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Are there any good retreats in the north east?

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Posts: 1848
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Noble Member
Joined: 18 years ago

I have read so much about retreats but are there any in the North East of England. Has anyone ever been to one and can recommend?This year has been pretty bad for me health wise and I am suffering mentally and physically. I am fearful of everything and it is dibilating to say the least. It would be nice to spend a little time somewhere beautiful and caring, or does anyone think this could make you worse?Plus do these places cost a fortune?


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Posts: 10419
Illustrious Member
Joined: 21 years ago

RE: Are there any good retreats in the north east?

I don't live in the NE, Jeannie, so can't help there. It jsut occurred to me to say that on the subject of cost, the best ones would be free and not cost anything apart from the expenses incured by the people putting them on. These expenses are usually to do with hiring a place and paying for it. The best retreats of all, just IMHO, are those on gorunds already owned by the organisation / people / religion. They would then be basically free apart from the fact that small donations are welcome. At such a retreat you are assured that people really do have your welfare at stake, and that it is not a money-making endeavour at all.

Good luck in your search.

