Ascension is now ve...
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Ascension is now very defined.

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ASCENSION IS NOW VERY DEFINED - by Souls, Nature, Earthmother, Source and Guardians from Source

What can ascend you and what cannot ascend you.
Ascension truth vs non-ascension truth.

They may hold truth, however not all truths are ascension truths.
Ascension truth will define ones spirituality at its very being.

Even spirituality vs meta-physicality - the two are similiar but not the same.
Meta-physicality without nature guide and soul direction, is meta-physical.
Spiritual is nature guide, soul and Earth direction.
If one is using meta-physical, ones pshyic abilities without soul (without loving service to others and for the planet), this is meta-physical.
Being meta-physical will not ascend you.
Simply because one has not the truths of spirit – nature – earth – soul.

What can ascend you?
by reading authentic accounts of those ascending - and one goes within for inquiry, as to exactly who is ascending and who isnt. Using a discernment tool, such as muscle-testing or penduluming.
Intuition is not enough.
To ascend one must acquire every gift and tool, or else one will be very hard-pressed to move through the initiations. Even to know the initiatory levels, and where one is at in their ascension, one requires the use of a pendulum.
These are not kept secret from the initiate. In fact it is desired by Earth and Souls, that one does this inquiry work very often in ones ascension.
To keep abreast, stay moving.

One reads authentic ascension truths of those authentically ascending (many say they are, when in fact, they are not) then uses these truths to ascend the self.
First one ascertains by going within (or using a pendulum, because many think ascension is not their lifes plan, when it well may be your destiny.
* is ascension my truth?
* am i ascending?
It is only as one knows the true facts of any situation, one can then do the required work expected of them.

Religious dogmas - non-ascending organisations - old truths from masters who did not ascend.
Do not hold any ascension direction.
Ascension truths are words and works defining the exact direction and actions taken to ascend. These are very ancient truths now being revealed for the first time on this planet. Lost truths, that have prevented many masters from mastering.
At first some of these truths were downloaded into humanity by ET's and other worlds - for you had lost so much informational truths, that even getting started was extremely difficult. Then as the mapcarvers pushed forwards in their own ascensions - clearing karma, retreiving more lost truths. Ascension then could take hold.
Earths records are now revealing the true circumstances of every master or avatar that has tried to master. The likes of Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Vestiva, Shakti, Shiva, Quan Yin to name a few of the well-known ones, there have been many others, who have also tried to master the 3rd dimension.
They all failed. Even Buddha had an incomplete ascension.


Not 200,000 years ago, and not now.
They are still here pusing false ascension programmes, proclaiming 'easy DNA activation' claims - circulating the most non-ascending nonsense .. that will stroke you, engage your heart, tell you all is well, there is nothing to do - these non-ascension works will lull you sufficiently to disable your ascension. As ascension is very much an action-oriented event.
Beloved there are NO easy DNA activation programmes. To ascend one must do the intensly difficult inner work, of completing many karmas, embodying the Unity (higher consciousness) concepts. This in turn retreives lost and ancient truths of transcendation and ascension, which raises the consciousmind.
Then you can ascend.

Enlightenment and Ascension does not 'just' happen. It takes ongoing perseverence just to anchor and hear all the non-physical guidance necessary. For they

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

I'm sorry, but once again (as with a similar post fully eleven months ago) I don't resonate with this as being true or enlightening at all.

'Pendulums' concerned with the Ascension?? Not IMHO. Gautama Buddha didn't make it?? Again, not IMHO.


Even spirituality vs meta-physicality - the two are similiar but not the same.
Meta-physicality without nature guide and soul direction, is meta-physical.
Spiritual is nature guide, soul and Earth direction.
If one is using meta-physical, ones pshyic abilities without soul (without loving service to others and for the planet), this is meta-physical.
Being meta-physical will not ascend you.
Simply because one has not the truths of spirit – nature – earth – soul.

[sm=scratchchin.gif][sm=scratchchin.gif][sm=scratchchin.gif] 😉 I'd offer a comment if that actually had any meaning (!) apart from theplacing together, so it seems, of high falutin' words that sound as though maybe we should discern a meaning in all that. :D:D

On the subject of the Ascension, to give an historical definition, (1) first we have the New Testament account that, according to Christian belief, Jesus Ascended. (And perhaps others: some see the Biblical accounts of Enoch and of Elijah as being that they Ascended, and the Catholc tradition that there was an 'Assumption' of Mary is taken by some to mean an Ascension.)

