
Perhaps?And "Ascension", to my mind (cough),is just another term for this bringing in ofthe light of the soul which is outside of mind, bringing this "enlightenment" of the soulinto matter...yet the soul is outside of matter, outside of duality and thoughtand outside of time.
Maybe..just maybe.
I like your perspective. You have good dialectic here.
I agree ascenion could be spirit coming into soul. Like recieving a supreme gift.
I always saw it as an advancement in soul evolution. I mean overcourse the soul is always there, yet we discover deeper depths. So its like our consciousness becomes supreme, and beyond, infinite lets say...
This is cool. I think that when we reach super spiritual conscious states, then we become spirit, and there is our soul always. The basis.
I dunno I dont think we need any tools like a pendulum to ascend.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Just wondering about that word; ascension.
When I ascend some stairs that would mean that I go up them.
So as I see it, ascension is to do with going up.
Going up?
Where would I ascend to?
Why would I want to ascend anywhere?
What is the point when I am here at ground level?
I think that Love can be here at ground level in the everyday living.
You can ask for the door of you to be open for the Love which is here for you right now at ground level in the living.
Not my choice, but then that is the beauty and Love in all this;
The choice is yours!
Love Flit
I send Love!
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Elyezaul and Flit,
Yes, Hi..
I absolutely agree with both of you.
Merry Christmas
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Hi All,
On Ascension, I've started in the past a couple of threads - one became a real multi-pager - on its meaning. "Ascension" has a technical meaning within real esotericism, which is similar to Hinduism's moksha. Having balanced all or most karma, one is free from the rounds of rebirth, though several other criteria also have to be met, and it's not easy or common yet! A good modern book on it has yet to be written. I'm not keen on any out there in recent times. The books of Godfre Ray King from the 1930s do a good job, though. It's a literal Ascension at inner levels once the body is laid down.
Lower-case "ascension" is a word recently co-opted by the New Age, just as it co-opts all terms it seems, and it seems pretty wooly. So far as I can tell, in New Age lower-case terms, ascension just means "getting pretty much better on the spiritual path". I don't like that use of the word TBH, but hey, you can't stop it. [&:]So personallyI only use it in the first sense, but in this thread it means something like the second - whatever that is, as it's very ill-defined anyway. (I actually don't think people who talk about "ascension" in this way know what they are talking about, if that doesn't sound too grandiose? Upper-case 'A' Ascension is a well-defined science - LOL, which fits the thread title. :D)
On "No method" necessary, that doesn't fit well with me. Never has. ;)Heck, I don't mean this to be name-dropping, as I've mentioned it before, but I know Van the Man, and when he released that album, just as an example, I was pretty dismayed at the title. He hadn't thought it through IMO. But in general the notion sits ill-at-ease with me. I mentioned the subjectsince a couple of HP members have argued something that no-one else has ever understood actually: they are adverse to doing anything, meditation, mantra, prayer, just anything. But have never described how you then 'change'. They probably don't like the word 'change' either! All very strange. ;)(They're welcome to join in, and it could be another thread?)
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Venetian - we DO require a wayshower - someone who is authentically ascending.
Look at all the reading you do
You know you are searching, dont you?. for something to come out and hit you.. something you can believe in. Something with an element of truth, or something that works.
Truth .. is what we all are looking for in esoterical works .. that is why we read them.
Eastern works had the edge for a while - or they told us they had the edge.
Then Alice Baileys theosophical works (she channeled many of the ascended masters .. called them 'lord' for chrissakes .. why? because they told her they were.
And all this fell apart, when she commissioned Krishmuhtra (a spiritual master .. or one who was on the mastery path) to lead the whole shebang.. all the followers ofthe theosphical soc. at that time (30's).. which he was going to do.
