Tree Energy
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Tree Energy

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Has anyone got any story to tellthat theyhave may have learned from the wisdom of the trees?

love and blessings
Wendy x

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RE: Tree Energy

Hi lightwinds from windynights

Sorry but I hav'nt learnt from trees but I did a course at a fantastic place near welshpool called 'Peacehaven'. Its on the web.
Anyway there is a 'special' piece of the grounds surrounded by seven (I think) trees. The feeling in that place is amazing I have never felt anything like it. Sort of between joy but nearly in tears at the same time if that makes sense. You feel like you could sit there for ever. If you get the chance visit you won't be disappointed.

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RE: Tree Energy

Hi Lightwinds, last year over the Festival of Beltane I went on a day talking about tree energies, during the afternoon we went for a walk in a valley with a variety of trees.

The speaker asked us to quietly stand fairly close to the trees, and move towards and away from them to see if we could recognise the energies, I was fully amazed at how easy that was and at how easy it was to feel the increase inenergy by differing the distance between myself and the tree.(Different treesgave different energy at different distances too!!) Then she asked us to each talk about how we felt or how we interpreted the energy of the different trees, I felt learning and wisdom from one, brightness and joy in another, peace and calm in another. We thanked the trees and ended the day by decorating an apple tree and giving water to that tree too.

Even now whilst writing this Ifeel such wonderin thevariety of energy that can be felt if we stop and approach nature in this way. Wonderful isn't it.

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RE: Tree Energy

There's this beautiful yew tree in the forest where I regularly walk. It almost splits into two, and if you can imagine one half being a little taller and its branch around the shorter part of the tree, it is so representative of him and her, ying and yang. Like a man with his arm around a woman.

I am going to make an elixir from it, as it represents perfect balance between the masculine and female aspects of ourselves.

A very special tree indeed.

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RE: Tree Energy

I remember as kids, just before bonfire night we would " timber ",Silver Birch trees. It was a very special skill but you had to be a kid to understand the logic.......We would select the tree, ( usually the tallest ) climb to the top of the tree....start swinging the tree from side to side until the momentum was considered enough......then throw yourself off, letting your weight pull the tree down and break the tree at it's base......our bonfires were massive, with camps in the middle of them. These bonfires with birch tree cores burned very well and were guarded by us kids.....and on bonfire night, fireworks, baked potatoes and apples were the order of the day......we knew birch trees grew quickly and helped regeneration.....even as kids



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RE: Tree Energy

Not wanting to disappoint anyone but,
All parts of a yew tree are poisonous to humans
with the exception of the very small red flesh covering of the seed.
I have professional qualifications in this matter,
so please take heed of this warning.
Look this up for yourself so you know the truth of it,
and do not ingest any part of the yew tree.

Sorry to have to say this and spoil things,
but knowing what I do, I don't feel comfortable
in not saying anything.

As a story I will share this journey I had a year or so ago.

I was on a journey and visited an old oak tree nearby.
This tree is at least 800 years old, and probably even older.
As I was sitting watching the tree, the tree began dancing
and took on the characteristics of an old woman/tree
(like the Ents in Lord of the Rings?).
She invited me to dance too, and so I joined in,
not too vigorously because she was very, very old,
mainly moving her arms/upper branches.
She asked if I had children,to which I said yes,
and asked had she.
She replied by saying to look around, which I did,
and looked at miles of wooded field boundaries.
She said that all the oak trees were her children,
then asked where were mine?
I said that 3 still lived with us, but that
5 had left, and were now parents themselves.
She asked if they still needed me, to which I asked
did her many children still need her?
She said that they (her children) were settled
with their own roots, and their progress
was in their own hands now, there was nothing more she could do for
Then said that my childrens progress was also in their own hands
and to "let them get on with it".
I had to concern myself with me at this time, go my own way
and do things because I needed to, and not to leave things undone
because the 'kids' might need ......... instead.

So I stopped trying to help (synonym for interfere albeit with the best motives)
and let them get on learning their own way.

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RE: Tree Energy

Not wanting to disappoint anyone but,
All parts of a yew tree are poisonous to humans
with the exception of the very small red flesh covering of the seed.
I have professional qualifications in this matter,
so please take heed of this warning.
Look this up for yourself so you know the truth of it,
and do not ingest any part of the yew tree.

Sorry to have to say this and spoil things,
but knowing what I do, I don't feel comfortable
in not saying anything.

Thanks for the warning, but I wasn't intending to put any of the tree parts in the water when making the elixir, I will be placing the cup with water on one of its branches, so there are no ingredients going into the actual water.

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RE: Tree Energy

hi everyone, thankyou for sharing your tree storys and the warning a yew tree stickwhisle, I will pop back to this thread tomorrow as been very busy with a 40th birthday party that was saturday just gone, but had great time and also had family staying, one more to leaves tomorrow;):D
wendy xxx

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RE: Tree Energy

I love the tale of the oak tree. Thank you for sharing it with us

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RE: Tree Energy

I love the story too, thankyou.
I hope peope will keep loving the trees instead of distoying them, our future depends on them.
love and blessings
Wendy xx

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RE: Tree Energy

Hi, new to this forum and looking through some old posts.