(2) But apart from the Bible, and Christian belief, the concept and term of the Ascension as being something other people can achieve didn't exist in the world until the early 1930s and the coming forth of the neo-Theosophical [ following on from Theosophy ] books, teachings and organisations beginning with Godfre Ray King, the pen name of Guy Ballard. That tradition, the original modern or 20th-century tradition that's spawned many copy-cats, is represented on websites such as [link= ][/link] .

There's also an HP thread on the subject back at [link= ][/link]

It all comes down to each one's personal views and discernment of course. 😮

Edit to add: Wikipedia on the modern concept of"Ascended Masters" isat [link= ][/link]


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

This bit of the first post rang true to me though:

They are still here pusing false ascension programmes, proclaiming 'easy DNA activation' claims - circulating the most non-ascending nonsense .. that will stroke you, engage your heart, tell you all is well, there is nothing to do - these non-ascension works will lull you sufficiently to disable your ascension. As ascension is very much an action-oriented event.
Beloved there are NO easy DNA activation programmes. To ascend one must do the intensly difficult inner work, of completing many karmas, embodying the Unity (higher consciousness) concepts. This in turn retreives lost and ancient truths of transcendation and ascension, which raises the consciousmind.

I'm not a scientist in any shape or form so don't involve myself in these debates generally because I don't know enough about it all - just what I know intuitively about Spirit.

However, I have found myself doubting the many advertisements for 'DNA' activation etc - I'm interested to know what others feel aboutDNA activation classes / programmes?


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Hi epinay,

Yes, I'd agree with you, in agreeing with those words. ;)"DNA Activation" ... sounds like you take a pill or pay for a weekend course, and you arespiritually 'arrived' for life, what?


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

To ascend one must do the intensly difficult inner work, of completing many karmas, embodying the Unity (higher consciousness) concepts. This in turn retreives lost and ancient truths of transcendation and ascension, which raises the consciousmind.

This is very true and also for most people unpalatable.
Most people want to be spiritual provided they don't have to change. As Carl Jung said and I quote..

"Enlightenment consists not merely in the seeing of luminous shapes and visions, but inmaking the darkness visible.
The latter procedure is more difficult, and therefore, unpopular."

Within all discussion groups and HP is no exception, there is a great deal of what is called "Glamour" and before the Dweller on the Threshold can meet the Angel of the Presence there is work to be done. For more insight into the Glamours take a look at...

[link= ][/link]

This is the challenge of "Ascension"




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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

I'm interested to know what others feel about DNA activation classes / programmes?

I am quite an advocate myself


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Dear all

I just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring this thread - I am seriously pondering it.

Myintuition hasalways told me that Soul growthoccursthrough bringing light to the darker corners ofour psyche (like brushing away the cobwebs) , which requires serious 'soul searching' into our true intentions, striving tothink and actfrom a higher purpose of love, letting go of petty jealousies, resentments, fearsand other human 'frailties'.

I amreading and trying to findout more about 'DNA' activation and am re-reading Sanaya Roman / Orin's book on Spiritual growth. I just don't understand how DNA activation can suddenly achieve the Spiritual growth that occurs through life's many lessons. I have always, since a child, been aware of being Spirit in a human body - its just something I've always known and felt. Iused to saythat life here on earth is like being back in nursery school for our Souls,except as we grow we 'remember', as opposed to 'learn', if this makes sense.

I agree about the 'glamours'. I work alone and it can appear that everyone else on a spiritual journey is part of some glamourous group. Then I feel Spirit everywhereand I don't feel alone.

love and light

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Dear Bryan / Mr Firstlight

I am being very drawn to ask if you attunepeopleto Reiki Master/Teacher level? It is the next stage on my path yet I have held back from the next levelbecauseI have not sensed the 'right' person for me until now.

Ithink you are the other end of the country but I can travel. Please PM me if this resonates with you.

love & light

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Epinay, Whoops..this is edited out and now sent as a PM.

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

I just don't understand how DNA activation can suddenly achieve the Spiritual growth that occurs through life's many lessons.

I dont think that there is anything sudden that happens after a DNA Activation, I think it is more about an acceleration, tho under the guidance of the Higher Self/Soul

I would expect that most people experience a gentle unfolding, which would be the more so for those who have a spiritual practice such as meditation.