But unfortunately one day he had an 'enlightened' experience - and hecouldnt extricate himself quick enough.!!
explained his retreat in this way ' spirituality and enlightenment is ones own inner journey, which one must make on their own" (he knew 'guruism' which they would have made him -- takes takes takes .. and the followers suck suck suck (unintentionally).. And enlightenment and mastery is all about SOVERIGNTY (of being)
True enlightenment, true mastery is total and absolute guidance from souls. it is they that guide you to this mastery. Guide you to State of Grace. Guide you to everything that is required for your ascension.
And Krishmuhutra'enlightening' experience would have revealedA.Baileys ascended masters for who they really are .. parasites.
(they exist on our chi - and we give it, in manyunseen and unknown ways).
From Brian
And "Ascension", to my mind (cough),is just another term for this bringing in ofthe light of the soul which is outside of mind, bringing this "enlightenment" of the soulinto matter...yet the soul is outside of matter, outside of duality and thoughtand outside of time.
Maybe..just maybe.
geez mate, hope you got rid of that nasty cough.
Yes that is an excellent way of describing soul my friend.
Soul is outside of duality - but in a strange way - it was duality that caused soul to be outside.
It is as we clear all our duality/polarity .. and each polarity will point to a karma .. as it was a karmic circumstance that created a polarity.
As we once lived and breathed 'unity' ... with each karmic circumstance, we would lose that little bit of unity, and the (negative or positive) polarity would be firmly ensconsed in our unconscious.
And with every karma cleared, that same polarity is swapped out for the purer, unity consciousness. This purer/unity paradigm, is a higher consciousness - soul consciousness.
This unity consciousness, is the light - in all its variations.
Keep moving out the polarity/duality (dense matter in the unconscious).. keep embracing the unity/light .. and the natural progression is enlightenment.
Ascension is a journey, it doesnt happen overnight - nor does it just 'happen' at all.
It takes active, conscious, karmic clearing.
And of course, all the old works dont have this knowledge - or else we all would have ascended.
And so would have the authors - but they didnt, and havnt.
This is why we strive to anchor our ascension guidance.
And to hear the unspoken - see and speak to the unseen -and then authenticate them all.
Because the ascending initiate, is now having somesort of daily structure, to interprete and co-hese the dream and lucid dreaming (takes tools) - interprete and co-hese all the symbology and kineseology (this is how soul talks to us) and tarot (if it is ascension-programmed .. many decks are in the old con
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Venetian - we DO require a wayshower - someone who is authentically ascending.
I assume you know that I agree with that? I don't recall saying otherwise.
By "Krishmuhutra" I think you must mean Krishnamurti. He wasn't associated with Alice A. Bailey, but with Annie Besant. As for Alice Bailey, she didn't do anything she herself would actually have called "channelling" I think I'm right in saying. According to her, her books were not from many Masters at all, but onlyinspired by D.K., though her Guru was actually KH. I've always been very unsure of the accuracy of what came through her when she became so intellectually prolific, so I'm not into the Bailey books at all, to be honest.
I also find a certain potential for dishonesty or inner confusion (?)withinthe life of Krishnamurti, as he admitted, and everybody knew, that he was trained in his youth by the Theosophical Masters. One theory is that when his brother died he had a crisis of faith, and just walked away from the Masters. And one of his late sayings in life, verbally, was that not one person had learned enlightenment from him -- so his method doesn't seem to have been successful, in his own words.
Anyway, with K he seems to have known very well that the Masters trained him up, yet later wouldn't admit this.
On the reading that you mention (by me), I actually don't do much at all these days though I may refer to titles often, and feel I know myself well enough not to be on any search at all. Spiritual reading is like nourishment for the body and air for the lungs: it's one form of spiritual communion that's good for one's Spirit, and doesn't imply that anyone is still seeking for a Path.
All the best,
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
I stand corrected... blessings
Taught me a lesson .. to not quote or mis-quote the words of others .. and stick to what i know ..ascension.
(wonder how many times i have mixed up one ab for the other) .