I spent some time a while ago getting to know local trees, see below notes made back then. I've got to know a few more since but the notes are all in a book and not typed up yet. You may find after connecting with your own local trees that they mean different things to you than they do to others.

[link= ][/link]


I approached the Hawthorn, and there being no deadwood laying, made my intention known to the tree and cut the stick. There was unease within me. Che (‘our’ dog) runs away. I had learnt that it is wise to build a closer relationship before requesting of the trees. Huath does not suffer fools gladly. It is generally named and known by its berries, flowers and thorns, but these are somewhat superficial and going beyond these I find a strong heart, a toughness of spirit that will endure extremes. The lesson is to look beyond the initial impression. Not to grasp at what I first see, but to look within things – and within myself. Turning again to the flowers, they have a gentle softness. The pure, white, simplicity is perfectly set on a comfort of deep green hands. They show that Huath has many sides to its personality.


I sit within willow, I feel a stillness that is full of life, full of power. I notice the intricate variety of all that I see and hear. The birds singing, chirping, chipping, warbling, etc etc etc…the variety of greens, the variety of plant shapes, from the boldness of a tree’s outline, to the veins in a leaf and the hairs on a stem. For me, I feel a strong link to willow and through willow to all that is around and beyond, as if it is a door or a vehicle with which to reach the spiritual realm. Willow is calm, serene, at ease, and yet immensely powerful, and willing to share. When I journey I will travel with the protection of Willow, we will walk the path together.


It is the last day of May, it smells like summer. My awareness of oak has been growing, growing slowly, as slowly as the tree grows!?! I am learning to grow my awareness at a slower pace, I should not rush. Although the Oak is considered the King of Trees, it considers itself equal to all others, be they oaks or not. All trees are equal and should be treated as such by us. Oak is strength, determination, but it is also a big friend to many and a link with all trees. It is not the king of trees because it is above other trees, but because it represents them. Through the Oak you can connect with all trees.


Ash is happy to be an individual, it stands alone in the field and alone at its edge. Upright, yet relaxed, as if in standing meditation, reaching to the sky yet reaching towards the earth, calmly being with the element of air. Elegant, but not stark or plain, it is a graceful tree. It does not hide within an ego of leaves. It is open and honest, unassuming, just getting on with life. It represents calm, quiet contentment, acceptance of who we are and the avoidance of paraphernalia and ego that may distract us or hide who we really are.


I stop at a holly that has just been hedgethrashed, I feel the tree trying to heal itself. Further on I meet another, uninjured now, but it had been hedgecut in the past and as a result it grows more dense and defensive. Holly does not get prickly for no reason, high up there are less, low down there are more, and where it is hedged more still. The simplicity within is defended by the prickles without. It is not trying for attenti

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RE: Tree Energy


A short story,

I held an oakleaf just plucked from the tree (with permission)between both palms of my hands and asked for strength. Pottered about my day then thoughts popped in as they do. I started realising what a position of strength I was in at the time, as I had been feeling quite weak, and also what personal strengths I had,as had been having esteem issues.
I realised the Oak Leaf/intuition were answering my request.

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RE: Tree Energy

thanks binz, for sharing your descriptive feelings for our, fast declining treelines.....

I love the energy of trees. Just to walk amongst them is enlivening......there is nothing better than a forest ramble.

I have just built a radial wall around an ancient Holly tree..... Everyday ,I could feel its energy touching me,....reaching me protection. This being the month of Holly, and the beginning of the waning year, I believe it's energy to be especially potent.

Oakapple xx

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RE: Tree Energy

Here's my tree story:

Have recently moved in with my boyfriend, into his mums house. I have been feeling a bit as though I don't fit in - as I am quite different to them and not a blood relative etc- and I'm never sure whether I'm completely wlecome here.

I was in the back garden the other night, thinking things like the above when I went over to the Rowan tree in the corner of the garden. I've been trying to communicate with it for a while, but nothing was really happening. But, just as I turned away to walk back into the house I felt as though it was telling me to stop.

Then I 'heard' in my mind the words 'you are welcome here. The people here (my boyfriend and his mum) love you and want you to be here. You are in the right place and are meant to be here.' I felt the 'words' ring true, and realised that I truly am welcome here.

It was such a gift!


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RE: Tree Energy

Quotations I have collected, i don't know if I have picked these up from Healthy Pages, or elsewhere, but hope you like them

Lessons from Trees ( I don't know who wrote this)1. It's important to have roots.
2. In today's complex world, it pays to branch out.
3. If you really believe in something, don't be afraid to go out on a limb.
4. Be flexible so you don't break when a harsh wind blows.
5. Sometimes you have to shed your old bark in order to grow.
6. If you want to maintain accurate records, keep a log.
7. It's okay to be a late bloomer.
8. Avoid people who would like to cut you down.
9. As you approach the autumn of your life, you will show your true colors.
10. You could be Brilliant! in other words "bloom where you are planted