A lot of people find it enhances skills/talents/gifts they already have /are working on.

I too like the work of Sanaya Roman and have attended a couple of her seminars..she is filled with light and love and humour
Every time I read Spiritual Growth I get more out of it


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Well, IMHO, it's gobbledegook - however you spell that! :D:D

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

ORIGINAL: venetian

Well, IMHO, it's gobbledegook - however you spell that! :D:D

Why? What does it suggest in there?

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Hi Venetian

I too was hopingthat youwould share with uswhy you think its gobbledegook?


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

May i share my own DNA activation - re-connecting in the physical, what is in the etheric.

It is all about consciousness - and consciousness raising.

Now one can read about all the concepts of the higher conscioiusness we are moving into - all the states of Being. But until one does the karmic work of moving out the dense (lower consciousness - polarity thinking and being.. that is residing in the unconscious) one cannot 'embody' these higher consciousness concepts.
Therefore cannot live - BE - this higher conscousness.
Because the polarity energy - which is karma - which keeps one at the lower bandwidths - prevents the higher consciousness/light matter..thoughtform, from taking up residence.
This is the trouble with karma - polarity thoughtform.

It doesnt just go away.
It cannot be thought away.

A fair while ago - we were all love and lighters - we thought this was the way to ascend. Reprogramming the mind into love - love and compassion in the face of non-compassion.
(virtually ignoring the karmic mirrors - virtually burying the karma, the mirror that triggered the karma - until one hardly noticed the trigger, the response.. we learnt to adjust the thinking back to compassion pretty quickly.
Then some of the love and lighters started to die, instead of ascend.
Manifested their diseases/karmas instead of ascending.

Back to the drawing board..

Ascension is all about karma - Karma is all about ascension. The two are inseparable.

There are many not teaching karma - if they are not teaching karma, they are not ascending themselves.

I have worked with many lightworker/meta-physical/ascension workshops over the years.

This is why there are sites, one must seek out to learn authentic ascension. To kickstart this process of conscious raising.
For it is in the karma dynamic - and its clearing principle, one will find the answers to authentic conscious raising activity.

This is why karma and its clearing dynamic would be hidden from humanity - such as it has been.
(and why as we started our ascension, we had to learn the principles from other worlds - so we could retreive some of this lost knowledge.
And that is why it has been kept hidden my loves.

All from clearing karma.
THIS is the truth and magic of clearing karma - our mastery, our self-governance, our self-empowerment.
And THIS is not desired, no siree, no way do the non-ascending forces want us to retrieve any goddamned thing that is going to ascend us.
So - they instigate non-ascending false DNA activation/programmes
they interfere with those channeling. (their are 'broadcasts' on other dimensions, and people think they are channeling saintmichael/gabriel - it fact it is called the saintmichael/Nibiruan broadcast.
there are many beings, on many planes - that will interfere, from entities who do not even know who they are - to the 'ascended master' brigade - who will cease to exist as we ascend, so of course, they dont want us to ascend.
they circulate non-ascending nonsense, that strokes, lulls us into a false belief that all is well - we are all ascending.. which is total bs.

When you start your ascension in earnest - YOU WILL BE INTERFERRED WITH... this is what they do - how they operate. Because we ALL HAVE SOME PASTLIFE ATTACHMENTS TO THESE BEINGS, that allow - enable - 'give permission' virtually.
And so all those who start some sort of clearing process, will probably be attached to a school for awhile, or to those mentoring these clearing programmes - who will certainly be aware of the beings trying to disable .... as they are the first ones we (at soul direction) clear our karma with.

We do n

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.


ORIGINAL: venetian

Well, IMHO, it's gobbledegook - however you spell that! :D:D

Why? What does it suggest in there?

Hi Trin and Epinay. Sorry - I just saw your posts.

I suppose it's wiser to keep silent or to have the time to explain at more length ... and that could become a long chat.

So I'll have to opt for a middle-way between those which isn't, I realise, satisfactory. (1) Some such messages, for one thing, have perfect, even immaculate English. But not many. It seems to be par for the course to be ungrammatical, to switch from sentences to note-form, but even to have sentences which literally don't add up and make sense. (2) On a more personal note, as we believe differently, there's a lot in there I just don't agree with, and it doesn't add up in terms of all the great spiritual traditions (or modern movements). (3) And the usual thing one gets with such messages of phrases and words that sound at first glance to be hi-falutin' and spiritually deep ... but take a second glance, and they actually have no known (or explained) meaning.