And have often wondered what happened to K .. as he aged .. did he actually become an enlightened being?
x Pat
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
From Brian
And "Ascension", to my mind (cough), is just another term for this bringing in of the light of the soul which is outside of mind, bringing this "enlightenment" of the soul into matter...yet the soul is outside of matter, outside of duality and thought and outside of time.
Maybe..just maybe.geez mate, hope you got rid of that nasty cough.
Yes that is an excellent way of describing soul my friend.
Soul is outside of duality - but in a strange way - it was duality that caused soul to be outside.
I was under the impression that it was that part of soul incarnating into a world of duality to experience duality that is the "cause". We are still soul even as "humans". Nothing is "outside" of soul. We just "imagine" that a part of us is "outside" of soul and this is the dream.
It is as we clear all our duality/polarity .. and each polarity will point to a karma .. as it was a karmic circumstance that created a polarity.
As we once lived and breathed 'unity' ... with each karmic circumstance, we would lose that little bit of unity, and the (negative or positive) polarity would be firmly ensconsed in our unconscious.
We still do live and breathe unity. Only we have forgotten this.
And with every karma cleared, that same polarity is swapped out for the purer, unity consciousness. This purer/unity paradigm, is a higher consciousness - soul consciousness.
This is one way of looking at it. But for me it is all too "mental". And mental cannot ascend. The ego, the sense of separated selfdoes not ascend. It is surrendered.
This unity consciousness, is the light - in all its variations.
Keep moving out the polarity/duality (dense matter in the unconscious).. keep embracing the unity/light .. and the natural progression is enlightenment.
Yes but it is still too mental. This comes from the ego or separated self.
Ascension is a journey, it doesnt happen overnight - nor does it just 'happen' at all.
You don't know this for certain..."Many are called..but few are chosen" For those who are "chosen" it just happens...or appears to.
It takes active, conscious, karmic clearing.
Yes..but only up to a point..then it takes trust and the surrender of these "mental" aspects.
And of course, all the old works dont have this knowledge - or else we all would have ascended.
And so would have the authors - but they didnt, and havnt.
There are, at all times, "Mystery Schools" which teach these "ascension" truths and higher wisdomto initiates. These schools were once very hidden but now are more open to be found by those who seek.
This is why we strive to anchor our ascension guidance.
And to hear the unspoken - see and speak to the unseen - and then authenticate them all.
Authenticate the unseen? [&:]
EVERY TOOL IN THE BOOK ? and you use only two?
Because the ascending initiate, is now having somesort of daily structure, to interprete and co-hese the dream and lucid dreaming (takes tools) - interprete and co-hese all the symbology and kineseology (this is how soul talks to us) and tarot (if it is ascension-programmed .. many decks are in the old consensus, and cannot lead us to ascension).
All takes tools to integrate.
And the best ones for the job are muscle-testing and penduluming.
Well, pendulum and muscle testing might be the best tools for you my friend. There are others...But it is not for me to speak of them.
Perhaps the time is coming for you Pat when you can drop all this "mental" stuff. Don't you ever get tired of continually talking to and listening to, your mind? Who is talking? Who is listening? Is it not soul..which you already are? And isn't all this mental stuff just chatter and interference? A desperate clinging of the ego to surive in a pretence to understand?
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight
There are, at all times, "Mystery Schools" which teach these "ascension" truths and higher wisdomto initiates. These schools were once very hidden but now are more open to be found by those who seek.
Couldn't agree more.
Kolo, you ask about Krishnamurti. There are several different views on what happened to him, or where he finally "arrived" at. He's famous and wrote many books, but in my view he went down an intelllectual by-way once he chose to go it alone without his original Teachers.
I agree with viewpoints such as these on K:
[link= ][/link]
Links there include:
[link= ][/link]
[link= ][/link]
The words of wisdom given to K, by his Master, and which he later rejected, are in this little booklet:
[link= ][/link]
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Thanks V.
