Hello !
I recently purchased a some Wanga dolls from CAA. Has anybody got any positive or negative experiences with those ?
I have to add that I did not get them to do harm.
I am a bit skeptik but hopeful, if you understand what I mean..so I would love to hear from you guys.
How to you make "friends" with your wanga doll ?
Does it work ?
How soon ?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance !
Message for 1212,
Did you receive results from the wanga dolls you ordered from CAA?
I bought wanga dolls from Calastrology.
First i bought two ... now i have six of them.
All i can say that, be wery careful with them,.. show them respect.
Offer them sometimes some fruits, sweets and incence.
Dont eat what you offered, throw it in the sea or dig it in the ground.
Candels are fine. Wangas are alive at nights. They work for you when you sleep.
It took over one year for me before i could say that i have contact with them
and they are fullfilling my wishes according to my karma.
(you cannot get everything you know!)
I am a very lonely person but still not antisocial and i dont like to be weird.
Wangas are now my frends and i can feel their power.
They are nice and lovely!
Wangas powers comes from the ultimate source (god) there is no satanism included in them.