"Lost truths, that have prevented many masters from mastering." (??)
"At first some of these truths were downloaded into humanity by ET's and other worlds" Not in my books, anyway. It's an amalgum IMHO of basic New Age-speak.


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

"Lost truths, that have prevented many masters from mastering." (??)
"At first some of these truths were downloaded into humanity by ET's and other worlds" Not in my books, anyway. It's an amalgum IMHO of basic New Age-speak.

I agree Venetian. What's more there's no love in this kind of thing and without that element it is also meaningless.

We seem to misunderstand this "Ascension" thing. It is not the ego (that part of us which believes it is separate from all created things) which Ascends.

Ascension isthe process of bringing the light of the soul into this dimension. Something which is sadly missing and much needed in this world.The more we bring the light of the soul into this world, the more we serve and assist others without too much worry about this "ego" thing. We do not consciously serve or assist others, it is the light of the soul working through us which does this. As Jesus said "It is not me who doest these things but my father (soul light) who is in heaven (Ascended) who doest these things."

We really need to get away from the glamours of ego and this imagining that we are "doing" something important. Until we address this, we cannot ascend no matter what pendulum, DNA activation or "esoteric" techniques or knowledge we might attempt to apply. Knowledge without wisdom cannot help us. Ascension, without the cultivation of unconditional love, is a finger pointing to the moon and imagining it is the moon.

Bringing "down" the lightof the soul is the challenge which faces all incarnate souls and the separated self, the ego, is the barrier to this process. We are all one soul not many souls and to imagine otherwise is our glamour in this world and the source of all our suffering and sorrow which results from this separated sense of self.

Therefore we must do the work. And this is not easy.

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Thank you Venetian

I'm pleased to see I'm not alone in not understanding most of what was said! I wasn't sure if it wasbecause ofthe odd use of English grammar
or if I was maybe missing something. But I think it really is as unintelligble as I'd thought, so I won't struggle to grasp what seems to be nonsense any more.

Also, when you said "Well, IMHO, it's gobbledegook - however you spell that!" I thought you were referring to Sanaya Roman & the Orin books?

Thanks again

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

ORIGINAL: epinay

I thought you were referring to Sanaya Roman & the Orin books?

No, sorry! I don't know what they are. 😉

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight

We really need to get away from the glamours of ego and this imagining that we are "doing" something important.

There was a longish thread on ego not long back which taxed us to the limit as it got deep, and it was taxing too to understand each other. Largely myself and erospirit toward the end. But that wasn't about channelling.

I'm not even dreaming of applying this to any particular person on HP. It's just a general comment. You often get the feeling that if something is triggering the unconscious to dupe the conscious mind regarding these messages, it is an ego that's being denied. Really, many of us have seen it: "I didn't choose to do this task, I was just chosen. But this is the core message for planet Earth, and I happen to be the humble instrument."

I'd say that kind of channelling is just carrying on from a number of past religious movements such as the Witnesses, and also a number of spiritualist [what we now call channelled] books from the 1800s which are now largely forgotten, such as Oahspe. I think re the subject, ego does have to be looked at. There seems to always be a human propensity toward such messages, but in the past it was called other things.


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Mr Firstlight, whilst I do sense that the'ego' may serve it's purpose, the essence of your post resonates with me very much.

As Jesus said "It is not me who doest these things but my father (soul light) who is in heaven (Ascended) who doest these things."

Yes... In my view miracles happen when we are in alignment with 'higher consciousness' as it unfolds in each moment. 'We' don't make them happen, although we can facilitate their occurence, by simple being profoundly, honestly, authenitically, 'ourselves'. Miracles imo unfold naturally as a natural expression of unconditonal acceptance.

We are all one soul not many souls and to imagine otherwise is our glamour in this world and the source of all our suffering and sorrow which results from this separated sense of self

Absolutely. Attachement to and identification with the separated self seems to be rampant in spiritual circles. We are each blessed with a unique vehicle of expression here on earth... yet in my experience it is still simply an instrument of self realisation, a signpost to that which we truly are.

Ascension, without the cultivation of unconditional love, is a finger pointing to the moon and imagining it is the moon.