Hi Brian .. I use many tools .. penduluming and muscle-testing i use to authenticate the information derived from theother tools.
Dream and lucid dreaming are tools.
Symbology and kineseology are tools.
All have ascension direction
My mental mind knows nothing of ascension .. In fact in the act of ascending our mentors and guides are constantly mentoring us not to use this mind at all.
This is why we require mentoring, from those that know ascension.
Our souls. Our Nature guides and Terra.
And why we surrender to these, taking direction from these, and only speaking from these (this is part of the ego/mental mind diminishing activity)
Brian, with every karma created.. caused or were a victim of, we 'lost' a fragment of our soul complement to another.
This is the nature and harmfulness of karma.
In the act of ascending, one must investigate and retreive all lost soul fragments.
In fact, it will be at your own soul directions, that will encourage this.
As soul requires healing and 'completing'.
As we heal all soul, we can then be directed straight from our Source.
This is why those who have yet to clear karma - their dreams will often be 'karmic circumstances' or messages that are pertaining to karma. (if one uses muscle-testing or pendulum to authenticate this fact, then uses these tools to reveal the EXACT truth of each dream, you will be amazed (but of course one has to ask the integral question 'is this dream a karma?'
It is as one clears a few karmas, it then 'frees up' the dream mechanism for ascension directions. From my ascending experience, anyway.
Most direction now comes from my dreamstate.
(from Source, Nature Guides, Terra, and Guardians from Source.
Who have descended into Earth to guide and protect us -
however, if you have done no inner karmic work, you will not know what they are protecting us from.
And what you will be guided to do for ascension.
Yes it is difficult to comprehend - this is why we use all our tools. We actually clear karma by asking questions to our souls and Nature guides.
I am just giving you 'my karmic experience' - of what actually happens when a karma is perpetrated - and what happens as we clear a karma.
At first we do not know of these things - they are learnt along the way, as one clears karmas
(and is constantly asking the questions.. IF you want to know.
And soul is very desirious that we know.
For it is this knowledge (and experiencing that knowledge) that raises the consciousmind.
These are truths spoken from an open heart Brian - though they will not engage your heart, because of your beliefs. (this is no judgement my dear - but an ascension truth/fact)
This is the same for us ALL initially.
We can only live, eat and breath UNITY 100% everyday and all day, as we clear all the karma- the polarities (of each UNITY concept). This is the swapping out I speak of. It is souls and angelics that do this swapping out from the directions/intentions from our consciousmind (no one can clear our karma, but us. This is why soul will press each of those intending to ascend this journey, to start addressing their karma (WITH THEIR HELP).
Our bodies, (kineseology) is showing us our karmas everyday.
The symbology all around us, the same.
The Dream, the same.
(through the use of many tools - this will be revealed to us all)
Engaging the heart - This is the same with reading ascension truths .. ascension truths dont engage the heart, open the heart, in fact they are confrontational. They will challenge every belief, every thing you have read (and thought was true. It is now known (by those who can now access Earthmothers Akashic Records) that no one has authentically ascended on this planet, so how could any old works have any ascension t
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
I have to say that I've been a student of the Path to the Ascension for exactly thirty years. And as a result of that, I'm afraid, Kolo, I don't accept one single method or technique you mention as being a part of the Path to the Ascension. [:-]
Edit to add: I really don't intend for that to be confrontational, and certainly not personal. It's the truth as I know it, and as released through the authentic outlets of the Masters since 1875 to the present moment. The techniques, methods, and lifestyle they actually advocate is quite different.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Brian, with every karma created.. caused or were a victim of, we 'lost' a fragment of our soul complement to another.
This is the nature and harmfulness of karma.
Well now Kola, I would say that karma or the "dream of life" and separation simply cover the reality of who we are as spiritual beings. Nothing is lost. "Emptyness is form, form is emptyness"
It is as one clears a few karmas, it then 'frees up' the dream mechanism for ascension directions.
