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Advice needed please - too many things

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I need some advice please. I'm interested and involved in lots ofdifferent things, such as Spiritualism, Reiki, Reflexology, Tai Chi, and Buddhism. I feel like I'm a 'Jack of all trades' at the moment, and unable to focus on one area. There's just too much stuff that I'm into! I'm also married with 2 young girls, so life's pretty full.

Can you suggest a way I can simplify things and actually concentrate on 1 or 2 things only? My goal is to be able to be of the most help to all people and I just don't know what that might be [&o]I'm a qualified Reflexologist, I've just started to teach Tai Chi, I've done my Reiki I, I've been told I should join a development circle, and find the Buddhist way of life very appealing as well!! Please help - I'm soo confused.

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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

hi jaderabbit
sorry l can't give any advice but l just wanted to say that l do know how you feel in some ways. l am currently studying reflexology and l am so intreasted in doing more courses but l just don't haven't gotmuch time and l just want to be able to change my life and help others. hope everything works out for you, l am sure it all will.

black cat

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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Sometimes Jaderabbit it's easy to want to learn everything and get taken along the waves so to speak but it's equally, maybe much more important that you give yourself some me time ?
Maybe write out all you do a day/week and then put it in order of what you enjoy most - With Reiki you can be self treating whilst relaxing, so you can put this to the back burner maybe - unless you have to use it for income?
Development circles are great but it's another commitment & this present time. You are already admitting that you feel a 'jack of all trades', if you add something else maybe it may put you off more things than encourage you?

If it's your chosen path, it want dissapear on you - it will wait in the wings.

Enjoy your life and your family, send out your thoughts for assistance in the 'way forward & listen to your inner voice for the answer.


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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Hi Jade Rabbit,

You sound so much like a friend of mine, who wants to learn it all NOW. Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, but from observing my friend,I can see that she is spending so much energy rushing aroundwanting to learn everything, but is ending up by learning nothing.

I would suggest you get into a quiet inner space,and really listen to yourself, and what you want to do, or are most drawn to. Then make a decision to take one course on that subject, or read one book, and really make a commitment to yourself to channel your energy into exploring that particular thing. By slowing down, you will actually allow yourself to absorb the teaching, and enjoy it more,without feeling as if your energy is all over the place.

I really hope this helps,

Memphisx 🙂

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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Thanks for your responses guys.

black cat - good luck with the Reflexology. I know what you mean about trying to fit it all in. Like you, I just want to be able to help others.

Dedwydd / Memphis - this is really good advice, maybe I just need to slow down a bit.

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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Some great advice given so far.

I don't agree that if you are drawn to exploring many different things, you end up learning nothing. All this knowledge you are gaining, regardless of what others thing, you'll put to good use in time. Perhaps you've needed to explore all these things before embarking on something in particular and this has given you a foundation.

When the time is right you will find yourself naturally gravitating to whatever it is you're drawn to next. Trust yourself and all will be well.

Rosi x

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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Hi JadeRabbit

Like you I was interested in so many things I didn't know where to start first! I joined a development group and haven't looked back since. What seemed to be disorganised ideas and interests made sense once I started my development. For instance I have always been interested in american indians amongst other things. Thought this was what I should follow as an interest. It became clear one of my guides is a native american indian and that is why I was so interested in the topic. I havemore patience now since I started my development.
Hope you find the peace and direction you are looking for, but only you can decide the direction.

You matter. [sm=FIFangel.gif]


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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Hi there,

I remember that phase very well lol! It was like being on a roller-coaster. Everything was happening so fast and I wanted to do it all. And then one day it all came to a screeching halt and I felt devastated! I wondered if all the wonderful thingsI had read about/experienced/shared with others had been an illusion or figment of my imagination?

Then one day a very wise person told me that the quiet time was essential for absorbing all that I had learnt, discard what didn't resonate with me and to be discerning with my energy. A great lesson to learn!

So, you are at the early stage of the roller-coaster ride- lots to learn about and experience. The time will come when you won't feel like this and then you will feel lost. That's the time you integrate the information. Good luck!

Love and light



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RE: Advice needed please - too many things

Hi Jaderabbit,

Some good advice from everyone here. I would recommend some regular meditation. All that frenetic energy sounds a bit unfocused and ungrounded at the moment. By meditating, in whatever way appeals to you most, you are allowing your inner self and guides to talk to you clearly and giving your mind some free space. After a couple of weeks of that, I bet you'll know exactly what to do. The answers are always within!

Love and light,