Nice one. Love knows no bounds. From what I have experienced 'glamour' invites denial.


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Thank you Venetian.
You do a lot more reading than me by the sound of it...

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Yes... In my view miracles happen when we are in alignment with 'higher consciousness' as it unfolds in each moment. 'We' don't make them happen, although we can facilitate their occurence, by simple being profoundly, honestly, authenitically, 'ourselves'. Miracles imo unfold naturally as a natural expression of unconditonal acceptance.

I imagine we all, at some time, would insist on things being other than what they are. It is difficult to accept the circumstances of the present moment which we are "experiencing", as being exactly right for us and exactly what we need in order to bring more of the light of the soul downwards into the Earth plane. "Thy will be done on Earth .."etc is, as you say, the key here.

Absolutely. Attachement to and identification with the separated self seems to be rampant in spiritual circles. We are each blessed with a unique vehicle of expression here on earth... yet in my experience it is still simply an instrument of self realisation, a signpost to that which we truly are.

As someone once said..

"The important thing is this:

to be ready at any moment

to sacrifice what you are

for what you could become"


Nice one. Love knows no bounds. From what I have experienced 'glamour' invites denial.

I think we all suffer from that delusion at some point or another. Every soul is important and in most cases probably greater than our own. When we see this, there's no point in holding grudges as we become as important as greater souls by letting go of this idea of being separate to others.

"Who sees his own self in all beings and all beings in his own self, loses all fear"

Wonderful stuff this thing called life!


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.


Thank you Venetian.
You do a lot more reading than me by the sound of it...

In my late teens I ploughed throughall these thousands of pages of late 1800s spiritualist books. Trying to figure out truth. But they all totally contradict on cosmologies as well, like today's channels! A couple even denied reincarnation, for example. Tough reading at times, but fascinating, if bewildering. The Book of Oahspe, if I recall correctly, is the one that's of huge length but has hundreds of pages about a wierd ancient history of the Earth - which I couldn't believe.

I was going to post here anyway, on the subject of reading, that I just collected today Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now". Two HP members recommended it to me.I'm only on page 10, but so far I find it stunning spirituality (I hope the rest is as good). It made me realise why channelling leaves me cold. It simply doesn't approach the wonder, awe, beauty, depth, usefulness in our own livesand sincerity of this kind of writing IMHO- which hereis definitely written by a real person, from their living experience.

It's the kind of book I actually don't want to read, as I don't want to finish it. I reckon I'll take it very slowly. 😉


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Thanks V - yet another orderforAmazon - and I need more shelves. Does Santa bring shelves for christmas?

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Yes i too, had a vaste library of theology/philophsy/newage - which i cleared out as i started to ascend.
Not one held any ascension truths - nor correct directions.

Whilst there is magic and joy in ascension - the 'glamour' i think is those who are making themselves popular ??? is this what you mean by glamour??
HOwever the inner work (between yourself and souls, and Nature) is far far from glamorous.
Some days you may even go back to bed, and cry for a very long time - our karmas are indeed a sad, brutal, miserable affair. ANd it gets worse, we discover that our own ancestors are often the cause of something that now maybe global!!

Yes Epinay - i also have worked with the works of Orin and daBen - daBen admits he has not had the human experience. And Orin has had (but whatever form he took, he did not ascend that form.
All the records from Earths Akashic records are stating the non-ascension of all those who purported they did. Did they?
Who said they did? .. and questions of this nature?
We WILL be given the answers.

And now we are understanding of the many old masters - and even their channeled source ... WHERE was this source? - WHO, EXACTLYwas this source?

What is source for one - is not gravy for another. (who sez i dont have a SOH :))

like the written 'beings from the mahatma" --- we now want to know what/who/ 'beings' ... what exactly is the 'mahatma' ... is it good? .. is it bad? (this is how basic i started my loves)

As all our old false gods on this planet - sananda, kuthumi, heaps -- about 18 all up - ALL have interferred with all the masters on this planet. And have even created planes for themselves - constantly tricking, deceiving, lieing. And if you are a spiritual seeker this life, then you probably have been most lives - and if someone strokes you, empowers you in some way,and calls themselves your god, we would believe that.
Every life probably.

As i started to ascend - i went back to all the works in all the workshops - including Sanayas, to find WHY their works didnt start my ascension.