Asleep or awake, we are still dreaming Kola. Life isalso a dream, as is dreaming when asleep a dream and as also is death also a dream. Iam able to dream lucidly and continue the dreaming whilst awake state into the dreaming whilst asleep state knowing that asleep or awake, I am still dreaming.
These are truths spoken from an open heart Brian - though they will not engage your heart, because of your beliefs.
Hmmm..what exactly are my beliefs Kola? You seem to know better than I do.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Hrmm, this is an interesting discussion.
V, I have read many posts from you over the years, you have an excellent understanding pf the quantum spiritual field. I had no idea you were in ptta, thats interesting, infact I didn't know of this school's existence.
Nevertheless, the question is, whydo we needphantoms to ascend? We exist, is that not enough? existence is our ascended state always. Of course, the phantom field and karma, there are masters that can clear it for us, but the anscenion itself is up to us. There are afew people I have met who are masters already, and they havent been disciples of"labeled" masters. I emphasize the label [8D].
And Bryan, I agree withyou, we cannot lose pieces of our soul. Our soul is whole, and always is, thats why its our soul, pure existence beyond all.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Elyezuel, hi,
ORIGINAL: Elyezual
I had no idea you were in ptta, thats interesting
I'm not, as I don't know what that is.
Edit to add, as some light relief: I placed ptta into Google and came up with:
Pembina trails Teacher's Association
Prestwick Town Twinning Association
Piedmont Triad Transport Assocation
People for the Traditional Treatment of Animals
Punjab Table Tennis Association
Well, ;)they all sound like very worthy things to belong to, and it's my loss that I don't!
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
It is as you connect to soul, it is they that will guide you to karma.
It is soul that has been the 'victim' of karma.
Soul is indeed shattered and scattered.
With every karmic circumstance peretrated or were the victim of, we lost a soul fragment.
And it will be through souls guidance that you will come to any understandings of karma.
As it is they that require us to clear our karma to ascend.
It is Souls/Source and Terra who do the labelling - who do the ordinations. Not the self.
It is they that tell you where you are at in your ascension - and when it is time to step out and walk your ascension truth.
It is through trust and surrender to these beings, that one ascends at all.
Then one is totally mentored by these beings... with the self constantly authenticating and interpreting (with tools).
As soul is most difficult to hear.
Elyezual - no one can clear our karmas for us. 'masters' whoever you are referring to cannot do this .. nor our souls .. this is why we connect to the authentic voices of soul (and no other) as it will be they that will lead you again and again to clearing karma.
It is only through the experience of clearing a karma - that you will have true understanding .. even on the dynamic itself.
And this is also desired - as along the way, through our own clearing process, we are clearing the 'lineages' (ancestral influences in our genetics).
And it is this work, that will be the ultimate ascension for all mankind.
Which the use of some 'spiritual ascension tools' will reveal, the authenticity and integrity of what i say.
The mental mind, and most written works, do not have any ascension information. Therefore it is difficult for you to 'decide', or assumewhat i write is ascension truth or not - because of the beliefs we have from reading all those previous works, that only had half-truths or incomplete truths (of even what authentic ascension mastery entails)
These truths have been hidden from humanity for an eon.
This is why we now require tools to decide for us.. what is and what isnt.
As we can ONLY ascend with truths, and nothing else.
Namaste and Blessings
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
lol, V, I just put Path to the Ascension in short,(abreviated). hehe.
Kolo, are you so sure masters can't clear our karma for us? Iremember reading inYogananda's book that oneguru would take on many of his disciples karma. (clearing of karma).Anything is possible Kolo.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Elyezual - there has not been one master in the last 25,000 years that have defined karma, the way the ascension mapcarvers are defining it today.
This is the gift of ascending - all lost and sacred truths are now being revealed. Some for the first time ever.
