I can't remember what this is called.But animals can mean things.Is it something to do with sharmanism,anaimal totems?
Anyway last saturday the 15th of January.I was out working with my dad.We were doing some forestry work cutting down trees.I was stood up watching my dad cut a tree down.A rabbit came out of nowhere from the left.It came within a couple of feet of me.It didn't have mixxie.It came from the left it hopped quite in its own time in a straight line(from left to right) in front of me eventally and went round my right shoulder and went off into the distance behind me?
So what could this mean?
RE: What does this mean?
Hi Dave19, Here is some info on the rabbit, hope it helps.
Love and light
Rosi X
The Rabbit
There are two dozen species of Cottontails in the United States, all with similar characteristics. Rabbits are vegetarians eating the inner bark of saplings and shrubs as well as leaves and fruit. They provide a perfect illustration of Nature's balance. Their rapid rate of reproduction is countered by the fact that almost every predatory animal eats them. Cottontail rabbits are quite timid, never venturing too far from the safety of their warrens. Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle with ourselves in all situations.
The rabbit is often associated with fear because of the nervous energy it expends. They move suddenly and unpredictably. They hop and leap through life asking those with this totem to pay attention to their personal movement. Growth is assured if one is moving in balance with what is in their life. If they are moving to fast or to slow an imbalance occurs and growth is stifled.
Rabbits are most visible during dawn and dusk. The sun rising and setting from horizon to horizon holds an air of mystique about it. It is a time when the invisible becomes visible and nature spirits are more pronounced. Because the rabbit and the fairy realms are active during the same time of day it has a strong connection with the magic and mystery of other worlds. To enter this world all that is required is a leap of faith.
Sensitive with keen observation skills, the rabbit has strong reflexes that help them dash to safety quickly protecting themselves from danger. They can be seen, disappear and reappear in the twinkling of an eye. Fast, agile and clever they hold the teachings of spontaneous decisive movement. Always knowing which direction to go and when. When rabbit appears it is enabling you to take advantage of opportunities that may only present themselves for brief moments.
Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where all of our personal fears lie. When the rabbit appears it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. Do you keep dashing for the safety of your old patterns every time something new or challenging presents itself? If so the rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. Accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.
RE: What does this mean?
What a great answer Rosi1!
Did you come up with this intuitively?
Or, direct and rude question I really wanted to ask, [sm=nuts.gif], is it from a book?
RE: What does this mean?
Thanks for all the information Rosi1.
RE: What does this mean?
Hi Sue, No, I took the info from a brilliant animal symbology site. In this shamanism forum, go to the very first topic which is pinned to the top, Animal Totems and there will be a list of sites with animal information.
Here is the site the info I took was from. A great site with lots of animals alphabetically mentioned.
[DLMURL] http://www.sayahda.com/cyc4.html [/DLMURL]
Love and light
Rosi X