Hiya, i have a new totem animal, he is an amazing white tiger, very large and gentle, does anyone know please what white tiger means, and how is he different to the golden tiger? thanks
RE: White Tiger
Hi Angel Light
I do not know much about all animals but I would suggest you contact a good sharman that knows a lot about animals.
However there is a good book by Ted Andrews called 'Animal Speak' that offers some information about alll sorts of animals and the totems of them. Tiger is included.
I would be interested to see others replies too.
RE: White Tiger
I am currently studying Chinese Medical Qigong and a protection meditation that I am currently doing every day asks you to see a white tiger on your left side so it represents your Hun I think if I remember rightly but maybe if you do a check on that also.
But Shamism definitly as mention above
Best of luck with it would like to hear if you find out more
RE: White Tiger
Hey Angel,
The white Tiger really resonates with me too - they are majestic indeed. One of the most beautiful ways to figure out what it it means, is to ask what it says to you personally... this could be different to what it says to me... We are each unique.
I did come across a beautiful poem about white tiger animal medicine.
With Love