Even 'mastery' is being redefined. What/Where exactly did each so-called master, master? Even to what/who were their guides, and so on. These are things we must know, if we are to create a perfect ascension for ourselves.
(in this, we ask our soul guides .. as there are no physical records of such .. so we learn to access the non-physical records. And when we know that (a) yes there are records (b) and these truths are not secret, nor are they to be kept from humanity - then those that are desiring to know the REAL truths .. will stop at nothing until these are revealed.
If the old mastershad defined karma in the way we are defining it, then the karma clearing principle would have been also revealed for them. (but they did not define karma in this way)
Souls and councils of Source - and Terra Akashic records, and our own blueprints/records, are revealing there has been no karma cleared at all , probably since the days of the Mahavishnu, (100,000 years ago, before Atlantis period) the transcended beings from Sirius (who interevened on this planet, and tried to generate 'ascension/transcendation interest' for the red races (as it was becoming apparant that the Annunaki were completely taking over this planet).
It depends on 'anything is possible' E.
You have to ask your own soul guides and Terra in this matter.
As many are in a fantasy as to what is possible. Instead of being informed by those more wise than us, as to what is, and what is not possible.
xx Namaste and Blessings
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
ORIGINAL: Elyezual
lol, V, I just put Path to the Ascension in short,(abreviated). hehe.
Oh. :DYes, I'm a signed-up member ;); but not as any popular books or the New Age represent the subject.
Various requirements for one's Ascension include:
Balance your karma.
Fulfill your Divine Plan.
Balance Love, Wisdom and Will (you can't have an imbalance), and then much expand all three.
Expansion of the Heart Chakra and at least a partial raising of Kundalini (though this is natural, not forced).
Mastery on all seven Rays.
There's more to the list, but "listing" like that is so very dry-bones, as if an old scientist were saying it. It's actually a glorious, living, loving, mystical process, and no list really gives the flavour at all. You don't actually think in terms of any dry "lists" while daily practising the "ptta".
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
On that karma debate you're having. I don't know if it is karma, but real Masters can clear things from you. It never occurred to me to wonder whether to consider it karma or not. There are sometimes clearances. But if, on the Path, you have to do it all yourself, we might consider that they are manifesting or 'make happen' something our efforts have deserved anyway.
I'm not sure. But as a rule you do have to balance your own. If Masters could balance your karma for you, they'd rarely do any of it for the whole point is that we learn and gain mastery from our own transmutation of past mis-deeds. Our own success from our own effort is a great gift and Victory that we win. So a Master wouldn't want to rob us of our Victory.
What there is (IMHO) is the Lords of Karma, a body of seven Beings. People have actually mentioned these in interlife recollections. Whereas the Law of Karma is purely "mechanical" if left to itself - karma returns precisely, in the same amount, on a set day and date, and tough luck to you - the Lords of Karma (IMHO) formed Themselves into a body or group long ago in order to mete out Mercy.
This Mercy or help takes the form of the Lords of Karma altering the amounts or timings at which karma returns to people, in order to give people the best possible chance of facing it and passing the test when it arrives. Sometimes karma could hit us for six and be a real blow. At other times we are so ready, like a boxer climbing into the ring, that we hardly notice it. So the Lords of Karma can hold it back, in abeyance, until a good time to release it to us.
They do this not only for individuals, but for families, cities, nations and the planet.
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Yes it is all about fulfilling your life plan.
But unfortunately karma is part of that 'life-plan'.
Get rid of the karma (move yourself from the karmic wheel) and then your REAL life-plan, your spiritual journey, or now, your ascension journey can be revealed to you.
xx Pat
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
Mmm very interesting. I was drawn to read this. No comment, just enthralled by your teachings !
RE: Ascension is now very defined.
hahaha Blessings LS .. we are a mixed bunch arent we!!
Truth WILL prevail
(whistle) pffft .. truth, truth where are ya lil dude?? com'n out and show yerself (before i get annhilated x giggle)