In 1987 and 1998 .. the Harmonic Convergences started - the planetary alignments.
Which allowed higher dimensional beings to finally come into the planet (through the stargate/portal - earth chakras) and interact with some.
It is the same today - higher consciousness concepts are downloaded into Earth.
These higher consciousness concepts, WERE LOST TRUTHS, on this planet - that is why we have never been able to ascend.. THEY WERE LOST --- SOME HIDDEN, AND THEN LOST to all humanity.
Why hidden?
Their ancient ancestors, the Anu - stripped the transcended beings, called the Sirian grandmasters - and for a long time used these ancient mastery techniques for their own enpowerment and control. But in time, they too, lost them.
(understanding the dimensional matrices we exist within - is to understand time.
The Anu, used this, to move backwards and forwards in time, to confuse and control the humanity on this planet.

Over the last 15 years, many higher consciousness concepts have been downloaded - and those who could channel (at first) as this is what it took - to connect with 'their others selves'.. as we have soul selves on other worlds.
And in time, this was given to the whole of humanity - as we are holographic .. one knows we all know.
Just trying to download this knowledge into the consciousmind can be quite difficult.
So we required 'keys' .. key words, to make us ask the questions, so the higher self could download 'the answers - the whole concept'.

There are many higher consciousness

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Hello Pat, 🙂

Whilst I agree with some of what you say I would ask...where is the love? Where is the compassion?

If there are many ways to ascend and many teachers then why do I sense that your posts are more about you than anything else?

Whilst there is magic and joy in ascension - the 'glamour' i think is those who are making themselves popular ??? is this what you mean by glamour??

Forgive me, but I think you have misunderstood the term "glamour", certainly in the way that I use it.

For some links on esoteric "glamour" try

[link= ][/link]

and take a look at the 10 basic glamours described there.

[link= ][/link]
for a complete description.

Also the glamours their positive and negative attributes in conjunction with the Rays..
[link= ][/link]

Hope this helps to give you a wider perspective. Ascension is working on the conscious awareness of glamour and its disipation to assist in the light of the soul to come through. Karma is ego and separation. The laws of karma are dissipated along with the glamours..after much struggle..and it is in the struggle with these glamours that I agree with some of what you say.


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

A good link on glamour there, Bryan. Her work can be heavy-going IMO, but I should think the main book on it is Alice Bailey's "Glamour, A World Problem"?

ORIGINAL: Mr_Firstlight

Whilst I agree with some of what you say I would ask...where is the love? Where is the compassion?

There's the inevitable problem there that the originator of words may reply "It's all there, and your problem is that you don't see it". ;)Or even a ripost such as "It's simply Truth, for you to clothe in Love", etc., etc.

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

ORIGINAL: epinay

Thanks V - yet another orderforAmazon - and I need more shelves. Does Santa bring shelves for christmas?

;)Maybe use "The Secret", as you posted on that?

I'll probably progress slowly with Tolle, no joke. I have other things going. But what caught my attention in the opening pages was the authenticity and that he's not just some self-appointed New Age teacher looking for a career on the lecture and book circuit. His spiritual transformation, by his early 30s, was so deep that - and you do read that for a time mystics can't cope with the 'real world' - he writes,

"I dwelt in states of such indescribable bliss and sacredness that even the original experience I just described pales in comparison. A time came when, for a while, I was left with nothing on the physical plane. I had no relationships, no job, no home, no socially defined identity. I spent almost two years sitting on park benches in a state of the most intense joy."

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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

Great idea - and much more satisfying than manifesting a Farrari!

Really looking forward to Tolle's book - especailly since reading your quote. I identify with that for many reasons. It does happen, and for some people it's then impossible to re-integratethemselves back into the real world, and they plummet.....

For others, I feel that in order to re-integrate themselves and live according to their true purpose it takes a lot of courage - and its a difficult path to carve out withoutlooking like you're just jumping on a New Age bandwagon like you said. Looks like he found the courage and the right path.


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RE: Ascension is now very defined.

I wouldn't advocate in any way that all "spiritually arrived" people live on park benches as tramps. What a negativeadvert for inner progress that could be! But a couple of days a go I emailed a friend about Tolle who, (my friend), till a few years ago lived out of a van in Seattle. He replied: "At last you've come across Tolle!" 😀

(End of the day, the measure of one's spirituality is one's practicality, so park-bench life is just an intermission!)

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