Where Have They Gon...
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Where Have They Gone?

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Hi All,

I logged onto the Shamanism page last night and was amazed to see that people have similar experiences to me.

What I wanted to ask was.....over recent months I've seen crows, seagulls, recently pigeons (yeah I know, they are everywhere), spiders of varying sizes, sometimes with webs and butterflys.

For a few weeks the butterflys I saw were the Peacock butterfly, and sometimes, if it was nice in the morning I would sit outside, have my morning coffee and watch between 2-3 peacock butterflys. Then, one started to sit on my knee, this happened about 4 times, then two sat on my knee, but that only happened the once. Now the butterfly's seem to be disappearing. I see the occasional white butterfly.

Also, at the beginning of the year I had a little (or rather a plump) robin that used to sit on our fence. I would see him when I looked outside the kitchen window. When I walked in he would turn to look at me. This went on for weeks. Ofcourse as summer progressed he disappeared, but I saw him twice last week, again sitting on the garden fence. I have dreamt of the robin and crows many times.

When the butterfly's came to me I acknowledged them, as I did with the robin.

The crows tend to be up on the roof of a house nearby. Sometimes there are quite a few, but it's usually just one solitary crow or on occasion two.

What I have seen are many dead birds, either outside our front door, on the path where I walk to town, or just seeing them by the road side. We were driving the other day and a bird literally flew at our windscreen, I gasped and it did a swift turnaround and flew away.

My reiki lady has told me that I have a Tiger guide, that comes to me when I'm in danger, but I have never yet seen it. Although I'm a 'Leo' I'm not really drawn to cats, I'm more of a doggy person, though I don't have one (hubby is asthmatic so can't have animals in the house).

Anyway, I'm feeling a little abandoned (that's nothing new for me), as I don't seem to have any spirit guides/animals/birds around anymore. They seem to have "died off". Is this normal? I realise that certain animal guides/spirts come into our lives to teach us something, and when an animal/bird dies it's because a certain part of us, is dying off too.

I was told recently that the "significance of the dead animals is that the old you is in the process of dying. Not the physical you but parts of your ego. You are in the dark night of the soul. This means that you have come to a point of your life that you don't know what you believe that you are uncertain regarding your beliefs. You are in the process of releasing what you need to let go of. You may cry and you do not know why you are crying. At times you may feel like you are having a nervous breakdown but you are not. I will keep you in my prayers. You will be OK!.

This is all so true, I feel I'm losing it, and havent quite found what I'm supposed to be doing. This is all kinda new to me. What I can say is I have always felt alone, I'm different, I don't fit in with the "norm", I'm a solitary figure. I'm trying to come to terms that it's ok to be who I am, but I'm not 100% certain of who I am yet (I'm 44), so you can imagine how confused this has been for me at times.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask, what's happened to all my birds/butterflys & spiders (which I believe are all 'Air')?

S'cuse my waffling, I'm not sure if any of that has made any sense or not? I'm just writing as it comes to me, in any order 😮

Whiteswan [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Where Have They Gone?

Hello WhiteSwan
"This is all so true, I feel I'm losing it, and havent quite found what I'm supposed to be doing. This is all kinda new to me. What I can say is I have always felt alone, I'm different, I don't fit in with the "norm", I'm a solitary figure. I'm trying to come to terms that it's ok to be who I am, but I'm not 100% certain of who I am yet (I'm 44), so you can imagine how confused this has been for me at times".

Iv'e been where you are now and your Not loseing it, your just evolving into the Butterfly getting ready to spread your wings, the animal are proberly still around, you have learn from them and now your moving forwards on your journey, when the times right, guidence will come once again. It's like at school each class has a teacher and each teacher has a lesson to give it's pupil......... we are always learning.
I'll be 48 years old soon and I still walking my journey, dont look on the outside to much as you miss what your heart is saying.
love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Where Have They Gone?

Hi Wendy,

Thanks so much for the advice, will keep that in mind. I do try to focus on the inside but I find my head becomes so overwhelmed with many thoughts, ideas, and I'm left wondering is this just my thought process, my subconcious coming through or something more spiritual.

I have been told by three wonderful ladies (from HP whom I've personally met) it is definitely spiritual but some of the messages coming to me, I'm not so sure, I dont quite believe it and why would I get an answer like that? then again, why would I make stuff up, wishfull thinking, where would it come from???

I'm trying to teach myself to distance myself/relax/mediate for a while just to give my mind time to relax and chill out, then I may be able to take more in and understand, be more receptive.

I had a conversation with my grandmother while I was in the bath last night, it was the only quiet place I could find, so I put on my candles, had aromatic oils in the bath and "spoke" to her. I'm still not 100% sure I wasnt making up the conversation. I mean, even though you ask for a specific spirt or name, how do you know that your head isnt just saying "yes" because that is what you want to hear?

Sorry to sound so evasive and negative, I'm trying to focus on the best and to accept that I am developing this gift, yet the analytical/logical side of my brain kicks in, and I doubt myself and my ability yet again.

I suppose this is normal too? I'm trying to just sit back, wait and see what happens, not chase or push anything, but my mind is just so active, it's as if I can't let it go, I want something to happen to "prove" what I've been thinking is actually true. I realise is wrong to do that, I cannot test the spirits, but I think I'm trying to test myself too because I'm not fully convinced yet.

Just as a general bit of information, I'm not sure if any of this is linked or not, but the other night while preparing for bed my husband and I heard a knock, coming from the area of my bedside cabinet (I've sent a post regarding this). Anyway, last night, we were in the sitting room (our sitting room is upstairs, then along the hallway you have the bathroom then our bedroom which is about 20 yds away from the livingroom). Anyhoo, we were watching tv, and we both saw a flash which showed up against the hallway-wall. I went in to check and the bulb had fused on my bedside table lamp. Ok, I can understand a bulb fusing, but it normally just goes off, I've never seem one flash before, and for it to flash so that both my husband and I could see it clearly on the hallway wall? I thought it a bit strange.

Are these coincidences?

Whiteswan [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Where Have They Gone?

Just relax when they really want to give you something ........they will and you'll know:D
You probely got so many question and feelings in your mind and maybe your abit over-loaded with excitement.
love and blessings

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RE: Where Have They Gone?

Dear Lightwinds

Does it really matter who you are...and who you have been. When we stand still and are able to look within and from within to look out at our accomplishments and achievments, nomatter how trivial they are. Then the answer will be given of who you are:)

Your ever so busy on here Sister

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RE: Where Have They Gone?

Ithar, "Does it really matter who you are...and who you have been". It could do too some people;),
I know Im spirit experiencing life with a overcoat on:D and when that overcoat comes off I will be my true self again, but hey in the mean time I like having fun on this earth and sharing my love, sister.:D
love and blessings
Wendy xxx
